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taubele 09-14-2014 11:39 PM

Motivational Thread, September 15th - September 21st! All aboard!
Hi all! I'm sick, so I'm making my goals short and sweet. Hopefully I don't get hit with a sodium bomb this week, because I'm sure soup will be involved, but I'm trying. The illness is in my chest (lots of coughing) so I'm hoping it doesn't become a bronchial infection!

1) Rest and recuperate
2) Calories below 1500 daily
3) Eat mindfully when I do eat
4) Workout if I'm feeling better
5) Keep meals balanced - dinner is 600 calories or less

canary52 09-15-2014 12:47 AM

Awwww, Terri, so sorry to hear you are sick. Get well ASAP!!! Don't worry about the sodium (unless you have high bp) have the soup!!!!

1) keep yeast free diet
2) walk 3x
3) keep up the good work at work
4) be grateful
5) don't be like a little doggie gnawing on a bone, let go

taubele 09-15-2014 01:25 AM

Hi Debbie! I did join!!! DH was grumping about taking my picture, but I did it. I'm not sure if I'll make the goal and might be out 30 bucks, but I'll try :) 4% of my weight is 7.2 lbs. in a month, which is a tall order for me, but maybe I can do it if I lose a lot of water/sodium weight after I get over this chest cold :)

taubele 09-15-2014 05:56 AM

Hi Debbie - it seems to have worked! I'm still getting used to navigating that site, but yes! Let's kick these colds to the curb!

beccafries 09-15-2014 09:58 AM

Hi Ladies, I'm back from Sin City :D

JediMindTricks 09-15-2014 01:17 PM

Terri and Debbie, what are you participating in together? Sorry you two are sick! Hope you both feel better quickly.

Becca, Hope you had a great time on your trip!

I'm still doing terribly, but I always have hope I can turn this around. Feeling along the walls blindly for the light switch to flip in my head.

JediMindTricks 09-15-2014 06:48 PM

1 step forward and 2 steps back. I wanted a large chocolate shake so badly today. I almost gave in to the urge, but I managed to refrain. (win!) But then I made brownies. (fail:() I don't know how many calories the brownies are since I haven't calculated the recipe yet, but I know they can't be more than an 850 calorie large chocolate shake from McD's. So I had 2 brownies (another fail) and I ended my night on a good note with a nutritious atkins w/ milk.

**Update. I horrifyingly calculated the calories on the brownies. Not pretty. I tracked my calories just now for the first time in probably 2 months and it was shocking.

I need food rehab. :(

JediMindTricks 09-15-2014 08:15 PM

Another Update: I went back and added some things to my log from Monday that I forgot I ate, such as the entire sleeve of Ritz crackers and I don't want to admit what else.

It was a real eye opener. I'm going to be back at my original weight (again) if I don't change this now. Why do I keep sabotaging myself? I know what I need to do. As soon as I get to some big goal I stop working at it and then gain everything back and start over. What is going on in that brain of mine?? Is it as simple as the fact that I like eating too much to stop? Or is there something more lying under the surface? I just don't know.

My goal for tomorrow is to stick to the food I have planned. It's still over what I had been doing on calories to lose, but I think it is at least a 'maintain' level. I'm allowing myself 1 bagel, and we're having roasted potatoes and carrots with a beef roast for dinner. The veggies will have a lot of olive oil on them. Maybe I could lay mine on a paper towel and drain the oil before I eat them. I'm going to try to stick to 1 cup of potatoes (which isn't a lot since chopped potatoes take up more space than mashed). I don't know how much oil to calculate. I usually put about 1/3 c in with all the potatoes, carrots and onions, and when I serve them a lot of the oil is still left in the pan. 1/3c = 5 Tbsp total. So maybe 1 Tbsp at most? I'm thinking it can't be more than that between my whole family and what's left in the pan.

If I didn't have the olive oil or the bagel I would be at the calorie level where I lose, so I wouldn't be that far off the mark. I'm just worried about going from eating a lot to not eating much at all. Instead of snacking on chips and a whole sleeve of Ritz, I will have 2 servings of 5 crackers...5 early in the day and 5 later in the day. I will have 1 brownie. I was going to have a Sausage Egg and Cheese McMuffin, but that's 440 calories. If I eliminate that and have an atkins/milk both in the morning and at night I will be under 2000 calories for the day and really close to my 'lose window'.

It will be really hard. REALLY hard. I'm addicted to sugar and starches like crazy, and I will be having a lot fewer of them tomorrow. If worse comes to worse and I absolutely MUST have another snack, I will make a single serving bag of popcorn. I am still drinking diet soda, which I'm thankful for. At least I haven't gotten readdicted to regular soda as well!

Sorry for such a long post. I'm just pouring everything out there (except not how many calories I ate today lol). I want to be more regular here. I'm just too embarrassed to admit daily how bad I've been doing.

I've missed all of you!!!

JediMindTricks 09-15-2014 08:21 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Just one more thing: I just went to my fb page, and this pic was sitting there on my feed. I thought it appropriate.

taubele 09-15-2014 11:53 PM

Jenai: Debbie and I are trying the site, in which you stake money to say you're going to lose a certain amount of weight (in this case, 4% of body weight) in a certain number of days (in this case, 28 days). It's for a little extra motivation!

I'm glad you're posting more. It seems like you've got a lot on your mind and you're really scuffling, but I think every single person here has been there. Food can be an addiction, a comfort, a craving, and generally a socially acceptable one at that. It's really hard! But you seem like you're trying - and you've gotta remember - no matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you're still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying!! We're here for you!

Becca: How was vegas? :D Hot any jackpots?

As for me:

I'm starting to cough more, which stinks, but they are turning into PRODUCTIVE coughs rather than the icky dry coughing I've been plagued with the past couple of days. My weight is exactly the same this morning as yesterday morning, even though I know I had high sodium, so I consider that a good sign. I just realized I didn't make water a goal this week, but that's okay - I usually do pretty good on water. I am drinking tea a lot, too, but that's mostly for comfort.

If my coughing gets better I'm going to try a 20-minute workout today. My DVD usually gets my heart rate nice and high even during that workout and I can burn about 200-250 cals in 20 minutes. Here's hoping. If I'm still hacking up a lung I won't bother - cardio is no good if you can't breathe. I'm not sure though - I think I'd prefer a chest cold to terrible sinuses, what about you all?

1) Rest and recuperate M: Yes, mostly
2) Calories below 1500 daily M: 1,335
3) Eat mindfully when I do eat M: yes
4) Workout if I'm feeling better M: coughing too much
5) Keep meals balanced - dinner is 600 calories or less M: No - dinner was 695

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