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amylases 04-11-2010 03:44 PM

Hi Everyone! :) I'm starting Day 1 on Monday!
Hey everyone!

This is my first really proactive step towards losing weight, and I'm both excited and scared at the same time. For as long as I can remember, I've always been overweight (even as a child), and I don't think there ever has been a time in my life I was not overweight. This really isn't something I ever talk about to anyone and every time it gets mentioned in a conversation I get really embarrassed, so I really hope this forum will be a great place I can talk about this weight issue to other people who understand what I'm going through and what it's like.

I think I'm obese as of right now, and had to take Metaformin in the past (although I don't anymore... it's kind of complicated). I've been doing well without Metaformin, my periods come normally for the most part (sorry if that was TMI). The reason I joined this site was I've recently been thinking a lot about my weight and how it's really hindered me in a lot of aspects of life. I'm always thinking about how much prettier I can be and the main reason I want to lose weight is superficial first and health-related second. I know that's not how it's supposed to be, but I want to lose weight to fit into pretty clothes so whenever I go shopping with my friends I can buy clothes. I've never had periods in my life where I lost a significant amount of weight, for as long as I remember I've been slowly just gaining.

I'm 20 years old, and a college student. I've done really well in my life in all the other aspects, this is the biggest "failure" in my life right now. Right now I'm 5'7 and around 240 pounds. I would like to lose 65 pounds, and get to 175 (which I haven't been since... middle school I think). My plan is to take 6 small meals a day of low-fat, low-sodium, and healthy foods along with 40 minutes of exercise on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

I would really like to talk to some more experienced people (and by that I mean people who have used forums to connect with other people to lose weight) because I really want to make some friends who are healthy and can motivate me to stick with my plan. It's just that college is really stressful and busy I always push dieting and exercising aside for school.

So here's my ultimate plan:
- 6 small meals a day, 1 meal every 2 hours (10am, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, 8pm)
- 45 minutes of exercise (eliptical, treadmill, walking on the track) on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
- Less sugar, soda, fried food, more fruits and vegetables and water

Thanks so much for reading, and I'm really happy that I'm finally starting to take the steps. :-) I'm really hoping to talk to some amazing people!

tacigunky 04-11-2010 03:57 PM

Good luck. Day 1 for this kid too! You are not alone! ;)

amylases 04-11-2010 04:04 PM

I'm super nervous, but hopefully this will go well :D Good luck to you too!

01gt4.6 04-11-2010 04:07 PM

1st off... (most people probably hold their breath when I start off with those 2 words, waiting to see what I'm going to say. lol) doing it for a superficial reason is great IMO. As long as you are doing it for you and not to make someone else happy. The heath improvement is just another benefit.

I'm about to call it a night so I'll be brief...

6 meals a day is good, how low of "low fat" are you looking for? Keep in mind that some fat is good and your body actually needs it so just don't go too extreme. It sounds like you have a good game plan.

Here are some suggestions though... take plenty of pictures along the way. No matter how painful it is to get in from of the camera with skin showing, DO IT! That has been one of the biggest motivators for myself, to see a side-by-side of before and after... although I don't think I'll ever have an "after". More like before and during.

Plan ahead on your meals and fix them in advance for future use.

Drink water, water, more water. Oh, did I mention that you should drink a lot of water?

Eventually after you've been eating clean for a while and you get some fried foods, be prepared for your body to reject it and send you to the toilet. LOL That's a good thing.

Some people think I'm crazy but I can actually tell by how my tongue feels (if something is good or bad) after I've eaten something. I know it sounds crazy... and maybe I am.

Damn! I said I was gonna be brief!

I'll check back in later.

cjohnson728 04-11-2010 04:15 PM

Good luck to all who are starting tomorrow!
Welcome to FitDay forums. There are great tools and great people here!

If I had to pick my top three pieces of advice, they would be:

1. Be flexible. What you thought might work may need to be tweaked and adjusted as you get to know your body and how it responds over time.
2. Ask for what you need many people with such good information!
3. Remember that this is a personal journey for you and that everyone is different. You will read lots of advice; take what works for you and leave the rest (that goes for "real life" in addition to here).

Again, good luck! Hope to see more of all of you on the boards :).

01gt4.6 04-11-2010 04:15 PM

damn, here I am again... I swear this is it, I'm out of here.

just wanted to say good luck and try your best to stick it out, it's well worth it.

amylases 04-11-2010 06:33 PM

Thanks a lot everyone so far!
I'm sure talking to you guys will really motivate me whenever I feel too lazy or tempted.

I've been okay with food, my biggest problem is getting off my butt to exercize. Food-wise, I know people count calories and stuff, but counting calories for home-cooking is hard, especially when you're not doing the cooking. Growing up my mom always cooked, so I just ate whatever. But now I'm living by myself I'm trying to eat healthier and count my calories. By low-fat I meant less snack foods, like cookies/ice cream/chips.

I think I've been in "avoidance", I refused to weigh myself or take pictures of my body. I've developed very clever tricks to hide my fat in pictures, and have learned to dress and accessorize accordingly to try to slim my figure (I get lots of compliments on my dress/jewlery/nails/etc) but those are really illusions because at the end of the day I'm the one looking at my body and feeling unsatisfied in the mirror.

Cassie: Thank you so much for your advice and I will definitely keep that in mind. This is only the beginning, I just really want to stick with something for once. I'll definitely be here a lot more in the future so you will be seeing more of me :)

Mike: I appreciate your support! Thanks so much! I was kind of afraid people were going to label me as superficial and judgemental for losing weight for superficial purposes, but I personally feel like I'm in great health (however wrong that could be haha) but I can visually see and tangibly touch my fat that's making me feel really unattractive. That also stems into self-esteem/self-conscious issues although I don't have any huge body-image issues, it's like the big elephant in the room (no pun intended, haha) and I want to get rid of that.

I truly appreciate your support, I'm excited to start this journey! :)

MamaCampbell 04-11-2010 09:05 PM

joining today
Hi all, I am looking for a good place to come for encouragement. I am starting today on fitday...the 12th of April. I have never been skinny, but after 5 children, I am 20 lbs. over what I was when I had my first baby. It seems insurmountable to me to lose weight. This weekend I went on a hike with my family. A friend took a picture of us walking from behind. I realized when I saw it that I am lying to myself to think the extra weight doesn't matter to me or isn't noticeable. Beyond the 20, I have about 15 more to lose to be in an average range. I take such good care of my family, why don't I take time to take care of me? Anyway, let's encourage each other.

mtlgirl 04-11-2010 10:54 PM

Hi amylases,

I'm starting today too but this is not my first time. I've been overweight my entire life too. I was only slightly chubby as a kid but my mom was obsessed with dieting and encouraged me to go on a diet when I was only 7. That was just the beginning. Now I'm 42 and have been a yo-yo dieter all my life which is really bad for my heart and my health. I've gained and lost up to 50 pounds and every time I gain it back I gain a little more. Now I'd like to lose 60 pounds and keep it off!

Good luck to you and feel free to vent here any time you need encouragement. I think support is one of the major keys to accomplishing any goal so this forum is a great place for us all to share our feelings and cheer each other on.

Have a great day everyone and thanks for all the valuable advice. I'm drinking a glass of water right now!

im_eric 04-15-2010 02:22 AM

Hi!! This is my first day here too. I've used FitDay PC in the past but moved on to a Win 7 64-bit PC and, to my knowledge, the database does not work with the OS. I lost a lot of weight before but have slowly gained a few lbs over the last couple years. My goal is to lose 18 lbs by 5 Jun 10. Yep, that's probably pushing it a bit but I know I can do it. You can meet your goals too! We'll all do it together.

I'm took a couple days vacation to make a nice long weekend. I'm headed out for a walk/run as soon as I post this message. It's a great way to start!

Good luck to you and everybody else.


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