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01gt4.6 03-18-2012 01:20 PM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 76419)

8) Push 2 people, not counting Tori

Originally Posted by Mern (Post 76421)
Mike, you look great in that purple shirt--not at all like Barney! Had to chuckle when you said we all know we'd all stick our fingers in the back of our throat to touch a tonsil rock. I'll have to look that up--never heard of it. No, you're right, it's "who would have THOUGHT." LOL Thunk is poor grammar, but I say it in jest sometimes. Very nice goals for next week. Got a good chuckle out of your promising to not push Tori. Nice bike!

Now I'm going to watch TV. Goodnight, everyone.

Thanks for the compliment, the shirt actually looks brighter in the picture. It wasn't that obnoxious. I'm not saying that I'm not going to push Tori, I'm just not counting her as one b/c it's to be expected. I'm going to try to get mh to bring her butt back here and I'll push her. Maybe quinn needs a little pushing?

canary52 03-18-2012 01:26 PM

The shirt looked great!!You looked great!!! And it matched your avatar. Thanks for posting. And even if it's not as bright in person it was not obnoxious at all as it was.

I gotta confess I never heard of a tonsil rock. Gotta go consult "the Google" as my friend Tom calls it.

Nobe feel better and happy birthday honey!!! Enjoy!!!!

quinnesec 03-18-2012 02:41 PM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 76422)
Thanks for the compliment, the shirt actually looks brighter in the picture. It wasn't that obnoxious. I'm not saying that I'm not going to push Tori, I'm just not counting her as one b/c it's to be expected. I'm going to try to get mh to bring her butt back here and I'll push her. Maybe quinn needs a little pushing?

Yes, quinn DOES need pushing!! I'm feeling a lot better, took two long hikes this weekend in the 80 degree weather :eek: (...our normal high is 39!!) and I'm ready to get back on track, yet again! Had a birthday celebration this weekend where cake and ice cream slipped in, but I'm more than ready to get down to summer weight.

Maybe I'll start the new thread for tomorrow to make sure my goals are set. :)

fit4luv 03-18-2012 03:15 PM

Originally Posted by Mern (Post 76418)
Luv, OMG, that dancing Smiley is darling! Thanks for that. :) I'm not familiar with "Mr. Brown is Out of Town." Is that one that was released by Dr. Seuss's wife after his death? My son, now 32, loved Dr. Seuss when he was a kid. He read "Hop on Pop" about a zillion times. LOL Honey, I am PUMPED! I can't believe I'm saying this but as much as I hate exercise, I'm actually looking foward to going to the gym tomorrow. I just love this fat melting away and so hope I can continue down to under 200 before hitting another plateau. OK, so you had a weak moment at your parents' home, but we know you'll jump right back on the wagon. Heck, you're such a leader for us that you'll be DRIVING the wagon. :D

Going to watch TV. Will catch you all tomorrow. !

HA!HA! Actually, in HOP on POP there is a passage that reads,
"Pup up. Brown down.
Pup is down. Where is Brown?
Where is Brown? There is Brown!
Mr. Brown is out of town."

Do you remember the picture of Brown flying off of the teeter-totter? He's in the sky & flying over the town. For some reason, I thought of this in that you're flying through your goals and onto great success. Man, oh man. You may just reach 199 lb before your target date!

Awww. . . You make me blush with your compliment. I really need others to help pull the wagon with me though.

Mern 03-18-2012 03:40 PM

Mike, I figured the shirt was a little darker. Yeah, I miss mh, Rose,
Cassie, Xzyst, Lizzie, Joanna... There are others, too, but I'm tired and can't think of all our regulars who haven't posted for a while. I agree it's about time for Quinn to hop back onto the wagon, but she's always so close to goal that she can afford to take breaks. It'll be fun to push someone around, though. ;) I looked up tonsil rock--I thought maybe your tonsils were infected, but I see it is all contained and can be easily remedied without need for a doctor in most cases. That's good. Here's a funny, one time when my son was about five years old I took him to the doctor for I thought was a yellow pus pocket on his tonsil. Turned out to be a piece of CORN. LOL

Quinn, congrats on those hikes and on jumping back into the wagon since
you're now feeling better. :)

Luv, that's funny that I didn't remember that "Mr. Brown is out of town" line. A man flying out of a teeter-totter sounds familiar, though. Oh, I would so LOVE to go flying through my goals to that 199. I set a goal of 194 for June 24 because I'm sure my weight loss will slow after a while, but I'm hoping to not be the fattest person at the family reunion. You are one of the truly inspirational people here. April is another who has been full of magenta lately. And I know there are others even this past week. (Again I claim the excuse of being tired--it's past 11:30PM and I'm sleepy. Not admitting to my bad memory. LOL) Hey, maybe we should make all the slackers PUSH us in the wagon. LOL

Well, I did it for the first time ever. Met ALL MY GOALS FOR THE WEEK. Had just one blue number but still met that goal because I go for a weekly average on sat fat. :D

Sunday Report:

Clean Eating Pact YES, YES, YES, YES, YES and without any allowed sugar free chocolate today, YES, YES
Calorie limit 1600 1387, 1354, 1591, 1299, 1268, 1573, 1558
Saturated fat average 12% of total calories 8%, 12%, 13%, 12%, 8%, 12%, 11% AVERAGE OF 11% SO I MET MY GOAL
Cholesterol average 300mg 162mg, 261mg, 213mg, 128mg, 188mg, 293mg, 284mg
Carbs less fiber limit 25g 24.7g, 24g even, 17g, 24g even again, 25g even achieved by shaving off 3 grams of weight from my low carb whey protein/flax muffin (it's not junk food), 24.8g, 24.5g
Fiber average 25g 42g, 26g, 43g, 31g, 27g, 28g, 29g
Protein average 120g 130g, 134g, 158g, 124g, 124g again, 141, 161g

Exercise 5 days YES, YES, YES, scheduled day off, YES, YES, scheduled day off
Water 64 oz. YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES

nobe 03-18-2012 03:58 PM

Dinner could have been worse (diet-wise), I guess. Had 4 tiny narrow pieces of pizza (have no idea how to equate it to the options on the log, so I estimated it as 3 Fitday pieces, but I don't know) and a tiny, two inch square piece of chocolate cake. But guess who ended up with half a pizza and half a cake in their fridge? My dad and stepmom don't eat leftovers. Sigh. Stop staring at me, stupid cake.

I gave myself permission to be a slacker today because my head felt like it was full of cotton candy. I did have to get groceries but I got hubby to drive me. But I knew what I needed and was racing around the store, so by gum I'm counting it as 15 minutes of walking.

My mediocre numbers for today:

1) 1,700 calories max/day - 1454, 1417, 1557, 1467, 1771, 1457, 1856
2) walk for 1 hour, lift weights for 1/2 hour every day except work days (I only work 2-3 days a week), but do it on work days too if I feel like it - no but worked, no but worked, walk 1/2 hr/weights 1/2hr, walk 1 hr/weights 1/2 hr, no but worked, random exercise that I figure adds up to an hour of walking/weights 1/2 hour, 15 mins walking
3) eat more protein, get up from 17% - 18% (it's a start!), 21%, 25%, 22%, 23%, 16%, 16%
4) 64oz water minimum - 64oz, 72oz, 64oz, 64oz, 64oz, 64oz, 64oz
5) calorie deficit at least 500 - 1069, 980, 726, 871, 626, 908, 350

Look at all that new red :mad:

01gt4.6 03-18-2012 04:03 PM

Mern, what was your reaction when you found out it was corn?

nobe 03-18-2012 04:08 PM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 76441)
Mern, what was your reaction when you found out it was corn?

Man, I'm way too foggy-headed to even skim the posts right now and find out what you're talking about, so that's a heck of a weird question :D

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