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Intensity of Workout and Recovery Period

Fitday Editor
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After an intense session at the gym, it's time for a workout recovery. It's important to incorporate a workout recovery into your exercise routine to heal and energize sore muscles. Every time you workout, your body undergoes many changes. These changes are good, but if you don't rest in between workouts, the changes can actually do more harm than good. This recovery period also lets you know what is too much or not enough in your routine.

Muscle Repair

Muscles are not as tough as you may think. For years, it was thought that the lactic acid in muscle tissue made muscles sore. Muscle soreness is now considered an effect of tearing and damage from intense workouts. Lifting weights is especially tough because tearing and stretching occurs. A good number of people lift weights continuously to get the results they want.

It's a good idea to do small reps followed by a rest period. Rest periods not only calm muscle tissue, it keeps permanent damage away. Also rest the day after lifting weights to put off muscle fatigue. Muscle fatigue hurts your building process by slowing down the recovery period and causing overheating. This rest period gives your muscles a chance to continue on building and strengthening with each workout. The end results take longer to reach, but you get there a lot safer.

Hydration and Electrolytes

When you work out hard, your body loses a large amount of water. This water needs replenishing as soon as possible. Dehydration can lead to illness and a stay in the hospital. Try drinking a small amount of water while working out, but don't overdo it. Water actually gives you energy to carry on with your workout. After the workout, spend the day drinking water to keep hydrated.

Workout recovery in the following days requires a lot of fluid as well. Drink water or unsweetened sports drinks to replenish. Electrolytes are important things your body needs. Electrolytes are the fluids in blood, kidneys and cells that you need to function properly. These electrolytes are also important aspects to muscle repair.


Eating a proper diet after exercise is a great idea when it comes to workout recovery. As with water, eating fruits and vegetables replenish vitamins and minerals lost during your workout. Eating protein in foods like chicken and fish help build muscle tissue. You also speed up weight loss by giving your body the things it needs to continue burning calories.


Soaking sore muscles does wonders after a workout. Use epsom salt and warm water to help take the soreness away. The more relaxed you are, the better you sleep during the night. A good's night sleep allows you to work out without giving up after a few minutes. Some experts say make the water as hot as you can bear, but it's up to you and your comfort level. A warm bath is soothing and doesn't leave your skin red.

Reduce injuries and muscle soreness by adding a workout recovery to your sessions. You'll be able to work out longer and easier.

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