Fitness Nutrition Forums

Someone's Taking Pictures in the Locker Room — What Do I Do?

Unless you were raised by wolves, you probably know a thing or two about gym locker etiquette. The signs on the wall clearly state the rules of the gym, which will likely include things like:

  • Pick up your towels and throw them in the laundry bin
  • Don't pee in the shower
  • Flush the toilet

You know, really complex, complicated things like that!

In the last few years, a new problem has crept into the locker room: people snapping pictures. It may surprise you, but people actually do it! Thanks to the fact that every smartphone has a camera, anyone with a phone can take pictures and -- even worse -- upload those pictures to the Internet.

For those who want to get along with their fellow gym-goers, here are a few things you should NOT do:

Take pictures of others. Yes, you may want to show your co-workers something hilarious about one of your fellow gym-goers, but how do you think that man or woman will feel knowing that their picture is one click away from being uploaded to the Internet? It doesn't matter how odd, funny, or awesome it is: don't take a picture of it! You do not take pictures of others at the gym unless you ask them for permission. Even then, it's a serious faux pas, and it will give you a reputation for being a bit of a weirdo.

Take selfies. Yes, we all know you look good and "swoll" now that you've just finished your workout. But before you snap your selfie, think about who is behind you. Is there someone standing in a towel, just getting into the shower, or changing their underwear or bra at that very moment? In your efforts to take a selfie, you could get a naked or half-naked picture of someone who has no desire for you--or the internet at large--to see them in that state of undress. Unless you're alone in the locker room (and you've checked to be sure), no selfies!

Take half-naked selfies. This is a popular trend among fitness models and athletes, but it's not the classiest of activities. Sure, it may get you a lot of Likes and Shares on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, but have some self-respect. The people around you will roll their eyes and think you're just begging for attention, and it will give you a reputation of a different sort. Save those half-naked selfies for when you're at home.

It's simple: your phone stays IN your bag or locker while you are in the locker room. If you want to check the phone, do so without removing it from the bag or locker. Do not point the camera anywhere but at the floor, and keep it away from people.

Your goal is to get along with your fellow gym-goers, and snapping pictures in the locker room is a surefire way to get everyone to hate you. The locker room is no place for a camera, so learn to avoid taking pictures in the locker room!

Some people get lucky and are born with fit, toned bodies. Andy Peloquin is not one of those people. Fitness has come hard for him, and he's had to work for it. His trials have led him to becoming a martial artist, an NFPT-certified fitness trainer, and a man passionate about exercise, diet and healthy living. He loves to exercise -- he does so six days a week -- and loves to share his passion for fitness and health with others.

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