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kcolville 08-18-2010 07:17 AM

Rose- .8 is still a great accomplishment! Everyone will have their off hours, days, and weeks.

Molly- Love the picture! How amazing that you challenge yourseld physically to such a great extent...

Boradeb- Like i said to rose- weght is long as it is off of us!1lb is great! and i cant wait to hear how you are doing with c25k! i'm at 15 minutes running! yahooowoo!
If i can do it- you can too!

Wondering where all our other group members are? are we loosing people?

ebbunny 08-18-2010 09:23 AM

I just started using this website and was wondering if you're open to newbies. My weigh-in days are Weds so this works out for me. My name is Ebony.

tjkhoover 08-18-2010 10:47 AM

Well, welcome to the newcomers!

Congratulations Kaitlin you must be so excited about being an auntie. I am happy to hear about all of your successes everyone. Rose you are an athlete!!!!! Yeah!

I have had a rough week with my health again...struggling! Filed for disability which felt like I was admitting defeat but it had to be done my family needs the support as they are fatigued from being my nurse, housekeepers, etc. But they have been like warriors so I am proud of them. I am tired, embarrassed, and my only sense of joy right now is when I am able to get time to pray, read, and do this which also get taken from me from time to time. Sorry for venting my sorrows. I do have some good news I met the goal of maintaining under 200 lbs. even when my menstrual cycle hit. I started walking again yesterday so that is good news. My friend is being very patient when it comes to the C25K because that is our ultimate goal. We run when we can but it hasn't been consistent lately. I am grateful to have her walking with me anyhow.

My body is changing.

Great job everyone!

cjohnson728 08-18-2010 02:24 PM

Hi Ebony, welcome. The more the merrier. There are also other check in groups you will find if you browse around.

Molly, looking every bit the athlete! I'm glad you had a great trip and got to enjoy the outdoors. You will get those last 15, I know you will! Rose has good points.

Rose, congrats on being over the 15 pound mark! Your running is really taking off! I found myself wishing you lived near me; we run at about the same pace. Keep up the good work, girl!

Kaitlin, great job on your running, too! It's a thrill, isn't it? Keep focused on your goals, you are making great progress.

BoraDeb, glad you checked in. I'm excited for you on the C25K. You will surprise yourself.

Status quo for me this week. I'm still doing two days on the treadmill, two days of tennis, and two days of the weights per week. Although instead of just the running on the mill, I started intervals (HIIT). I'm not sure whether to keep doing that or working on my time, as I am planning to do my first 5K on Thanksgiving Day. I know I can do the distance and I want to keep doing that so I am still in shape to do it come the end of November.

Have a great week, everyone; see you next Wednesday :D.

tjkhoover 08-19-2010 05:47 AM

This is so bad...I totally posted to last weeks for this week instead of this one. So if you are interested go back and check it out...LOL

Since I don't have time right now I will be back later to really take the time to read and write. ttyl

BoraDeb 08-20-2010 01:07 AM

Kaitlin & Cassie - thanks for encouragement on the C25K. I am officially starting this Monday because I do better sticking to a schedule during the week, so my days are going to be Mon/Wed/Fri. However, I've been missing my treadmill and I downloaded the C25K podcasts to my ipod so I just had to try out day 1! I did it today and loved it. I have a busy weekend ahead but now I'm confident about getting started.

I did check the scale even though it's not weigh-in day (I like to keep myself in check during the week) and it's starting to move down again. I knew I ate pretty good over the camping weekend but I didn't drink much water and that is a big key to keep things moving on out. ;) Water retention is a nightmare on the scale - LOL!


mtlgirl 08-21-2010 01:28 PM

Debbie, good luck with the C25K program. I completed the whole thing and am now actually running a full 5K. I feels FANTASTIC! If I can do it anyone can. I was 198 pounds when I started the program and in 12 weeks I have lost over 15 pounds. You will get the most profound sense of accomplishment from running. I can't recommend it enough.

Ebony, welcome! It is great to have you here.

Cassie, I would love it if we could run together! I am totally thrilled to hear that we run at the same pace.

Jackie, I am going to go and check out your post on last week's thread....

Kaitlin thanks so much for the support. Congrats on your .8 this past week. I hope you had fun on the wine tour.

Have an amazing week, Everyone! :)

mtlgirl 08-21-2010 01:36 PM

Jackie, never be sorry for venting your sorrows, that is precisely what this "support" forum is for! I am terribly sorry to hear that you have been struggling with your health. I do wish there was something that could be done to cure you permanently! Big Congratulations for staying under 200 throughout it all! You should be very proud of yourself for that! I was at 205 this past January and I know how happy I was to get below that 200 mark. I bet you never see the 200's again! Just think, you are only 45 pounds from your goal weight. This is not so much in the grand scheme. It doesn't matter how long it takes for that weight to come off, because time will march on anyway! The most important thing for you is to be kind to yourself. Banish the feelings of "defeat" or "embarrassment" as best you can, and focus on the love and support you are receiving from your family, because that is a testament to what kind of mom you are and how appreciated and treasured you clearly are.

Thank you for calling me an athlete! I am so flattered. I think that is one of the best compliments I have ever received.

Big hugs to you,

tjkhoover 08-22-2010 04:51 AM

Hi are all doing such a gr8 job! (.8 lbs. lost is lost) YEAH!

I love the C25K program...anyone doing knows how much it increases your self-confidence and it is amazing how well you feel at the end of each week even if you have had to repeat a week or two. Congrats to all of you working on excites me to see the progress people are making.

Rose....thank you for caring. I appreciate the kind words of encouragement. I do need to be reminded sometimes of the great gifts I have in my family and friends as I go through this because I am not going through it alone and my family is truly amazing. I am blessed to be loved so dearly.

I was looking at your stats and you and I have lost weight at about the same rate...I also lost 15 lbs. while doing C25K. You are doing so good and as far as being an athlete it is true. Anyone who can run/jog a 5K is an athlete!

Welcome Ebony! This is a great support group and I think you will enjoy the accountability as well as the amazing people who are part of it.

Oh for those of you who didn't read my other results for the week. I managed to stay under 200 lbs. during my period which was my goal. I usually gain about 5 lbs. I am wondering what my next week's weigh in will be. I am excited about that.

Thanks all!

mtlgirl 08-22-2010 06:02 AM

So true, Jackie! We have so much in common! I really think we are both doing really well. I am also excited about next Wednesday's weigh in.

Have a great Sunday, Everyone! :)

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