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The Health Benefits of Peas

In addition to being inexpensive, there are also a number of surprising health benefits associated with eating green peas. One such benefit of this starchy green vegetable, shaped like little balls, is that is can help with weight management; peas are low in calories (an entire cup is less than 100 calories) and fat, but high in fiber, protein, and nutrients. They are rich in minerals including Vitamin K, calcium, iron, zinc, manganese and copper, and also contain omega-3 fat in the form of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).

Because of the calcium and other vitamins found in peas, they can help to prevent bone disease like osteoporosis or losing mass bones. While the fiber content of peas can prevent constipation, and the iron and folate can help with anemia and maintain normal blood function.

Peas contain anti-inflammatories and antioxidants like flavonoids, carotenoid, phenolic acids, polyphenols, which can reduce the signs of aging in the skin, and keep the immune system strong.

Peas can help fight off diseases like Alzheimer’s and arthritis as they contain high levels of Vitamin K. According to StyleCraze, if patients with Alzheimer’s regularly eat peas, this limits the neuronal damage to the brain.

There is also a suggested link between peas and stomach cancer, and according to research conducted in Mexico City, the daily consumption of peas and other legumes could reduce the risks of stomach cancer. This is because of the polyphenol called coumestrol, which is found within peas, and according to the research, an individual’s risks are lessened if they eat at least 2 milligrams of coumestrol per day (a cup of peas would have 10 milligrams).

But it’s not just your health that would benefit from the consumption of peas but also the environment, according to The World’s Healthiest Foods, research has shown that pea crops are environmentally friendly. The publication notes that pea crops are considered to be “nitrogen-fixing” and, with the help of the soil, are able to convert nitrogen gas in the air into more usable forms.

[Image via Shutterstock]

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