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BoraDeb 10-20-2010 12:38 AM

BTW, does anyone know how to set up your avatar?

When I go into EDIT AVATAR there is no option for me to add one, just a circle that says "do not use avatar" and no option to change that.


kcolville 10-20-2010 03:18 AM

Hello Ladies!!!

Boradeb- congrats on almsot finishing the c25k challenge! it is pretty hard- i run my first 5k in ten days and i am pretty enrvous- i cant seem to run the whole time...i let myself down...well that and it is up hill...

Nessa- I remember you! glad you;re back! i have been off and on for about a month as well with regards to reporting into fitday...however i have stayed strong!

molly sue- gym memberships are a ton of money- i thought to myself the other day..if i was going to pay 30 bucks a months for a gym membership..why not put that towards a treadmill and make that payment? that is what i plan on doing!

i run my first 5k in 10 days- pretty nervous! it is very hilly which causes me to walk some of it...i feel like i can run it all but never do- i just stop...any encrouaging words would help!!

also- total weight loss goal 190..currently at 194.6...10 days left!!

my personal reward- buying myself a treadmill to help keep off this weight..and caramel apple..or another fun festive treat..

MollySue2 10-20-2010 04:06 AM

Nessa, glad to have you back!

Bora, I don't seem to be able to edit my avatar either.

Kaitlin, I like your idea with the treadmill! And I'm so excited for you for participating in your first run!

I totally know what you mean what with losing your motivation and simply switching into the walking mode even though you could get going. When my friend and I ran up a steep patch this morning I was veeerrry close to giving up. I felt like i was about to suffocate and only kept going because of him. We slowed down considerably but never stopped. The worst part actually came when we had just reached the highest peak. We accelerated too quickly and felt even more exhausted. Anyways, the point I'm making is this: if you can, try to encourage a running buddy to accompany you. Having someone who goes through the same phases of exhaustion, but still keeps going, is a tremendous motivator. You can do it! It's only your inner temptation that's holding you back! And being familiar with the route is a huge plus. Don't start out too quickly, take it easy, get into the mode of things and mentally prepare yourself for the more difficult parts and you will be just fine :) Enjoy and keep us updated!!

cjohnson728 10-20-2010 02:34 PM

Hi everyone...

MollySue, sounds like just being on the journey is successful for you. You sound so healthy when you post!

Nessa, glad you are back! You've come a long, haven't tried that (Not the exercise version, at any rate). I bet it's a bear but you can do it!

Debbie, awesome job as always on the running. Rewards? Usually new songs on the iPod or new exercise clothes; once I got to the goal weight it was non-exercise clothes. Did a massage once, too, but that was a splurge, as was a heart rate monitor (used a gift card on that one). New weights, a new exercise DVD...those have been some. Time to treat yourself!

Kaitlyn, congrats on the 5K; you will do great. I have found excuses out of two of them so far this month but am committed to doing one on Thanksgiving and also a week and a half later. I hear you; I also have a goal time in mind and I get frustrated with myself that I can't quite get to it. I end up walking the hills when I'm winded, too, but as long as I make "good" time, it doesn't bother me so much.

I love the new park I found to run at. It has a mile path around it; it's really wide, marked off by the tenths of a mile, some mild hills,'s gorgeous. It's about 25 minutes away but I've gotten up there twice in the past week. One of the 5Ks I'm doing actually takes a lap through it. So, I'm still running twice a week, tennis twice a week, weights twice a week, and then a day off or something fun like a walk with the family or a hike. Thinking about taking up Zumba when winter gets here; I live in the south but it still gets cold and I'm not a fan :o

Hope you all are enjoying your week and finish it out strong!!

missfitt42 10-23-2010 09:33 AM

Hello ladies!
I'm sorry I'm late checking in this week, just been busy! I did weigh on Wednesday (as per the rules of this club) and my weigh in was 204.4, so I'm down 3 pounds! woohoo!

Now then, how is everyone else? I have a gym membership, I have for years. I do use it all the time. I am one who never, ever would workout at home. I have purchased the dvds the equipment with good intention, but I never seem to actually do it. I like having to go someplace to workout I guess. I think it's a personal preference for each of us to find out what works or what doesn't fit in our lives. Isn't that part of the struggle? I haven't taken a pic of my new bike yet, but I have been riding it on days when the weather (and time) allow.

MollySue2 10-26-2010 06:57 PM

The Wed Club - Weekly Check-In for 10/27/2010
Good morning everyone!

Can't believe it's Wednesday already! What have you got this week?

Have a fantastic day,

NessaSonic 10-26-2010 10:59 PM

I'm not weighing in this week. I'm too preoccupied with what the scale sys every day and it's making me so frustrated that I'm not trying my hardest. So, I had my husband take the battery out of the scale! I'll get it back when I'm fully back on track- eating and exercise-wise! I hope everyone else is doing alright. I had a terrible weekend food and movement wise, so I really need to kick it back into gear. It's almost the holidays!

cjohnson728 10-27-2010 08:24 AM

Smart girl, Nessa! I had my husband take the scale to work for a week when I felt I was getting to focused on the number. Worked great!

I had a crash-and-burn incident at a Mexican restaurant Saturday; I feel like I ate my weight in chips, then snacked on the leftover brownies and cookies from the sporting event that evening. I did pass on the margaritas, though, that's the one saving grace. I've regrouped now but it made me aware that I seriously need to get a plan in place before the holidays, since my self-control has left town. I bought the Halloween candy today :eek::eek:

Workouts have been regular. Oh, this is too funny. Had my annual exam on Monday, so I get in there and "assume the position," so to speak. The doctor looks at me and says, "Do you run?" I was afraid to ask how he knew but I told myself it was my thigh muscles :o.

I need to drink more water and get more sleep. These two things always get me, seriously they do.

Hope all is well with you folks! How are you, MollySue?

MollySue2 10-27-2010 07:25 PM

Nessa, well done getting rid of those dreadful scales for the time being!

Cassie, I like your holiday-food-plan. I think I should devise one myself.

My schedule has been absolutely crazy these last few days - I don't even seem to be able to fit in a proper lunch. Bottom line is, I dropped to 127 lbs, woohoo! Not the best way to do it, I know!!!:o

Mananged to run 5 k yesterday after work. I pretty much stumbled through the night, but it was totally worth the effort - I slept like a baby.

Hope you are all doing great!

Debbie Walsh 10-31-2010 04:11 AM

how does your Wednesday weigh ins work
i am trying to stay on track and lose a total of 10 lbs ... sounds like nothing but am finding it hard and am getting a little frustrated. Thought maybe I would get back on Fit day and track food and also look for some support and weighing in sounds good.

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