Fitness Nutrition Forums


5 Foods High in Protein

Including a wide variety of foods that are high in protein in your diet is an important part of any healthy lifestyle. There are a number ...

5 Health Conscious Foods for the Picky Eater

Being health conscious is easier to do when you like a wide variety of foods, but it isn't impossible as a picky eater. The trick is ...

5 Indications That Your Eating Habits Aren't Health Conscious Enough

Health conscious eating can give you the energy you need to get through the day, while keeping you healthy and strong. Eating for health means more ...

5 Ways to Stop Emotional Eating

Finding ways to stop emotional eating is important for achieving weight loss. When you eat because you are sad, worried, stressed or frustrated, it can lead ...

How to Control Excessive Hunger

Anyone suffering from excessive hunger will find it extremely difficult to lose weight. Sticking to a diet can be very difficult, and it can be even ...

3 Reasons You Should Avoid Caloric Restriction

While caloric restriction has shown some positive health benefits like a lessening of cardiovascular problems, there are many more health risks associated with it.

What is Your Metabolic Rate?

Your metabolic rate is the amount of daily energy that you exert while at rest in an environment that is temperate and neutral, and while in ...

Making Health Not Weight Loss, Your Ultimate Goal

Making health your primary focus can ultimately aid your efforts to achieve permanent weight loss. A sole emphasis on weight loss can sometimes lead to extreme ...

Getting Your Vitamin C from Kiwi Fruit

Eating kiwi fruit is an effective way of getting vitamin C into your body. Kiwi fruit is a very rich source of vitamin C. There are ...

Using Fresh Mushrooms as a Source of Vitamin D

Using fresh mushrooms is an effective way of getting more vitamin D into your diet. Mushrooms are not normally a solid source of vitamin D, but ...

No More Excuses: Six Ways to Start Adopting Healthy Eating Habits

If you have vowed to adopt healthy eating habits, with no more excuses, here are six tips for bringing your new vision to life. Healthy eating ...

How to Avoid Binging on Halloween Candy

Halloween candy was that highly treasured and desired reason that you went trick or treating as a child (and, potentially, as a teenager, too).

5 Low Calorie Lunch Ideas to Bring to the Office

It may not be easy for you to find a restaurant that serves a low calorie lunch near your office. Some restaurants have low calorie dishes ...

4 Holiday Cocktails to Avoid This Hoilday Season

Holiday cocktails enliven any holiday event. They enhance an especially merry atmosphere. You gather with friends, relatives or business colleagues to have a good time. The ...

Energy Drinks: Are They Part of a Healthy Balanced Diet?

Many people enjoy energy drinks, but some are starting to question whether they are really part of a healthy balanced diet. Energy drinks are high in ...

Sugar Addiction: Understanding the Cause to Help Create a Solution

Sugar addiction may be both emotional and psychological and may be particularly difficult to overcome. However, there are a few means to curb your addiction. The ...

Using an Herbal Appetite Suppressant

Using an herbal appetite suppressant safely and effectively can be an excellent tool in weight management. Below are a handful of herbal remedies to curb eating ...

Reducing Serving Sizes: Cutting Back on How Much You Consume at One Meal

Reducing serving sizes will help you to reach your weight loss goals faster. Eating more slowly, using smaller plates and silverware, asking for a takeout box ...

Overcoming Overeating: Learning How to Stop

Overcoming overeating can be a challenge for many people. Food meets many needs beyond the physical. Many social activities are organized around food. For some people, ...

Avocado Health Benefits: 3 Reasons You Should be Eating Them

Avocado health benefits make a persuasive case for why you should be eating more avocados today. A commercially valuable fruit, the avocado is cultivated mainly in ...

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