Fitness Nutrition Forums

How to Do Body Weight Drop Squats

Fitday Editor
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Body weight drop squats are a powerful workout to undertake. The only kind of exercise that will actually work out up to 75 percent of your muscles with just one single movement, the body weight drop squats should therefore be made a central component to any leg workout. There are several kinds of these squats that can provide much-needed diversity to your exercise routine to keep things interesting and fresh. A hypertrophy as well as a strength exercise, body weight drop squats also provide for an effective cardiovascular workout. People performing this workout exercise have noticed that even their arm size has grown because of the multitude of muscles affected in just one squat.

To perform body weight drop squats, you will need a body weight like a barbell, workout clothes, lots of free space and focus.

1. Position the Barbell Properly

Start out by placing the bar high on your back, but make sure that you use your shoulder blades to help support it. Retract your shoulder blades as you slowly set the barbell onto your back. Depending on your degree of flexibility, your wrists can be extended or rigid. Your shoulder may undesirably rotate if you do not take care to keep your elbows below your wrists as you lift the bar up to your back. This may lead to pinched nerves. During this process of lifting the bar to your upper back, make certain that your feet are shoulder-width apart.

2. Align Your Hips Properly

To shield your spine from possible injury as you perform the body weight drop squats, you must take care to align your hips in the right fashion. Activate the muscles which protect your spine by standing in such a way that your back is not rounded, and instead curves to the inside a bit. You can also opt to use something called the neutral hip position; this involves you flattening your back simply by rotating the bottom part of your pelvis to the front while moving the top of your pelvis toward the back.

3. Perform the Squat

With the bar still across your upper back, lower your body like you would if you are trying to sit on a chair. You must take caution when doing this not to let your knees bend forward too excessively. Doing this may lead to undue stress on your knee joints, which may injure you. Instead, simply make it a point to sit back more as you lower your body, so that the weight goes to your heels instead of the knee joints. Descend as far as you naturally can, so that your torso does not bend forward too far. You know you have gone as far as possible in your squat if your torso bends forward in excess of 30 degrees. Hold this position for a couple of seconds and then push up until you are standing again.

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