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SpdRcrChk 07-08-2011 08:35 AM

The I'm Not Following a Specific Diet - Diet
I've done quite a few. Slimfast, Atkins, Calorie Counting, Starvation, Detoxes, Sugar Busters, Homepathic HCG, blah blah blah. I've gone up and down in weight so much in the last decade. Ughhh.

But I've learned a lot. I've learned what foods contain what nutrients. I've been down the organic, low calorie road and yeah . . . it worked for a while. But it wasn't a lifestyle. I eventually became an avid water-drinker. Guess that was a plus. It's been a long road.

So I watched the documentary on Netflix called: "Fat Head: You've Been Fed A Load of Bologna," and it inspired me.

Then I read the recommended reading "Good Calories, Bad Calories" by Gary Taubes during the first couple of months or so.

Little by little I've been cuttin' back on the carbs and sugars. No, not completely. If I want to eat a piece of Cuban Bread, a Ham Croquette or some Arroz con Pollo (mom's is THE best of course) then I will. But . . . at the beginning, not so much. Maybe one little splurge per weekend or somethin'. I haven't been exercising like crazy either. About 20-30 minutes 3-4 times a week in the beginning. Haven't done much the last month, but I plan to get back to it starting next week.

And that's it. FitDay has really put things into perspective for me and I recommend it to everyone. Wish they had an Android app tho. :rolleyes: I've even inspired some of my close friends and family to do the same.

So yah. Basically, you just gotta follow what you find to work best for you. Although . . . I really recommend the documentary. It inspired me, big time. 43 lbs in about 4 months. :D

SpdRcrChk 07-08-2011 08:51 AM

Thanks! And . . . AGREED. You've gotta be comfortable with making a lifestyle change. Really believe in what you are consuming and what you are doing. Otherwise, like you said, you'll eat a certain way until u lose the weight and when u go back to your old "normalcy" then uhh yeah, u'll progressively gain it all back. I know, I've been down that road a few times. But . . . all the knowledge I've gained from reading has really taught me quite a bit and even though I can't say that I've made a COMPLETE turn-around and lost my cravings for certain things . . . I can say I really think I'm well on the way. ^_^

01gt4.6 07-08-2011 11:21 AM

Just saw your progress pics.... Go speed racer go!

SpdRcrChk 07-08-2011 12:19 PM

hahah, thanks. i'm guessing you drive a stang, eh?

boolz 07-09-2011 04:22 AM

I'm not following any name brand diet, but I've got a fairly specific plan that I've found works for me, both in terms of weight loss and satisfaction. I just try to hit these targets:

-1200 calories (1500 on special occasions) : for weight loss
- calories split pretty evenly between protein, carbs and fat : for satisfaction
- meet minimum RDA on all major nutrients : for health

I also swim, bike and do weights to feel good and keep metabolism boosted.

This works fine on day to day life. I still struggle with stress eating on occasions, but it's getting better.

SpdRcrChk 07-09-2011 04:38 AM

stress/anxiety eating is a killer. props to you, though. I really really really hate exercising. Maybe it's 'cause i haven't found something i very much enjoy doing yet. :( i wish i could bike or train as hard as some people i know.

Florida Ray 07-10-2011 05:41 AM

I have tried so many different diets that it is really sick. Most of them seemed to work, but just for a while, and then I dropped off them and gained back the weight. I guess that is the most common thing that happens.

Changing the whole lifestyle thing is probably the answer, but I have not been able to do that quite yet. I am getting better, but I have a long way to go. So right now, I am not on any famous name-brand diet, just trying to get by on 1500 calories.

SpdRcrChk 07-10-2011 05:57 AM

Originally Posted by Florida Ray (Post 50403)
I have tried so many different diets that it is really sick. Most of them seemed to work, but just for a while, and then I dropped off them and gained back the weight. I guess that is the most common thing that happens.

Changing the whole lifestyle thing is probably the answer, but I have not been able to do that quite yet. I am getting better, but I have a long way to go. So right now, I am not on any famous name-brand diet, just trying to get by on 1500 calories.

You should really consider watching the documentary I mentioned in my original post, and/or reading the book i mentioned in the original post. i've quit calorie counting all together. it's just so misleading, especially when u go to the food store and buy "100 calorie" stuff that's loaded with sugars and/or carbs.

the lifestyle change is the biggest part of it. and it only comes after immersing yourself and becoming more aware of what you eat . . . after a long time. it definitely doesn't happen overnight, i can tell you that. and we will have our relapses. but eventually i think it's doable. so long as we bear in mind that new habits take a while to establish.

Atalanta 07-11-2011 01:59 AM

When I started with FitDay, I also started with Atkins. That worked really well for me, until I "fell off the wagon" I lost 50 lbs in 6 mos. I don't remember why. At least I didn't do the "gained it all back and then some" routine.

I'm trying to watch what I eat, not over do or starve myself. My BF and I belong to a CSA which gets us fresh local veggies from June to November. I am also trying to get my activities up - we're adding in yoga at least 2x a week, and I also do pilates (1x) and dance (1-2x).

Have to get in more walking, put batteries into my pedometer and put it back on my hip (doesn't do me a lot of good on the nightstand). Goal is supposed to be 10,000 steps per day - LOL. First I'll find out where I am right now and work from there.

My profile is public, so I welcome people to look and admonish/encourage.

(I've added your movie suggestion to my Netflix list. oh, and I also occasionaly drive at pocono raceway)

mecompco 07-14-2011 08:22 AM

See how it goes. Often a little change will speed things back up. I've actually been eating on average more calories and my loss has increased. Of course, I've also been more active, not sitting in front of a keyboard all day as I do from August to June.


Oz-09 07-14-2011 12:21 PM

SpdRcrChk, I was so excited when i read your post. I was pleased for you for your wonderful weight loss and you didn't count calories did you? I was pleased because someone out there understands. I was also enthused because I could forget my depressing encounter with a typical physician who really knows her low fat and the SAD (Standard American Diet).

Of course, she has never heard of Gary Taubes (Good Calories, Bad Calories) or Tom Naughton and his Fat Head Film. And I suddenly realized that you maybe interested in knowing about the next Low Carb Cruise [] in May next year. Both Gary and Tom are coming as speakers! Tom was a comedian before he did the film and we've been blessed to share this aspect of his character for several years now on the cruise.

I've found the cruise great for learning more about low carb diets and next year there's a great list of speakers, different programs in like Slow Burn exercises and Zumba, cook book writers. Simply by coming to the evening meals (you get to pick anything from the menu) you can't help but be invigorated by others at various stages in their low carb programs including some who've been doing it for decades.

Oz-09 07-14-2011 12:35 PM

Anyone who's looking for a fantastic way to lose weight, to stop counting calories, and to feel really good would do well to look at the Fat Head film and read Gary Taubes' books. Yes. His 2nd book was published this year, Why We Get Fat and What to do About it, is well worth looking at!

And maybe, if you can, think about the coming on the Low Carb Cruise in May 2012.. It's a fun way of learning more, asking questions and meeting all sorts of people at various stages from a long life time commitment to a simply interested, to an accompanying partner of a low carber. And the best thing is you get to choose what you eat. No one makes you eat low carb!

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