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6 Ways to Treat Acne That You May Not Have Thought Of

In addition to being painful and uncomfortable, acne can really have an effect on an individual's confidence. Despite being one of the most common skin conditions, for many people, it’s one of the hardest to treat, which is why they resort to alternative treatments.

How does acne develop? Acne is caused when the skin's pores become clogged with dirt and oils. According to Healthline, pores are connected to a sebaceous gland, which produces sebum, and too much sebum can cause the growth of a bacteria known as Propionibacterium acnes. White blood cells attack this bacteria, causing inflammation.

There are many reasons that can lead to acne, including stress and diet, but the good news is there are remedies that can alleviate the symptoms. Among these alternative remedies is apple cider vinegar, which contains organic acids to fight the virus and bacteria.

Green tea is beneficial in many ways, and according to Healthline, when applied to the skin, the flavonoids and tannins in green tea can help fight bacteria and reduce inflammation.

Manuka honey can be used to treat acne, and according to WebMD, it contains antibacterial and wound-healing properties.

Tea tree oil is celebrated for its skin healing properties and it’s an essential oil that is taken from the leaves of a tree native to Australia. WebMD notes that research has been done on patients suffering from acne; one group was treated with 5 percent benzoyl peroxide, and the other group with 5 percent tea tree oil in a water-based gel. The results found that although benzoyl peroxide worked faster, the use of tea tree oil had a similar effect after three months. It also had fewer side effects, like irritation and dryness.

Holy basil and sweet basil essential oils can be applied to acne caused by bacteria, Dr. Axe reports.

Zinc can also help acne and there have been multiple studies that have proven its effectiveness. According to Healthline, in a study, 38 percent of patients who were given zinc supplements three times a day for eight weeks reported an 80 to 100 percent reduction in acne.

[Image via Shutterstock]

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