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4 Habits You Can Start Tomorrow to Kickoff a Healthier Life

Wake up tomorrow and begin your healthy journey. You don't have to change everything, just get started with a couple of healthy habits.

New Year's Resolutions can be a big motivation or setting yourself up for disaster. Most people have such fantastic goals for themselves, but they want to change overnight. Guess what? It can take a couple months for new behaviors to become ingrained habits, so don't expect miracles.

Instead, focus on just a few new behaviors and fit them into your current lifestyle. Allow these new things to become healthy habits that you don't even have to think about them anymore; then add some new ones.

Start Here

Water, water, water. Your body is made up of approximately 70 percent water. It's in all of your cells, and most people don't drink enough on a daily basis. Just for normal function, women need approximately eight cups of water per day, and men need 10 per day. If you exercise regularly, you need even more. The majority of your intake should be plain water, although other fluids, fruits, and vegetables can provide some as well. But start tomorrow with a cup of plain water. Have it before your coffee or tea, before your breakfast or workout. Start hydrating, and your body will function more efficiently.

Reach for the sky

As you get older, you notice that you may be a little stiffer in the morning. Maybe you had a tough workout, or haven't worked out in a long time. Either way, you groan a bit as you roll out of bed. Well, get up, use the bathroom if you need to, and start your day with a couple minutes of gentle stretching. This will get your blood moving, and help relieve any residual stiffness from the night. It also gets you in the habit of moving first thing, which may lead to regular morning exercise later on. The key is gentle, so don't push yourself too hard. You aren't warmed up so this isn't time to get deep into your stretches. Just move your body.

Skip the Shortcuts

You know what's coming. Start taking those stairs! Taking the stairs at work, the mall, or even more often in your own home can start doing wonders for your body. Exercise has a cumulative effect. That means that all those steps you take during the day can lead to a healthier body. So, use those stairs, and stop looking for the closest parking space all the time.

Eat your Breakfast!

In these busy times, so many people are skipping meals. But this is the last thing you should do if you want to live a healthier life. First off, it can slow down your metabolism, making you feel sluggish and more easily gain weight. It also can lead to overeating later in the day. So, take the time and eat something for breakfast and don't forget your lunch. Try to choose meals or snacks that include protein, fat, and carbohydrates for balance and satiety. Don't kill yourself trying to eat perfectly, just get in the habit of eating regularly. Later, you can work on your choices.

[Image via Shutterstock]

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