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mtlgirl 08-25-2010 12:03 AM

The Wed Club - Weekly Check-in for 08/25/2010
Good morning, Wed Clubbers!

I couldn't find our weekly check-in thread so I made one myself. I hope it's okay. So let the accountability begin...

My week: I had a really great one. Tomorrow I am participating in a 5K race (my very first!) and I think I am pretty ready. Yesterday I ran 5K in 35:01! I could hardly believe it. I actually ran a 5K in 35 minutes! I think that is a pretty respectable time and I shouldn't be embarrassed at the race -- where I will probably be the chubbiest participant. :rolleyes:
I am just very proud that I could go from my rock bottom in terms of physical fitness, and through sheer determination, make it to being able to run a 5K in just 3 months. I'm still nervous about tomorrow, but very proud of myself.

I also had a good week in terms of weight loss. I lost 2.2 pounds, which puts my grand total at 17.8 pounds lost in 13 weeks. I am quite happy with that! :)

I hope you all had a wonderful week and I look forward to hearing from all of you!

kcolville 08-25-2010 12:10 AM

ROSE- OH WOW! Good luck with the race- i cant wait to hear how you do! i am so proud of you! I cant wait to feel that joy of crossing the finish line..for me it will happen 10/30!

My week has been good- however, my cravings for bad food has increased drastically. I just feel hungry all the time. Now that i am thinking about it- i need more protein.

Weight- last week was 202.6 now i am 199.6- down 3 pounds! Total weight loss currently 15 pounds!!!! 10 more to go!!

C25K- Running 15 minutes currently (about 1.4 miles)- but it is getting harder and harder- i feel like when i am running i wont be able to make it to the end...

cjohnson728 08-25-2010 12:11 AM

Awesome job, Rose!! Enjoy that should be really proud :D.

...way to go at the Kaitlin!!! Look at you with the dropping pounds and the gaining running minutes; nice job!

I've had a sluggish week...caught one of those summer colds, so I skipped a couple workouts and laid around on Saturday eating comfort foods. Nothing terrible, just too much of it. The way I feel and the scale both show it. It's amazing how a brief slip up can have consequences that last for days! Oh well, another lesson learned.

I did push through cardio yesterday; I felt okay during, horrible after, but glad I did it. I have another session tonight and it feels good to be back on the horse.

Hope everyone has an awesome week!

BoraDeb 08-25-2010 01:13 AM

week #2
Morning everyone!

Despite my struggles with the weekends I am down another pound! :D WooHoo.

C25K - I completed W1D2 this morning and I'm loving it!

Rose: 5K in 35 minutes? That's awesome! I'm not even worrying about speed at this point - just about getting it done, but I love hearing about you, gets me very excited to know I'm working toward that same goal and am only a few months away.

Kaitlin: Continous running for 15 is also great! Again, gets me excited to know I'll be doing that in only a few weeks.

I thought I was going to want someone on the same level as me as far as the C25K, but I actually like having you guys so far ahead cause it makes it seem more attainable with NO DOUBTS about it!!!

Cassie: Hang in there, if there is one thing I've learned in the many years of battling weight is to never give up no matter what. Sickness will happen, get over it and get back on. Good for you!

MollySue2 08-25-2010 01:44 AM

Hi guys,

I make this a quick one for now. Was stuck in a tiny village all morning and couldn't log in till now (bigger city). Sorry for that!! Am doing alright, back to swimming and cycling :).

Take care, everyone!

missfitt42 08-25-2010 02:22 AM

Hello everyone!
Rose that is a great 5k time! Good for you! The good thing about being at rock bottom is it can only get better!

congratulations on your 3 pound weight loss! I love to hear that happening to someone, 3 pounds is amazing to me, I usually can count on 1 to 1 1/2 loss, 3's are rare!

sometimes rest is what your body needs. I hope you are feeling better now!

WTG on losing another pound! woohoo!

Welcome back, I love swimming, I just got back from the pool after taking time off. Felt great.

Well, in spite of vacation, I am at 207.8, which I think is damn near where I was two weeks ago! I'll take it with a smile on my face, because I sure don't deserve it. I'll need to be extra careful this week to make sure I lose next week.

My children went back to school today so I went back to the gym. I swam 850 yards, my goal is to get back to swimming 1700, but since I took time off I'll need to work my way back up to it. Went to cardio kickboxing last night, another activity that I can go to now that we are on a schedule. I find that class to be so difficult, I have been going for about 18 months and it never gets easier. (I guess it isn't supposed to be easy, is it?) Why do I always think this will get easier? I never lose that hope, but maybe that is what keeps me going!

Take care, see you next week, when we all are taking up less space in our spaces.

mtlgirl 08-25-2010 03:40 AM

It is so great to hear about all of us Wed Clubbers doing really well! :)

Kaitlin, THANK YOU so much for being proud of me! It means a lot. I am really excited for you too because you are going to reach that 5K goal before you know it. The trick is to really enjoy the process. Every improvement is a big accomplishment and look how far you have come!!!! And major CONGRATS on your 3-pound loss this week! Woohoo!!

Cassie, so sorry to hear you caught a summer cold. That just sucks but you did the right thing staying cozy on Sunday and you earned those comfort foods. You have made such an amazing lifestyle change and you handle every challenge so well! I get lots of inspiration from you! So THANKS!

Debbie, CONGRATS on your 1-pound loss this week. That is fantastic! Keep up the C25K! If I can do it so can you! I was at precisely 205 back in February so let me be the living proof that you too can run a 5K in a matter of months! :D

Molly, no apologies necessary. Glad to hear you are still enjoying your activities! Way to go!

Missfitt, congrats on making it through vacation without any damage! I am really nervous about my upcoming 3-week vacation to New York and Italy! I know I can keep up the running in NYC, but I am weary about running in cities I am completely unfamiliar with. I'm planning to be as active as possible though and praying that the cravings are kept under control. Your cardio kickboxing sounds like a killer class but I bet it is a major fat blaster so keep up the awesome work! I love what you said about taking up less space in our spaces. ;)

Have an amazing Wednesday, Everyone!

BoraDeb 08-27-2010 12:53 AM

C25K - week #1 - COMPLETE!!!
Woo Hoo!

I finished week #1 of the C25K and on my last run segment I even went the 90 secs to prove to myself that I'm ready for week #2.

And as an added bonus - my neices were playing with my treadmill and left the incline on 2 so I did W1D3 on a slight incline with a slightly faster speed without even knowing!

LOL - I know a 2 incline is not much at all, however, my plan is to do the entire program at a 0 incline and a slow speed to just get the continous running part down and then when I graduate I will work on speed and incline for a more challenging workout.

Have a great weekend everyone!

cjohnson728 08-27-2010 02:09 AM

Congrats, BoraDeb! Thanks for sharing your success. It's very motivating :). You have earned the right to be really proud. Keep up the good work! was it????? :D
I was thinking about you when I ran this morning ;).

mtlgirl 08-27-2010 12:53 PM

Holy Moly!
Cassie, thanks for thinking of me! ;)

The race was pretty intense! I started off a little too strong but I sort of fell into my stride about 2k into it although it was more of a struggle than my usual morning training run.

The bummer was that we ran through the city streets so we actually had to stop at a few traffic lights which broke my momentum in a few spots. :mad: Then at the end, there was a pretty steep incline to climb and that was very very tough! Everyone arrived at the finish line pretty winded. I was definitely not last though! I was somewhere in the middle which made me sooooo proud!

It still amazes me that I was actually able to run a race! I mean, it is just awesome that I could go from not running at all to running a 5k, in a few short months. I feel really blessed that my body is healthy and that my knees are strong and that I was actually physically capable of accomplishing this goal. :D

Thanks to all my Wed Clubbers for the support and for keeping me accountable. I appreciate you guys!

cjohnson728 08-30-2010 02:41 AM

Really excited for you, Rose! What a great accomplishment :D


kcolville 08-30-2010 04:44 AM


mtlgirl 08-30-2010 10:00 AM

Thanks Ladies!!!!!!!!! :D

sw07 08-30-2010 02:30 PM

Congrats on the race Rose!
How was it without the headphones?

mtlgirl 08-30-2010 02:37 PM

Thanks SW! I found it way harder to run the full 5K without my music... but I managed. I am definitely going to have to work on that before my next race. Also, I started off too strong and should have saved more energy for the last k because as it turned out, there was a hill to climb! It was really tough but very exhilarating when I crossed that finish line!

sw07 08-30-2010 02:46 PM

Originally Posted by mtlgirl (Post 19908)
Thanks SW! I found it way harder to run the full 5K without my music... but I managed. I am definitely going to have to work on that before my next race. Also, I started off too strong and should have saved more energy for the last k because as it turned out, there was a hill to climb! It was really tough but very exhilarating when I crossed that finish line!

Cool, when's the next race?

mtlgirl 08-30-2010 02:55 PM

I don't know when my next race will be. I am going away to Italy for 3 weeks (leaving Saturday) and I am taking my running shoes with me but I am just not sure if I will be able to run as regularly as I do now so I might have some catching up to do when I get back. If there's another race I could do in November I will definitely sign up!

Do you have a race coming up? I remember you mentioning one.

sw07 08-30-2010 05:20 PM

Italy sounds like fun....
My 5k was this past Saturday and it went well and I also ran a minute faster than my last race with an overall finish 117 out of 831 participants.
I also signed up for the next 5k race on Sept. 12th.

MollySue2 08-31-2010 07:57 PM

It's so awesome to see how well you are all doing!

Rose, you have transformed yourself into a runner!! CONGRATS on your first race!! Way to go!

Kaitlin, 3 lbs lost is awesome! Keep going, you can do it!

Debbie, congrats on that pound lost!

Cassie, sorry to hear you caught a cold. Hope you are feeling better now!

Missfit, kickboxing does sound like a very hard thing to do. Kudos to you for not giving up on it!! It's all worth it!

As for myself, I'm doing ok. I'm currently lacking discipline and have come up with all sorts of excuses to not go and work out...
Ah well, it's a new day today and I'm set to go swimming this afternoon, so hopefully I can leave that phase of sluggishness behind me. :o

mtlgirl 09-01-2010 12:44 AM

Originally Posted by sw07 (Post 19918)
Italy sounds like fun....
My 5k was this past Saturday and it went well and I also ran a minute faster than my last race with an overall finish 117 out of 831 participants.
I also signed up for the next 5k race on Sept. 12th.

SW, that is so great! Good for you for signing up for another race so soon! :)

sw07 09-01-2010 05:17 AM

Running seems to be my new addiction...:D
There's 8 5k races from now till Thanksgiving and I'm planning on doing at least half of them...

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