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episode2011 03-19-2015 08:31 AM

Glad to know it's not just me getting booted off Fitday today. Annoying!

Beth: Thanks for the info on rice. Yams, too (I actually do really like them, plain with no butter, even).

Lisa: Hope the nap helped quell the cravings.

Debbie: I absolutely agree that using the average is a good thing.

Bea: You said, "Well it's a new day and I am feeling motivated. I plan to make it successful!" That's the spirit! I hope things are going smoothly for you!

LHall1965 03-19-2015 11:34 AM

Hello everyone. So glad to see everyone is so motivated this week. I enjoy reading thru the posts and learn so much- thanks everyone :)

Lisa- you are doing great and learning what works for you. Stick with it and you will notice that you will feel full longer or want less each time you eat. It has taken me a long time to learn to listen to what my body actually needs and not what I want. It still sneaks up on me when I go too long and let myself get hungry - then I want to eat everything to feel full.

Bea- I don't miss shoveling. We have had a lot of that this winter. Looking for some Spring soon so I can get outside to walk.

Epixi - I will have to try you suggestion on the eggs. I purchased a product over the weekend that you actually crack the egg into these individual plastic egg shaped cups and then boil them. They float on top the boiling water but the egg came out flat on top and they were very hard to clean. Good if you are chopping the eggs - I will try it one more time and spray the cup with Pam. I might make colored eggs and try your suggestion for those.

Debbie- schedules can really have an effect. If I stay in my routine I do well, but the weekends I still struggle. I am thinking of logging only my foods Mon- Fri and just keep within moderation on the weekends. They just get so hectic and with summer coming I don't want to spend time inside.

Beth - good idea about the starchy carbs. For dinner, I have been trying to eat double serving of veg and not a starch.

Tomorrow is weigh in day so will try to be extra motivated today - going to have my homemade veggie soup for supper - very filling and low cal.

AZLisaLou 03-19-2015 02:25 PM

Going down the walk of shame. I ate ice cream. 3 scoops!!! :eek: mini binge. I was doing great all day, but Jeff said to get the kids ice cream while I was out tonight. Turns out none of the kids wanted any, but then I already had my mind set on some. Should have done like my kids and just said no. It was my only major slip up this week (I think, if I remember right), so I'm still doing way better than I had been in the previous months.

It's been much easier on me this week not having snacks in the house. I know my family wants them, but it's me who eats most of them when they're in the pantry. I'm going to stop buying them each week, at least until the family rebels against me.

Hoping, praying, planning, for a good weekend coming up.

AZLisaLou 03-19-2015 07:55 PM

My hoping, planning and praying didn't go very far. Relapse disaster tonight. Time for a regroup tomorrow.

simplybea 03-20-2015 02:41 AM

Hi Everyone!!

It's Friday! (though it doesn't mean much for me this weekend) I work tomorrow and Sunday- and Sunday's shift is a double cause one of the supervisors quit, so I am in from open to close (I'm already sympathising with my feet :D

I am back to the daily weighins, because it is a daily reminder of accountability. I do believe everything in life is a lesson, and if we fail to learn it, we are destined to repeat it. As in... losing the same DAMN 15 pounds 3 times over!

Lesson learned! There is no "EARNING" bad choices. Whether I lose a pound or gain 20, junk food or binging will have the same negative affect on my body. I will never earn the right to set myself up for failure..........

On a good day, I would never consider a set up to fail as desirable, soo it is even less desirable on a bad day

Onward and upward (or downward) - I've got this!!

episode2011 03-20-2015 03:08 AM

Hey folks, hold the wagon for a moment -- our buddy Lisa needs to get back on! Here, Lisa, take our hands and will pull you back up :).

Do your best not to let one night's activities put a damper on your week. Your goal this week was to battle the binge monster and you've done spectacularly well. Try to look at your trend for the week as a whole.


My Strategy for the Week (March 16 - March 22):
  • 7-day Rolling Average calories = 1200-1300: 1200, 1210, 1218, 1208
  • 7-day Rolling Average water/tea, minimum 1500mL: 3423, 3417, 3417, 3556
  • 7-day Rolling Average sodium = 1000-1500: 1118, 1012, 1001, 978
  • Extra Credit -- 7-day Rolling Average Sat-Fat = under 15g: 14, 14, 14, 14
  • Extra Credit -- 7-day Rolling Average Fiber = 15g or greater: 15, 15, 16, 16
  • Extra Credit -- 7-day Rolling Average Protein = 50-75g: 56, 56, 56, 57
  • Explore! Try something new or do some nutrition-related research at least 2 times:
    • Tuesday: Did some research on sat-fat
    • Thursday: Did more research on stevia (been using it for the last month or so) and on carbs. Will probably tweak the strategy next week as a result (keeping the stevia, dropping, but not eliminating, the carbs).
Had a wild water day yesterday. I don't know what got hold of me, but at about 6pm, I realized that I'd already gotten in my typical amount of water/tea for the day. Since there was still lots more night left, I figured what the heck? Let's do it! So I downed another bottle of water and another 16oz mug of tea (not at the same time :D). Total nearly 5000mL in one day. That's a record for me. I'm surprised I wasn't up all night :D.

Calories were low yesterday, thus my average for the week slipped. Still over 1200 but just barely. I'll have to ramp things up today to keep it there. Problem was, I realized I was low on calories at about 7pm and needed to make a decision:continue eating just to bump up the calorie count? Or pay attention to my body, which was saying "you're not hungry". I chose to heed my body's signals and had a small snack at 10 (when I did feel hungry), which was just enough.

I don't know if it's just coincidence (I assume it is) but the scale settled back down this morning. Bodies are strange, strange creatures. Well, at least mine is...

AZLisaLou 03-20-2015 03:16 AM

Lynda, thanks for the encouragement!!!

Epi, Thanks for the lift up on the wagon with the rest of you!

Bea, I know it's been super frustrating for you to lose the same weight repeatedly (I'm in the same boat!!!), but I think you got it this time. I'm guessing we're going to see some good results coming your way!

I just ate and I'm starving. Simply famished. ugh. It's going to be a long day. :(

episode2011 03-20-2015 03:19 AM

Bea: I'm a daily weigher, too. I know it's not the right thing for many, but I find it works better for me. If things are going to get out of hand, I want to know about it immediately. I accept that there are going to be daily fluctuations (although the pound and a half overnight did frustrate me), but I'd rather know right NOW than to think I've done well and get hit with a nasty surprise at the end of 7 days.

Also, when I don't weigh daily, it becomes once a week, then once a month, then maybe once a year (and that's only because doctors' offices insist on it). And the weight piles back on. Been there, done that, got the tee shirt -- in all different sizes :rolleyes:.

Each person has to do what's right for her/him. Daily is good for me.

rainbow24 03-20-2015 03:36 AM

If I don't weigh daily, I can't see my mistakes. I know that sounds bad, but if I take in too much salt as in a slice of ham or a snack involving cottage cheese, I can gain as much as 5 lbs in one night. If I don't see it in the morning weigh, I will blissfully do this for days without thinking. After all, my mom raised me to believe that cottage cheese is a diet food.

If I only had to look after me, there would be no ham or cottage cheese in my fridge.

Okay, today is my last day of forced walking on the farm. That also means it is the last day of confused eating.

I won't have time to post tomorrow because I leave my house at 7 am, in costume. I'll probably run through a McDonald's drive through for black coffee and an egg McMuffin. Gotta do it because breakfast has to be on the road and needs to have an egg for protein.

For lunch, I'm planning on packing a wedge of Swiss cheese, a piece of cooked fish, a homemade biscuit, and an apple.

For dinner, which is pot luck, I am bringing a vegetable soup with dried beans as the protein source. I should make a small loaf for myself as well. I don't do well at potlucks because of cross contamination. Probably more so with the ancient grains.

I will have some emergency (safe) granola bars in my van. Along with a decent supply of water.

I hope to post pictures on my website after the event.

AZLisaLou 03-20-2015 04:35 AM

Great News! I just confirmed on the phone that my Medicare Part B through my disability benefits will be starting April 1st. That means I will be able to FINALLY get back into therapy! I've got a whole list of mental illness problems to work on, but I really really want to start off by focusing on my eating issues. I think a lot of my problems go hand in hand, and when working on one, I'll be in turn working on the others.


episode2011 03-20-2015 09:22 AM

Hehe Annette: You must be my long-lost sister or our moms were cousins, or something. My mother also drilled it in my head that cottage cheese was diet food (seriously, you mean it's not??? :eek:). Maybe that's why I can't stand the stuff to this day.

Since you're packing a lunch AND since breakfast must be on the road AND since breakfast must include an egg, could you possibly boil and peel some eggs tonight and throw them in your bag tomorrow morning? Good for you for bringing the soup for the potluck. That way, YOU can control the ingredients and you'll also know there's at least one thing you can eat and still be true to yourself. Soup is filling, too.

Lisa: Fantastic news!!! Woohoo, we're all doing the happydance for you! I know it's been tough for you recently, but you've been strong and you've hung in there. You should be very proud of yourself!

AZLisaLou 03-20-2015 01:09 PM

My will to keep trying is being shot to pieces. I was told this morning that my Medicare Part B was going to start April 1st, and then this afternoon they called and told me I can't get in until General Enrollment July 1st. I'm just devastated. I'm not doing well on my own and was really really really looking forward to getting some professional help. Doesn't look like that's going to happen now for quite some time.

And I gained weight this week. I know I said I was focusing on changing my choices before worrying as much about the numbers, but I really thought I was going to at least maintain.

Double whammy today. :( I think I'm going to go to bed early and call it a day.

episode2011 03-20-2015 04:04 PM

I'm so sorry to hear about the delay, Lisa. What a disappointment, especially after you've waited so long.

episode2011 03-21-2015 02:37 AM

Good morning, party people! It's the weekend!

I imagine the board has been quiet because of the repeated log-offs. This is getting highly annoying. This is my second attempt to post this post. If Fitday doesn't do something to solve this soon, people may just give up on the site.


My Strategy for the Week (March 16 - March 22):
  • 7-day Rolling Average calories = 1200-1300: 1200, 1210, 1218, 1208, 1238
  • 7-day Rolling Average water/tea, minimum 1500mL: 3423, 3417, 3417, 3556, 3623
  • 7-day Rolling Average sodium = 1000-1500: 1118, 1012, 1001, 978, 1029
  • Extra Credit -- 7-day Rolling Average Sat-Fat = under 15g: 14, 14, 14, 14, 15 <---whoops
  • Extra Credit -- 7-day Rolling Average Fiber = 15g or greater: 15, 15, 16, 16, 15 <--- wrong way
  • Extra Credit -- 7-day Rolling Average Protein = 50-75g: 56, 56, 56, 57, 58
  • Explore! Try something new or do some nutrition-related research at least 2 times:
    • Tuesday: Did some research on sat-fat
    • Thursday: Did more research on stevia (been using it for the last month or so) and on carbs. Will probably tweak the strategy next week as a result (keeping the stevia, dropping, but not eliminating, the carbs).
    • Friday: Did some research on what differentiates Greek yogurt from regular yogurt and also the process by which yogurts are made.
My challenge for today is to finally try that Greek yogurt I bought last week. Frankly, I'm not looking forward to it. I don't like sour/tangy things and I have a feeling that's where Greek yogurt fits on the spectrum of tastes. I don't do cheese, I don't do sour cream (sour = spoiled, doesn't it?), I don't do anything with curds (looking at you, cottage cheese), and nothing fermented (sounds like a polite way of saying "rotten"). Based on what I read about yogurt and Greek yogurt, it doesn't look likely that I'll like it.

I know it's partially a psychological block, but I'm worried that it'll make me gag. I tried regular yogurt once waaaaay back in middle school (all the popular girls ate yogurt, it was the "in" thing, and since I desperately wanted to be one of the popular girls...) and found it to be simply DREADFUL. Yet, I know millions, if not billions, of people adore the stuff. I just don't think I'll be one of them.

But, in the spirit of adventure and expanding horizons, I'm going to give it a go this afternoon. Or at least that's the plan right now. Wish me luck!

Built 03-21-2015 03:07 AM

Epixi-I hear you on the log offs! I sent a message to fitday admin. Hopefully, they will address the issue soon.

Lisa-my heart goes out to you girl! I've had issues with depression, off & on, through the years and it can be tough. But the more you share with supportive people, the better (until you can get in for some one-on-one). There is a free website called happify. I know it sounds silly, but it does give some great suggestions. Of course, exercise helps too, as does watching sugar intake. One day at a time.

This has been a good week all in all. I'm pretty much focusing on behavior rather than results since that's what gets me where I want to go.

Flossing: 5/7 nights - improvement
Veggies: averaging 4/day - improvement
Fruits: thumbs up
exercise: thumbs up (when you work in a gym, there's no excuse)
Yoga: will hit 2 sessions as soon as I log off
Logging data: thumbs up
Forum: would be more improved if fitday had issues corrected, but still considering I haven't been participating a months, better.
Clothes feel better

There was a lady on here a few years back, Cassie, whose signature line read "IF YOU DROP AN EGG, YOU DON'T THROW THE REMAINING 11 FROM THE CARTON." All or nothing thinking is a set up for failure. I occasionally need to remember that. Life is too short to give up or beat up on yourself.

I get one & 1/2 days off per week, so I'm going to log off and enjoy the down time puttering. :) Have a good weekend everyone!

episode2011 03-21-2015 09:25 AM

Beth: Nice work this week! Hope you've enjoyed (are enjoying) your time off.

As for me, I got up the nerve to go try that Greek yogurt. I was at the sink (in case things went bad) and had a bottle of water at my side. I steeled myself and slowly peeled back the lid.

Things went downhill from there BUT not for the reasons you might think.

When I peeked inside, there was some sort of pale yellow fluid on top of the yogurt. Given that this is essentially my first exposure to yogurt, I wasn't sure if the liquid was supposed to be there or not. Maybe the stuff just needed a good stirring. Something, however, told me to check the expiration date. Sure enough: March 14. This stuff was a solid week past due. Ew. Of course, out it went, without a taste.

The most troubling thing is, I think I bought it on March 14. Shouldn't it have a longer shelf-life? Or did the supermarket goof?

In any event, I tried to try yogurt and that counts for something, right? To use Lisa's phrase, it's a win in my book.

Built 03-21-2015 09:40 AM

:D Yep, Epixi, its a win!

episode2011 03-21-2015 04:37 PM

It's late and I doubt I'm going to eat any more tonight (I better not!), so I may as well update now.

My Strategy for the Week (March 16 - March 22):
  • 7-day Rolling Average calories = 1200-1300: 1200, 1210, 1218, 1208, 1238, 1243
  • 7-day Rolling Average water/tea, minimum 1500mL: 3423, 3417, 3417, 3556, 3623, 3691
  • 7-day Rolling Average sodium = 1000-1500: 1118, 1012, 1001, 978, 1029, 1068
  • Extra Credit -- 7-day Rolling Average Sat-Fat = under 15g: 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15 <---2 days in a row, not good
  • Extra Credit -- 7-day Rolling Average Fiber = 15g or greater: 15, 15, 16, 16, 15, 16
  • Extra Credit -- 7-day Rolling Average Protein = 50-75g: 56, 56, 56, 57, 58, 57
  • Explore! Try something new or do some nutrition-related research at least 2 times:
    • Tuesday: Did some research on sat-fat
    • Thursday: Did more research on stevia (been using it for the last month or so) and on carbs. Will probably tweak the strategy next week as a result (keeping the stevia, dropping, but not eliminating, the carbs).
    • Friday: Did some research on what differentiates Greek yogurt from regular yogurt and also the process by which yogurts are made.
    • Saturday: Tried to try the Greek yogurt but it was past its expiration date, so I couldn't. But I tried to try :).

rainbow24 03-22-2015 03:31 AM

Steeped in history and historical facts. I learned that when there was no fuel to burn for cooking, they probably used goat dung. Imagine open air cooking with that to flavour your food.

On that note, I was second choice for best potluck offering. Or rather the most authentic. I made a soup with lima bean (supposed to be fava beans), carrots, onion, parsnip, tomato, celery, vinegar soaked garlic, rosemary and pepper. Oh and instead of a more modern day rice or pasta, I put in whole oats.

I spent most of my day asking questions, mostly about necklaces. Every Viking seems to wear them. At the end of the day, I got one of my own. It was a gift from the Baron and Baroness.
I also got some wonderful inspiration for future novels.

Most impressive though is that the mead was not brought out till the evening meal. These people were serious all day and about getting the work and duties done, then just as in a Viking community, they spent the evening hours regaling one another on the victors of battles past. You could just about put yourself in the past with the rustic interior, a chill running through the walls, and the sturdy wooden tables with plain worn benches for seating.

I didn't take near enough pictures, but I was constantly afraid to ruin the whole thing with the flash of my camera.

With all the walking (all within barns so I couldn't track it) and eating like a Viking, I lost 3 lbs. Although I know I was retaining water big time yesterday.

episode2011 03-22-2015 10:25 AM

Annette: Sounds like a blast! I love going to immersion-based events, be they living history museums or Renaissance faires or whatever. Congrats on getting 2nd place for your soup. Sounds delicious (I'm assuming you cooked it with modern-day fuel)! Is that a recipe you've made before?

And, with regard to the 3-pound loss, yippee! Water or not, a loss is a loss, and a 3-pound loss is a BIG loss, so booyah :D!

episode2011 03-22-2015 10:33 AM

Something I was thinking about. Not sure if this will work for everyone, but it has saved me a bit of frustration over the last few days, so thought I'd share. You know how Fitday has been consistently logging us off when we try to post? It's particularly annoying when you've written a big post (as I tend to do, sorry :o) and it gets destroyed.

What I've been doing for the past few days is to compose my post, then copy it BEFORE hitting Preview or Submit. That way, if (pfft, who are we kidding, WHEN) I get booted off, all I have to do is log back in, open the Reply window and paste my post back in. Voila, all set.

It's a workaround, yes (and I honestly hate having to use workarounds -- things should simply work properly), but it may save a few tears of rage until the problem is fixed.

Built 03-22-2015 12:00 PM

Thumbs up, Epixi, on the copying posts before posting! Saves much frustration.

Built 03-22-2015 12:04 PM

Wonderful Annette-everyone should have something in their life they're passionate about! Congrats on the soup!

episode2011 03-23-2015 04:10 AM

And finishing up the week's activities...

My Strategy for the Week (March 16 - March 22):
  • 7-day Rolling Average calories = 1200-1300: 1200, 1210, 1218, 1208, 1238, 1243, 1204
  • 7-day Rolling Average water/tea, minimum 1500mL: 3423, 3417, 3417, 3556, 3623, 3691, 3758
  • 7-day Rolling Average sodium = 1000-1500: 1118, 1012, 1001, 978, 1029, 1068, 1106
  • Extra Credit -- 7-day Rolling Average Sat-Fat = under 15g: 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15 <---3 days in a row *sigh*
  • Extra Credit -- 7-day Rolling Average Fiber = 15g or greater: 15, 15, 16, 16, 15, 16, 15 <--- barely hanging on
  • Extra Credit -- 7-day Rolling Average Protein = 50-75g: 56, 56, 56, 57, 58, 57, 58 <--- up 2 since the beginning of the week -- progress!
  • Explore! Try something new or do some nutrition-related research at least 2 times:
    • Tuesday: Did some research on sat-fat
    • Thursday: Did more research on stevia (been using it for the last month or so) and on carbs. Will probably tweak the strategy next week as a result (keeping the stevia, dropping, but not eliminating, the carbs).
    • Friday: Did some research on what differentiates Greek yogurt from regular yogurt and also the process by which yogurts are made.
    • Saturday: Tried to try the Greek yogurt but it was past its expiration date, so I couldn't. But I tried to try :).
All in all, not a bad nutritional week. Could have been better. Could have been MUCH worse.

rinnnatajacc14 04-18-2015 03:46 AM

These posts provide me valuable information on health issues. I don’t have any knowledge about this topic. You should contact the expert. I am sorry for that.

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