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JodiCast 07-20-2010 01:53 AM

Originally Posted by whitwors (Post 4940)
How do you like the insanity program. I was looking into getting into that program but trying to decide between P90X and Insanity

whitwors - Insanity is a very intense cardio workout. I found that insanity was a great workout series to do after P90X. I think I would have found it to be extremely hard as a first workout.

As for P90X, I thinks its a great workout series. I was rather lazy when I began P90X. I hadn't worked out in years. But I pushed through and am in really good shape now. I still have alittle weight to lose, but overall I am in much better shape then I was.

If you have any other questions about P90X/Insanity - feel free to email me [email protected]

cheexiong2 07-22-2010 12:51 AM

Originally Posted by mjstallworth (Post 3726)
For those of you who are doing, or have done P90X, what do you think of a 48 yo woman who is about 50lbs overweight and extremely out of shape trying it?

I'm thinking of doing the "Lean" version, but I'm a bit afraid of it being too hard for me and giving up. I currently do a couple of different workout tapes, and I've not been able to finish more than 20 minutes at a time.

Am I setting myself up for failure?

I may not be in your age range (I'm 27), but with all my health issues (back, hips, knees, 5 kids, being overweight etc), P90X has definitly made a difference to me.

My doc told me I would be in a wheel chair by the age of 40-50 because my knees were getting bad, would need steel rods in my back and I was overweight, and I have changed all of that with my dedication, support, and these videos (mostly Tony's videos).

The best thing about P90X is that you bring your own level of intensity and Tony Horton encourages you to work at your own pace while he encourages you to catch up at the same time.

If you aren't sure of P90X, then you might want to try Power 90, which is pretty good too.

I have done all sorts of videos from Beach Body (Turbo Jam, Power 90, Slim in 6) and other companies (windsor Pilates etc) and Power 90 and P90X have given me the best results so far.

wannabefitgrl 07-22-2010 03:14 AM

I noticed some improvement in how well I can do the oblique v-ups during the ab ripper last night which made me happy.

I still have issues with my tailbone getting sore during the ab ripper though. Anyone have a similar problem? I workout on carpet and put down a yoga mat...I've even started to double it over to create extra padding for my tailbone. By the time I get to the last move, the mason twist, sometimes I stop a few reps short of the full 50 just because my tailbone hurts. I'm all better a day or two after, but just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if there's anything else I can do to help?

walsh390 07-25-2010 05:57 PM

I'm just finishing my 3rd week!

simonladen 07-26-2010 08:20 AM

Wife and I just finished week 9 ! On week 10 now. We are trying the doubles routine 3x per week for this last month of the program. We are a respectable 2 for 4 (ie we did not do the Cardio X on 2 days that we should have). I will say that if you are not mentally ready for the doubles workout each time it comes up, you will not do it. We have a doubles workout scheduled for today and both of us seem ready for it. Hopefully we will do them both.

For those that arent aware of the doubles routine, basically, anytime you have a weight workout scheduled, you add in Cardio X after it. Other days like Plyo and Yoga are still the exact same.

m330 07-27-2010 04:41 AM

Originally Posted by wannabefitgrl (Post 16474)
I noticed some improvement in how well I can do the oblique v-ups during the ab ripper last night which made me happy.

I still have issues with my tailbone getting sore during the ab ripper though. Anyone have a similar problem? I workout on carpet and put down a yoga mat...I've even started to double it over to create extra padding for my tailbone. By the time I get to the last move, the mason twist, sometimes I stop a few reps short of the full 50 just because my tailbone hurts. I'm all better a day or two after, but just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if there's anything else I can do to help?

You may be prone to something similar to pilonidal cyst (be forewarned if you google that, you'll find horror stories and really extreme cases, and plenty of stuff that will gross you out. That said, this is a very common condition, most people never experience symptoms or their cases are mild and rarely result in infection or require intervention. For those that do, methods have improved greatly in recent years. I speak from personal experience, and I know two people personally who've undergone surgery.) There are several causes for the condition, from trauma to frequent irritation (in WW2, soldiers frequently suffered "jeep riders' disease".) Overweight people are more prone to develop the condition (additional pressure on the area, being more prone to perspire... as a matter of fact, being a weight-loss forum, I'd suspect there are other readers out there that are familiar with the condition.) In many cases, including my own, both the family Dr and the specialist I spoke with said it is congenital: many of us are just born with small sinuses (tiny pits or cavities) in the tailbone area, and for many of us, it will never present a problem.

I experienced discomfort and tailbone soreness such as you described going back maybe a dozen years, usually exercise related--bench presses would be a problem, for example, or of course most ab work. I might notice it two, three times a year. In all that time, though, all I ever experienced was general soreness, rarely lasting more than a few days, so I never thought much of it. Then two years ago, after driving across several states to help my brother move, I became extremely sore, my tailbone area visibly red, and I ended up at the Dr to have an infection treated. Since that time, I've had zero problems with it, thanks to placing a cushion on my desk chair and one in the car. Not a donut, but a coccyx cushion necessitated by a broken tailbone: a gentle wedge shape with a semi-circular cutout so there's no pressure on the tailbone.

You can't really do anything to relieve the pressure while doing your ab exercises (short of eliminating those exercises), but you can minimize pressure on the tailbone at other times to make up for it. You could ask your Dr at your next visit, but unless you're currently experiencing inflammation or infection, I don't believe there's anything they can diagnose. If you spend a lot of time seated, be it driving a lot, or being stuck at a desk for long hours, you might consider trying one of those cushions. It may be nothing, but if you're experiencing discomfort, it may be wise to take precautions before it turns into something else.

eta: here's an example of the cushions I'm talking about:
I personally use the visco-elastic ("memory foam") one. It just seemed more comfortable, and has proven to be very durable, having retained its shape and support for some two years now.

keihoop 07-27-2010 05:56 AM

Originally Posted by randala23 (Post 13363)
I actually have done the P90X workouts before but tried doing them "my way" 2x a week or 3x a week needless to say that didn't work out too well but after finishing my first half marathon on memorial day weekend I'm looking forward to the next challenge. I have more discipline now then I've ever had. Wondering if anyone else is up for the challenge or if anyone else has completed this successfully and can give me some tips?

Im on my 3rd YEAR - YEARS of doing P90x. Started it right when it came out. It works, it works well, itis sustainable and it is balanced. Even this new fad of "Cross-fitting" is basically - basically the same concept. Confusion without Plateau. I competed for several years in many sports; Beach Volleyball, Competitive Skiing, and Ironman. All I can tell you is that now of all those sports I pretty much just cycle and run occassionally but the entirety of the rest of my fitness regiment is P90 and I am more fit now (overall and definitely aesthetically) than I ever was during those previous sports.

wannabefitgrl 07-27-2010 11:39 AM

so couple of responses:

@m330: I don't think it's any kind of medical issue. I didn't notice the soreness so much until I lost a lot of bones are just closer to the surface. The soreness goes away after a day or two so I'm not super concerned about it, but annoyed that it gets sore. If it were to become a bigger problem, I'd definitely seek medical advice.

@simonladen: you only do doubles on your resistence days? I do doubles every day, including the days I do plyo/core/kenpo, etc. I thought that was the idea of doubles is that you do the workout twice a day, six days a week? I even throw in short runs most days and one day a week I don't do the double workout and do a longer run instead.

@keihoop: You say you've been doing the X for years? And you've found the workouts still keep you in shape and aren't too easy? Sometimes I get bored with the workouts, as they get easier. I understand I need to up my intensiy, add weights or add reps, as things get easier, but at some point don't your gains start to slow? I can see myself still doing the X workouts years from now, but maybe not the strict program. I have a handful of other beachbody programs and like to mix and match different cardio/resistence workouts when I'm between programs to keep it fun for me. Sounds like that's maybe what you do, too?

denizko 07-27-2010 09:20 PM

Originally Posted by CoeyCoey (Post 14959)
Ouch! How did you do that? Glad to here you are recovering!


Skating :cool:

Actually it's my second surgery after plastic reconstruction of ACJ failed :mad:
I'm scheduled this fall for this hook-plate to be removed :)

Then I plan to move to bench presses and other heavy BB stuff to sculpt my body ;)

simonladen 07-28-2010 01:31 AM

Originally Posted by wannabefitgrl (Post 16985)
so couple of responses:

@m330: I don't think it's any kind of medical issue. I didn't notice the soreness so much until I lost a lot of bones are just closer to the surface. The soreness goes away after a day or two so I'm not super concerned about it, but annoyed that it gets sore. If it were to become a bigger problem, I'd definitely seek medical advice.

@simonladen: you only do doubles on your resistence days? I do doubles every day, including the days I do plyo/core/kenpo, etc. I thought that was the idea of doubles is that you do the workout twice a day, six days a week? I even throw in short runs most days and one day a week I don't do the double workout and do a longer run instead.

@keihoop: You say you've been doing the X for years? And you've found the workouts still keep you in shape and aren't too easy? Sometimes I get bored with the workouts, as they get easier. I understand I need to up my intensiy, add weights or add reps, as things get easier, but at some point don't your gains start to slow? I can see myself still doing the X workouts years from now, but maybe not the strict program. I have a handful of other beachbody programs and like to mix and match different cardio/resistence workouts when I'm between programs to keep it fun for me. Sounds like that's maybe what you do, too?

Yea I had googled p90x doubles because I had heard about it and was curious. The schedule I saw had the doubles 3 days a week and then it moved to 4 days per week. I think doing it every day is awesome and is something we are working towards but right now 3 days per week is where our bodies are physically. Mentally I dont think I could do doubles every day....yet :)

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