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foodfrenzied 02-20-2010 12:29 PM

Does anyone use workout videos/dvds at home?
Hi everyone!
I was wondering if anyone else has been doing what I am doing to lose weight. I have always been too self-conscious to hit the gym, so I invested in a good treadmill and I have a large library of Kathy Smith workout DVDs.

I have been LOVING my workouts lately, especially the Step workouts (I also bought a used step) which really get my heart rate up. Does anyone else do this - and are there any videos out there that you would recommend? I absolutely LOVE Kathy Smith, but soon I will have done almost every cardio workout she has created and will be looking for something new. :D


monnikjuh 02-20-2010 10:02 PM

Hi ,

I do Zumba at home and i also bought the sticks so i can get a full work out . It is not easy to put yourself to the gym , so i think it is a great solution to any one who dont's like to go to the gym . Als now i have lose some weight i try to walk more outside in the nature . That work positive fore me not everyone is staring at you like you are some kind a monster .

Zumba is a dance routine you have to do to lose weight , what are you doing whit you're work out at the most time's ? whit body part's are you training ?

Whit Zumba because you danc you're whole body you train all you're muscles . Even some one i don't know i have them anymore ....

louie86 02-21-2010 05:41 AM

fitness workouts favorites
I set my dvr daily to Total Body Sculpt by Gilad Janclowicz on FitTV. He's been around since forever and his workouts really do work for me. I also own several of his dvds. He trains using cardio, weight training, sculpting and toning. A really good all around workout. He's very entertaining and I find I don't focus so much on the difficulty of the workouts while I'm listening to him talk.

dlavie 02-21-2010 05:56 AM

I hate going to the gym, I get dyslexic with the mirroring right and left in class so I do the tapes and dvds at home... no one gets hurt that way! LOL

Kathy Smith is good. I also have Kari Anderson and Petra Kolber, both are excellent.


SherryDarling 02-21-2010 06:40 AM

I am really just a beginner's beginner and haven't spent much time exercising, so anything I add here is just from that little "just-off-the-couch" point of view. I started with Lesley Sansone's Walk at Home program because it is on FitTV, which is included with my Comcast cable, and was very easy to begin with the 15-minute, one-mile walk. Here's a link with info: Removed The steps are easy for a beginner with not much aerobic experience, but does burn calories. :p If I do this once or twice a day, plus stick to my calorie and fat plan (1,500/40 grams of fat), then I lose weight consistently. When I get bored with it, well that's another story.....but it does get me started and I do like it.

foodfrenzied 02-21-2010 12:51 PM

Thank you so much for your replies! I am interested in trying new workouts - I will definitely be trying these recommendations. Kathy Smith is great for me because her cueing is really clear, and she seems perfect for the beginner (like me). Now that I see a definite improvement in my physical condition, I would love to find other fitness instructors to add variety to my workout week. :)


Mangoblue 02-21-2010 09:16 PM

Hi I exercise at home.
I have treadmill and I do running and walking. Also I have step.
I try many dvds workouts with step and without step.
I am very satisfied from
1. 5-mile workout of Lesslie Sansone
2.Davina's workouts
3.Ellen Barrett workouts
4.ΚΑΤΕ'S CardioCombat workout (it's really amazing):D
5.Tracy's Anderson workouts

Depends and what you like more !

KimmyRocks 02-22-2010 03:36 AM

Do you like simple or advanced choreography?
There's such a wide range...

I replied to this on the other post in the Women's dept. :) If you have a Netflix membership, they have titles you can borrow. If you find one you like, you can order it on Amazon or CD Universe for less than retail.

The CIA titles seem to be challenging. You can preview videos on, if you aren't sure. (You don't see much of the program, but at least you can get a feel for the instructor.) They also rate the choreography and break out the times for you.

Laurief1960 02-24-2010 12:54 AM

Yes I have worked out in my basement ever since my daugther was born 12 years ago. I used to be a "gym only" type person but I love my basement. I also love step and my absolute favorite step workout is by Crunch and it is with Kendall Hogan. He has awesome cueing, fun music and I've been doing it for probably 10 years and it is still fun.

colorofyourenergy 02-24-2010 02:57 PM

Dance workouts
I myself use Hip Hop Abs
Its got a ridiculous title
and the 'trainer' or 'host' or whatever you want to call him is waay to enthusiastic, but it kicks my butt.
I started losing weight right away!

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