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Mern 08-15-2014 01:21 AM

I should have left the house a couple minutes ago to go meet my friend for breakfast and a matinee movie. My breakfast is all planned and on-plan.

Will catch you all later.

taubele 08-15-2014 02:48 AM

You GO Debbie!!!! the 5k run and the net loss should have you singing through bootcamp, lol!

I'm back up to 181.8 today, exactly the same as where I was last Friday. I think it's due to two things:

1) I had a run-in with pizza for dinner and ate two slices. Grr.
2) I did my strength workout yesterday and am experiencing a lot of muscle soreness

So hopefully on Monday, I'll be down again. In fact, that's my goal over the weekend -- to eat mindfully enough that I will be down from where I am now on Monday. I know I can do it. There will be people drinking beer and eating out, but I think we're also planning on walking around some parks. If I just keep my head in the game and my eye on the prize, I think I can minimize the damage!

I need to run off so posting goals quickly. I'll try to check in once or twice over the weekend. I didn't get my cardio in this week (grr) but I will try to make sure we do the park walks. Next week, I start logging again.

Weekly goals:

1) Weigh in on M and F: M: 180.4 F: 181.8
2) At least 64 oz. water daily M: yes T: no W: no Th: Not sure - close
3) 3x cardio (35-45 minutes each session) M: no T: no W: elliptical and bike taken; 1.5 mile walk instead. Th: no
4) 1x strength training DVD M: no T: no W: no Th: yes!
5) Eat mindfully, not distractedly M: anniversary T: yes, but could have made better choices W: yes Th: yes, but there was pizza involved
6) Enjoy my anniversary!!!! M: So much :)
7) Get syllabi finished and work on September plans (i.e. field trip, permits, etc.) <--- this is a work-related goal M: no T: one syllabus/schedule done W: all syllabi done Th: all syllabi/schedules done. Woohoooo!!!


rainbow24 08-15-2014 05:26 AM

Thanks Debbie, for reminding me to weigh. I was down .4
I know it's not much, but even decimal helps.

I also know that in the grand scheme of things I will be eating like this forever. Due to my allergies I could never eat desserts unless I either read the package label or knew for certain that the cook didn't use tree nuts in their kitchen. Even fruit for dessert is a risk for me because a wonderful fruit salad could just as easily have bananas in it. I learned that lesson at camp when I ate the fruit.
If I want to work out in the gym, I have to buy gloves to wear while working out because health enthusiasts like to snack on power foods, like nuts.

Okay, rant over. What I was getting at, is there will be no having pizza in moderation, unless I make it myself. I am going to go and get the ingredients to experiment with that later. Tomato sauce, which I already have a recipe that I can alter, and then a salt free crust. Toppings would be unproccessed meats and veggies. Just the cheese is an issue.

Water intake was good yesterday. I slept in again. Since I have errands to run I think I will take a trip down to the park. I am not sure of the distance, so I will time it. I have my cell phone and nitro spray. I'm good.

rainbow24 08-15-2014 08:11 AM

I just about forgot lunch. I was getting meat out to make dinner and realized that I hadn't had lunch yet.

Red quinoa in the microwave, and a cucumber waiting to be chopped.

libby135 08-15-2014 08:24 AM

There is nothing like clothing shopping to make you want to stay on a diet.
Oh boy I tried on several pair of pants and tops and was not happy with how I looked in any thing. I just need to stick to it. Have a great day.

rainbow24 08-15-2014 09:21 AM

Originally Posted by libby135 (Post 110566)
There is nothing like clothing shopping to make you want to stay on a diet.
Oh boy I tried on several pair of pants and tops and was not happy with how I looked in any thing. I just need to stick to it. Have a great day.

I'm hoping to avoid that for quite some time. I may live out of fashion for a couple of years, but I won't have to humiliate myself in front of a clothing store mirror. Except for bras. Now those are a problem.

lildebbieg 08-15-2014 12:33 PM

Just a quick check in to say hi! I'm so tired! :o So much work running the B&B, but the kids are having so much fun. I'm so happy that they get to have these times to make memories :) I ate sooooooooo good today...I'm proud of myself! But now we're all enjoying some wine....but I'll be switching over to water soon. I hope to be up early again tomorrow and head out for a nice run.

Annette - You're right...even decimals help! That must be so tough living with food allergies. I have Crohn's Disease so I know a thing or two about having to be careful with food, but to have an allergy that is life threatening is a whole different thing!

Libby - Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy clothes shopping. It's no fun shopping when you don't feel at your best. But you're tight...we just need to stick with it! We can do this!

JediMindTricks 08-15-2014 06:34 PM

omg, so much to catch up on. I'm not going to read everything right now. I'm feeling overwhelmed.

I haven't logged in at all for the past 3 days. I forgot today was weigh-in day, and I didn't do it. I know I've gained. I've been having a hard time staying on track. I've been craving snacks and crap like salty chips and stuff. Feeling a little out of sorts. I think I'll come back in a day or two and try to get my head wired on right.

lildebbieg 08-16-2014 12:10 AM

good morning all :) i'm up early and headed out for a run to start day.

Jenai sorry to hear you're having a hard time! I know how tough that is! Hang in there!

libby135 08-16-2014 03:06 AM

Debbie, I am proud of you too. Look at you getting your run in early before any one is up and eating well too. I am glad that the kids are having fun. They will have good memories of this summer.
I am carrying some water weight this morning from too many sodium high foods yesterday. Today I will have mostly veg and lots of water to flush every thing out. I am still working on the sewing room and after next week I should be able to work in there. Yipee
Jenai, the cooler weather has me reaching for comfort foods and they are usually salt laden. Don't wait to get back in the game. We can make good choices and be happier for it.
Have a good week end.

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