Fitness Nutrition Forums


Does Milk Contain Carbohydrates?

Whether it is whole or skim, from a cow or a goat, all milk contains carbohydrates. The number of carbohydrates in the milk we drink ranges ...

The Relationship Between Sugar and Carbohydrates

Sugar and carbohydrates are closely linked in the body. This article will explore that relationship as well as discussing corn syrup, sugar acid, fructose sugar and ...

Low vs. High Carbohydrate Diet: Which is Better?

Whether you go on a low carbohydrate diet or a high carbohydrate diet, the overarching purpose is to burn fat and experience weight loss while getting ...

Understanding Good and Bad Carbohydrate Foods

Carbohydrate foods are essential for the proper functioning of our body. Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy. Some foods contain large amount of carbohydrates, while ...

The Benefits of a Low Carb / Low Sugar Diet

While the debate continues regarding the effectiveness of a low carb low sugar diet, it remains clear that it works very well for many people. By ...

How Carbohydrate Metabolism Affects Weight

Carbohydrate metabolism refers to the process your body goes through to break down carbohydrates into energy. Eating too much carbohydrates can cause an increase in your ...

Easy Ways to Reduce Your Carbohydrate Intake

Experts agree that if you're daily carbohydrate intake is 60% or more of your caloric intake, you will have difficulty with weight loss. Often times, the easiest ...

Balancing Carbohydrate / Protein Intake For Max Energy

Adequate carbohydrate and protein intake are both essential to a healthy diet. Carbs are more than a calorie-laden sugar rush, and protein is more than just ...

Understanding Carbohydrate Function For Better Health

Understanding carbohydrate function and getting solid fact about this essential dietary need, can lead to better overall fitness and health. Carbohydrates are an essential part of ...

Substituting Agave Nectar For Other Sugars

Agave nectar is a healthy, unrefined natural substitute for refined sugars and artificial sweeteners. Agave nectar is a natural sweetener made from plants out of Central ...

Recent Carbs