Fitness Nutrition Forums

Five Belly Toning Exercises to Tighten Skin after Weight Loss

Fitday Editor
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There are a number toning exercises that can help tighten skin on your belly after a significant weight loss. Extra loose skin is common after losing a large amount of weight and belly fat is always tough to get rid of. The good news is that there are toning exercises that along with eating a healthy diet and performing cardiovascular exercise can help you burn that extra flab and tighten skin on your belly. Below are some examples of belly toning exercises that will tighten up your mid-section in no time! Try to perform at least 15 - 20 repetitions of each exercise listed below.

1. Legs Up Straight Arm Crunch

This exercise will help tone your upper abs and can be performed using a dumbbell to make it more challenging. Lie flat on your back with your legs up at a 90 degree angle from the floor. With your arms straight (hold a dumbbell if you desire), curl your shoulders and upper back off the floor using your abs while pulling your arms up towards the ceiling. Hold for a second; then slowly lower your shoulders and back down toward the floor. Keep your arms straight and legs up during the entire exercise.

2. Air Bike

The air bike is performed lying on your back as well. Place your hands behind your head with your elbows bent and your knees pulled slightly toward you. Using your abs, curl your shoulders up off the floor and pull your right elbow to your left knee until they are touching (or almost touching). Then alternate by pulling your left elbow to you right knee. Continue alternating right to left until you've reached the desired number of repetitions.

3. Side Bridge

The side bridge will strengthen and tone your obliques. The exercise is performed lying on your side. Resting your weight on your elbow and forearm, raise your mid-section until your torso and legs form a straight line (sloped upward). Simply holding this position will help tone your abs; hold the position as long as you can.

4. Lying Leg Raises

Lying leg raises will help you tone and tighten skin around your lower abdominal muscles. Lie flat on your back with your legs straight and up in the air (90 degrees from the floor). Keeping your legs as straight as possible, slowly lower them out in front of you until they are almost touching the floor; then lift them back up to your starting position and repeat.

5. Pelvic Thrusts

Pelvic thrusts will also help tone up your lower abs. As with leg raises, lie on your back with your legs up in the air (90 degrees from the floor). While keeping your legs up, slowly lift your pelvis off the floor and upward using your lower abdominal muscles; then lower yourself back down to the floor and repeat.

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