Fitness Nutrition Forums

What are Multi-Joint Exercises?

Fitday Editor
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Joint exercises are an excellent way to get your entire body physically fit and fully functional. Multi-joint exercises, also known as complex exercises, are one form of these exercises. Some of the multi-joint movements that you can perform include step-ups, lunges, leg presses, dead lifts, push-ups and squats. Step-ups engage the lower body muscles. Leg presses encourage increased muscle growth to the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves and glutes due to the heavier resistance involved. Dead lifts increase muscular mass in both the lower and upper body. Push-ups increase muscular mass in the chest, shoulders, back and triceps. Squat exercises vary but generally focus on the quadriceps, hamstring, calves and glutes. They help to develop your hip and thigh muscles.

Benefits of Multi-Joint Exercises

Multi-joint movements are regarded as more beneficial to the body than isolation exercises. This is because they engage various muscles within the body which work simultaneously to yield several benefits. You also burn more calories during multi-joint workouts than isolation exercises. This is due to an increased metabolic rate which results in more fat loss. It helps you to develop a lean, strong body. Multi-joint workouts also help to increase your resting metabolic rate (RMR) after exercise significantly. This enhances increased fat-burn and supports an effective weight loss program. The risk of injury is significantly lower during complex exercises. The simultaneous activity of various muscle groups creates a harmonious pattern that promotes safety as you workout. This decreases the risk of injuries during workouts. It also helps you to develop a fully functional and fit body.

Disadvantages of Multi-Joint Exercises

However, multi-joint movements may fail to develop a particular area of your body to the desired level. This is because certain muscles during the exercise bear more of the load than other muscles. For this reason, you may want to complement multi-joint movements with single-joint movements.

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