Fitness Nutrition Forums

The Nutrition of Orange Juice

Fitday Editor

In addition to orange juice having a refreshing and invigorating taste, it also comes packaged with a host of nutritional benefits.

Health Benefits

Orange juice is rich in vitamin C as well as vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9. Vitamin C is helpful in enhancing the immune system of the body, and vitamin B6 can increase hemoglobin, which facilitates the transportation of oxygen to tissues. Minerals that are found in the juice include copper, phosphorus, sulphur, potassium, sodium, iron and calcium. Some of these minerals are effective in controlling blood pressure and increasing bone density.

Orange juice has 170 phytonutrients, 60 flavanoids, 38 limonoids and 20 carotenoids. Flavanoids increase the antioxidant property of the blood, and they can help to prevent blindness later in life. Phytonutrients, such as beta carotene, offer protection for the body cells.

Calories Content

Orange juice contains calories in the form of sugar, which can be quickly digested by the body to release energy. Calorie count in orange juice depends on the brand and sweetness. While freshly squeezed unsweetened orange juice has the lowest calorie count, the highest calories can be found in processed orange juices that are sweetened and diluted.


Oranges are a good source of vitamins as well as minerals, but if they are exposed to air, they may lose some of their nutrients. Therefore, the juice should not be kept out in the open for long periods of time. Instead, orange juice should be kept in the refrigerator to preserve its nutrients.

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