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Tunnrida 04-11-2012 08:53 PM

Originally Posted by wildbeanerz (Post 78692)
Tunnrida ... I don't think I am doing well with level 3 because I am not fit enough to hold a good plank so I end up doing many of the exercises in this level on my knees and don't feel like I am working hard enough.

I hope that I will succeed in fully perform exercises because I noticed that I have a lot of power as opposed to when I first started to exercise
but again depends on how hard it is, we will see

Mern 04-12-2012 12:00 AM

Started out well on my goals yesterday, and lasted until after dinner. Then I let go and had a controlled cheat of a snack cake and 1/2 cup high fiber cereal with a small amount of milk. No valid excuse for the cheat. Also ate too much skinless chicken thigh--not so bad but put me over in cholesterol and sat fat. I quit logging and am too lazy to go back and do it now, but can give a pretty accurate guesstimate:

Wednesday Report

Tuesday through Sunday goals

(My Monday doesn't exist this week--because it was outrageously horrible)

Tuesday only: protein shakes as meal replacements except for half a Chipotle chicken tossed salad with ranch dressing for dinner and only veggies with low carb ranch dressing for snacks YES

Tuesday through Sunday:
Calorie limit 1500 1235, about 1800
Carbs less fiber limit 25g 16.2, about 60g
Fiber average 25g 35g, over 25g
Protein average 120g 126g, over 150g
Cholesterol limit 300g 195g, 350-400mg
Saturated Fat Average 12% of total calories 12%, 15%?

Exercise 4 days YES, YES
Water 64 oz. minimum YES, YES

Mern 04-12-2012 12:15 AM

Will have to skim the posts and reply later, but I caught a couple as I was looking through to find my Monday report:

Nobe. I'm a grandma but have potty trained my two kids and four of my seven grandkids. Your child will let you know when he's ready. I drove myself half nuts trying to potty train my daughter when my Mom was telling me she should have been potty trained long ago. She'd rebel by saying she didn't have to go, would get off the potty chair, and go directly to behind the sofa and have a bowel movement in her training pants. She wound up being over three when she was finally ready. She became an honor student, made the National Honor Society in high school and the Dean's List in college. We often joke that her being "anal retentive" is what made her smart. LOL I totally agree--go with your gut instinct, have faith in yourself. The stickers are a great idea. :)

April, OMG, honey! So sorry for your biopsy pain! Keeping you in my prayers for a good report.

Gotta go get the grandkids off to school. Will be back later.

canary52 04-12-2012 01:46 AM

Nobe, my daughter trained at 3 and my mother in law swore that my DH trained at 9months. Seriously. My daughter didn't crawl till a year and didn't walk til 19 months. My mother in law actually consulted a specialist she knew about the walking. Seriously. My advice? Don't listen to what others say. Kids do stuff at their own pace and they ALL get potty trained. Find a nice way to tell your Mom to please back off. Or better yet, tell her please don't worry. Her response has more to do with her own insecurites and fears about having a "normal" grandkid than it does to reality. And yeah it might be a generational thing but believe me, everyone has opinions about how you are messing up your kid or hwo they are off the mark in some way. This is only the beginning. Don't listen to em. They'll make ya crazy.

I also want to add that the fact that you give so much thought to this shows you're a great mom. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

canary52 04-12-2012 01:51 AM

1) 1500 calories or less, awright? 1600 so shoot me, 1438, 1565
2) stop eating frigging sugar Y (there was a little sugar in the barbeque sauce on my brisket so sue me), N: a little, a bite of a a macaroon (too sweet) and a piece of taffy, some two pieces of taffy and a bit of amarshmellow so NO
3) stretch as much as my back in TOTAL spasm will allow, YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS, YES, YUP
4) 6 glasses a water; izzat too much ta ask, huh? (that's my totally exasperated Brooklyn ax-scent; my original home town), 6, 12, 6
5) ya ever gonna write again or what? YES, YESYESYES so exciting, A BIG YES

April I am so sorry about your pain. I hope you feel better.

Mern, you aren't doing so badly with the goals at all. Keep at it.

My back is finally starting to ease up. I was getting so bored being around the house. DH and I went to the Further concert and tho I am not much of a Deadhead any more, it was actually quite enjoyable. We saw The Hunger Games and I enjoyed that too tho there were flaws like dizzingly cinematography and a sort of simplistic approach to the disturbing subject matter. DD has been giving me challenges but I am standing firm and trying not to lose my temper so much and it seems to be working.

Plus and this is big for me I wrote for two days, real writing. Tho I am superstitious to say, it felt good to break my slump.

Wishing you all all good things.

Jho82 04-12-2012 02:09 AM

1. Drink min 80oz of WATER!! Y, Y
2. Wake up early before my monsters wake up! (seriously)!! N, N:mad:
3. PM workout Mon/Wed/Fri(at least)!! Y:42m, Zumba
4. Min 60 crunches/day! Y, Y
5. 5 Pushups (straight leg)/ 10 pushups (knees)! Y, Y
6. Calories below 1300/day! T:1430, W:1599:mad::mad:
7. Don't crash and burn on the weekend! WEEKEND WARRIORS UNITE!!!

1. Take kids outside OR work on crafts min 1 hr/day (specified time: 10:30am)!! N, N
3. Work on Makenna's walking! Still working on it - she is walking for the most part now!!
4. Encourage hubby to workout! N, N
6. Sort and file all new coupons! ....sorting now...
7. Work on Mom's Scrapbook 1hr/day! N, N

Nobe - There is absolutely no truth to what she is saying! That is just crazy! You can’t force them to do anything! In fact IMO that makes it far worse! I think for 2.4yrs he is doing great!! I just got Braydon Potty trained a couple of months ago (pooping just a couple of weeks) and he will be 3 on Apr 23. For Braydon I just took off the diaper and didn’t look back. Of course I feared that there would be pee all over my house but he was pretty good (2 accidents) and finally got excited about it! I just kept reminding him during the day to tell mommy when he had to go peepee (over and over and over)He never sat on his potty – he always was afraid he would fall in – he went straight to standing at the big toilet (luckily they are low enough for him to reach!). We still have to conquer the night time. My BFF’s son just turned 3 and he isn’t going on the potty AT ALL! Don’t force….but maybe try rewards… Like Braydon knew he would get a treat if he went – might not be the best advice but it worked for me! If you were a bad mom you wouldn’t care but clearly you do! Maybe just pretend you ran out of diapers and hide them – then have him choose whether he wants to wear undies or nothing. Might sound gross to let him go without undies but kids really love to make choices – they feel like the have the power but always limit there options! Instead of an open ended question (what would you like to eat) use 2 options for them to pick (would you like to eat Broccoli or cucumbers)…or in this case undies or no undies! I wonder why she feels she needs to be mean like that?! And if she is with him 3 days out of the week – it IS her responsibility as the caregiver to (good to see she isn’t anymore) – you are right – consistency is key! Good luck! (read your next post – I would have sent him to your moms with undies and no diapers!)

Kim – glad to see you are feeling better! This is my running man o/\/ (I have a few different runningmans but I really like this one!)

April – Awe – I had one of those a few years back – the suck – very painful – (they actually had to remove some cysts – pinched them off with these clipper things almost like a huge ass nail clipper – clipped off about 5 or 6 – it was disgusting!) hope you are feeling better today!

Cassie – Step AAWWWAAAAAYYYYYY from the snacks!! Stick to the nail biting – less calories!

Mern – nice controlled cheat! I think I may look into some protein shakes… I just can’t get enough and I’m finding my body to be a lot hungrier these days??! Is it because I’m workingout maybe?

Mike – Where are you!?

Feeling a bit crappy today…. I can’t keep my cals under 1300…..I’m soooo hungry!!! And because I’m so hungry I just grab whatever I see and its not good things! (mainly because I have to go grocery shopping!) Under 1300 today – NO EXCUSES! Hope everyone is doing well!

01gt4.6 04-12-2012 02:25 AM

Originally Posted by Jho82 (Post 78747)
6. Calories below 1300/day! T:1430, W:1599:mad::mad:
Mike – Where are you!?

Just peeking in. I've been super busy and will be in meeting all day.
What's up with those calories?

Jho82 04-12-2012 03:03 AM

2 helpings of lasagna....DOH!

lastri 04-12-2012 03:17 AM

Originally Posted by nobe (Post 78699)
Ladies with kids, I need some non-weight related advice/reassurance/etc (rant in white)
I was talking to my mom earlier, and as usual we were fighting about how everything I do is wrong, and she said that it's absolutely crazy that my two-year-four-month-old son isn't potty trained, and she was appalled yesterday to see he was still in diapers. He's had a potty for a couple of months and he goes in it about a third of the time I put him on it, which is whenever I change his diaper. Whenever I ask him if he has to go, he says no, and there's no visible signs he's peeing, so I'm just putting him on and giving him lots of praise when he does it. My mom says he should have been trained as soon as he got the potty, and only stupid kids would take more than a day or two to be trained (which is a crock - she's always told me that my brother took like a year to be trained. But when I brought that up she hung up on me).

So obviously my mom is mean and crazy, but is there truth to what she's saying? How long did it take your kids? Am I doing it wrong? I have this thing with my mom where I know she's just mean, but she still manages to plant seeds of doubt in my head that what I'm doing is wrong, I'm stupid, whatever. She says I should force him to tell me when he has to go, but when I asked her how to go about doing that she just said "well I don't know, I never had a problem, you're obviously doing it wrong if he won't tell you." So no answers, just criticism. She says if he's not trained by now he'll be going to kindergarten in diapers. She also says that, although up until recently, she was watching him three days a week, it's not her responsibility to train him. I said that with no consistency, he won't learn, but she insists it's my job alone.

He's trying. He'll sit there straining like he's pooping just to squeeze a drop of pee out. He'll sit on it for 15 minutes when he clearly doesn't have to go. When he does have to go, he goes right away and jumps up and shouts "I peed!" But he says he doesn't want to wear underpants and he wants to wear diapers, and he won't tell me when he has to go. It's more that he pees when I put him on there, rather than me putting him on there when he has to pee. I don't know what more I can do, besides maybe putting him on more frequently. I can't "force" him to tell me. I don't want to punish him for peeing in his diaper like she says I should.

I know a lot of it is just difference in parenting in different generations, and a lot of it is just her needing to be negative about everything I do, and she's been like this about everything I've ever done as a mom (she said he'd still be sleeping in my bed as a teenager if I let him sleep in my bed once, and he's been sleeping on his own now for a year and a half). But the constant barrage of "you're a bad mom" gets to be a bit much and sometimes I start to believe it.

Sorry for the huge long rant, that has nothing to do with the forum even, but she's got me all shaken up.

Kids are difference in every way. I have 2, one girl and one boy. I try to train my girl at 18 months old and it took along time. She was willing to be trained but she was not consistence until she over 2 years of age. When my son come along, he was not willing to train at the early age. So I waited to 3-3.5 years old. He did learn so quickly that less accident and less energy for me. I run a daycare, so I have to train more kids than just my 2. There was a boy who wear diaper (or pull up) until 4.5 years old. Kids are different. Just relax. You can tell your mother what the doctor said.
Good, luck

wildbeanerz 04-12-2012 03:19 AM

Health / Fitness Goals ...
1. Gallon of water daily! M: 132oz!, T: 138oz, W: 130oz,
2. Shred every day this week (will finish level 3) M: Yep!, T: no, W: Yes, Th: No with a reason though,
3. No salt on my plate M: Yes, T: Yes, W: Yes,
4. Walk on lunch weather permitting M: 38mins - 2miles, T: Wind & oh so cold, W: Worked through lunch for dr appt,
5. Have endometrial biopsy done Wednesday W: Going this afternoon, a little nervous :o .... Did it. Yuck! & Ouch!
6. Daily calorie deficit of 750 minimum M: -1146, T: -985, W: -185, Weekly deficit: -2316
7. Limit one sensible snack after dinner M: No, T: Yes, W: Yes,
8. Carbs under 45% M: 39%, T: 57%, W: 34%,
9. Weigh and post it daily M: 262.4lbs :eek: , T: 259.6lbs, W: 258.6lbs, Th: 258.8lbs, Weekly weight change: -3.6lbs

Life Goals ...
1. Be more of a participant on this forum M: Yep, T: Yes, W: Yes,
2. Read for 2 hrs this week (not on a computer) Not yet
3. Clip dogs' nails (ugh!)Not yet
4. Repot plant for the office (take home the one that is already at the office first)
Not yet

Got home from my appointment yesterday and just really wanted fried food. I had quite an assortment in my freezer that would scare most of you but I got out the fryer and did it up. I still squeaked a deficit but not a good one. Only up .2lbs today thanks to all the water I've been guzzling. Up to 70oz already today at 10:30AM!

Did not exercise this morning due to still have some cramps & spotting. Didn't want to overdo things in that area and lead to actual bleeding. I did not go back to bed though. Instead I folded two loads of laundry and moved one into the dryer and washed another. Then I sat down with my laptop turned on and watched about 30 mins of a different Jillian workout video. It last something like 45 mins I think she says at the beginning. It looks fun & challenging. I think the name of it is Banish Fat Boost Metabolism or something like that. There are a lot of kickboxing moves in it. I think I will like that. I like the high energy of that a lot more than all of the planking I am doing right now. I have 3 more days of the 30 Day Shred to have completed 10 days of level 3. I will definitely get them in as I have OCD and have to finish what I started before moving on and I am excited to move on to this new video. Who'da thunk that a year ago? ;)

HKG ... sorry about your sucky day. It does seem when you sleep past the alarm the rest of the day just sucks! I hope today is better for you.

Quinn ... Awww isn't that the truth? I see my boys getting easier to deal with only to know that in a few years when they are just how I want them to be, they will be ready to leave me. :( I just have a conversation with my 15 yr old the other day when he told me that I only have to put up with him 3 more years. I then explained to him that I would rather he go onto school or if not (he is doing votech starting next year) and he goes into the work field that he stay at home and make some savings. It is too hard to go right into renting your own place just to live alone and be broke. He agreed with me. Smart momma's boy that he is! ... What kind of napkins are you looking for? I work for a nationwide restaurant/bar/food supply company. We may have a warehouse near you that you can get a case at for less than those party supply places or even Sam's Club.

Cassie ... Our poor plants. Will they ever get love? I think I am going to take mine home tonight and try to be able to bring it back tomorrow morning.

Nobe ... I hope you are doing better today. You may have to stand up to your mom a few times to get her to stop what she is doing to you. It is hard but isn't this hard also?

Becky ... 3 flights of steps carrying laundry definitely counts as something. You'll be surprised what you can find in the activity listings. ... Wow. That would definitely add to the stress of moving. I hope a new opportunity shows itself before you are ready to move.

Jeanne ... What were you doing up and down a ladder all day? ... Congrats on breaking through to 199.4! That is great! New century for you!!

Terrie ... Look at your green day! Awesome!

Tunnrida ... I think you will do awesome at Level 3. I am still very overweight and that is why I can't do the plank exercises other than on my knees. I just feel like I am not putting in enough effort that way but I can't physically do it the other way.

Mern ... I had a recipe I was going to PM to you but it said I can't. ... Thank you for your wishes on my pain. It is mostly gone now depending on how I move around.

Hope ... That is the best way (it seems) to handle our trying children is to not let them see us sweat. If we don't get worked up they seem to calm down sooner or come up with their own solution to the problem. I hope for your sanity that she calms back down again. It seemed she was doing very well for a while.

Jho ... I had a polyp removed before as well but this was just different for some reason. The polyp was probably over 10 yrs ago and I don't remember being dilated and everything and there definitely wasn't a hysterosonogram done during it like yesterday.

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