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cjohnson728 05-17-2010 02:09 PM

5-15 Pounders Weekly Check-In for 5/17/10
Hope everyone had a good week! Time to check it in!

MollySue2 05-17-2010 07:14 PM

This is going to be a rant...
Good morning everyone!

Seems like it's starting to show that I'm ahead a few hours :)

Well, I'm beginning to feel really frustrated, since my scales have moved up once again instead of down. I'm back at my starting weight: 130 lbs. And yes, I completely blew it on Saturday. I did fine all day long, but then I met up with some friends and what was intended to be nothing more than a two-hour stroll through the city turned out to be a long night of drinking. I don't even understand why I gave in. Anyhow, I regretted it in a double sense the next morning when I realized that I had consumed about - can I actually write it down?? - 2500 (!!!) calories and that i felt very sick. My whole week of calorie counting and exercising (and I did work out 4 times last week, which is quite a quantum jump for me) seems in the light of Saturday quite futile now :( So... I don't know. I don't want to give up just yet and I've only started to grasp the whole concept of healthy eating and I finally learned through mistake that consuming alcohol is not going to help me lose weight, but I just feel annoyed anyway.

Anyways, I hope you ladies had a great last week!

quinnesec 05-18-2010 01:14 AM

Molly Sue* Don't give up... just keep going. You can't do anything about this weekend, but you can do something about today, right? Personally, I think the first 4-6 weeks are the hardest because your old ways (and foods) are still a fresh memory. After a while (for me, about 6-7 weeks) the cravings for unhealthy foods subside pretty dramatically. Over indulged in my favorite vodka this weekend myself, I must admit. ;)

As for me... I took a big step and decided to "take off the training wheels" and not log my foods for one week. I was sure it would give me license to eat things that I wouldn't have to log, but it really didn't. After one week, I am the same weight. In fact, I even dipped into the 116's for a day. I went back into my "past weights" tab and realized that I have lost 4 lbs. in 40 days on maintenance ( 1 lb. every 10 days) so will have to up calories again. It's not that I'm afraid of gaining the weight back anymore... I'm past that. Now, it's more that my new foods and eating patterns have become habit. My husband continues to lose on maintenance at about the same rate even though this weekend we overate Thursday-Sunday due to social commitments, but we kept our eating clean. May consider including one additional 4th meal during the day somewhere.

I know this sounds like an unlikely problem to have for all of you trying to lose. But you'll see when you reach your goal, too... and you will! Maintenance is a weird balancing act trying to "undo" some of the discipline that you worked so hard to achieve while losing. From Cassie's posts, I can tell that she's experiencing the same thing, as well as my husband, so I don't feel alone.

This weeks goal continues to be to add more variety and to continue without logging, but weighing daily to catch mistakes before they become habit.

Good luck, all! Anxious to read all of your posts!


blackrhino2 05-18-2010 01:30 AM

Mollysue, I’m so sorry that you are gaining. I feel the SAME frustration. I am frustrated at myself. I am not surprised that I’m not losing since I am eating junk and drinking too. I am really good part of the time, maybe like 50% of the time.

I think that we just need to face this mindset change. We want to change and be happy with how we look in the mirror, but at the same time change is hard.

Last night I was so sad because it was so obvious that I was sabotaging my plans of losing weight by eating chocolate and yet I kept doing it anyway.

I know I can lose weight because I have done it in the past. I just need to pick myself up, AGAIN, and move forward. I was feeling so great on Friday weight-wise. Then Saturday happened and it leads to over eating for another two days. I wish I were more moderate in my indulgences.

blackrhino2 05-18-2010 01:36 AM

Congratuations Quinn, keep on trucking!!! You are doing a fantastic job at maintenance. I'm glad to see that you continue to challenge yourself by trying to add in a few more calories and see how you do--or to try to not track and see if there are ramifications. You are certainly an inspiration. I remember that feeling--about three years ago--when I was maintaining and feeling like it was easy. I'm glad that you have your husband to maintain with.

I have a question: When you go to social events are you not tempted to eat the chips and dip that they put out? Or, are you just in the state of mind where you are so used to making the healthier decision that you can stay strong and not go for the junk? I really need to work on my mindset at social events. I feel fortunate to have lots of social events every weekend but I also find them a big struggle.

mambogirl81 05-18-2010 01:52 AM

Good Morning Girls, I was tempted to not weigh in today, but went ahead and did, and thought about not posting it, but then read MollySue's post and
thought "she needs to know she's not alone" :)

MollySue, I am up three pounds since this weekend, yes I said weekend! I ate way too many peanut M&M's followed by too many glasses of wine, celebrating how I hadn't had either for the last three months because I was getting ready for an event. I have decided that instead of letting discouragement sink in and continuing to eat, and gaining more for next week, that today is a new day and it will be a good eating day. My body feels sick after having eaten well for a while and I know the next few days may be hard as I detox from the sugar overload, but it's only a few days and I want to feel better. We can do this!

Congrats to all you girls maintaining your skinny bikini figures and to those continuing to lose. Let's all have a good eating week and keep each other accountable.

quinnesec 05-18-2010 01:58 AM

Julia* Honestly, after the first 2 months, or so, of eating a really healthy diet of lean proteins, fruits, veggies, whole grains, etc., foods like chips and dip or deep-fried anything don't taste good anymore. My husband and I agree that if you put a batter on anything and deep fry it, whether it be fish, mushrooms, cheese curds, whatever, it all tastes the same. You don't taste the food inside, just the coating. It sounds really stupid, but I don't like the greasy "feel" in my mouth anymore. Does that make sense? It's so hard to describe.

For instance, this weekend we went to McDonald's. My husband ordered an Egg McMuffin and I had a fruit and yogurt parfait and apple dippers. I took a bite of his, and all I tasted was a dry, tasteless bun. Then, I had him try my parfait and your mouth kind of comes alive and you can taste the fresh fruit, etc. I know this probably makes no sense... lol. I just read this all back and I sound insane! But, it's true. The only thing that I can compare it to is if you told a vegetarian to eat a steak. That's how I feel now about deep fried or chips or junk. Does that make sense?


blackrhino2 05-18-2010 02:04 AM

Yes, I certainly agree with you that the fruit and yogurt parfait taste better than the egg mcmuffin. thanks for your response :)

anderson02 05-18-2010 02:09 AM

Good morning ladies. I have to say I am relieved that I am not the only one that battles my eating and drinking over the weekend. I feel like I work really hard and do really well during the week only to negate my efforts on the weekend. One positive note would be that if I were not doing so well during the week my weekend festivities would probably cause a weight gain. Well typically they do, but that is gone by the next weekend. So Monday I generally weight 3 pounds or so more but lose it by Friday only to gain it back again and so goes my cycle. I find that if I can stick to my diet through at least one weekend that I will lose some so at least when I get back on that cycle I am still a couple pounds less. I just can't seem to do it for more than a couple of weekends in a row. I find that after that I start to feel resentful that I cannot have the fun that everyone else is having.

Wow, that was more long winded than I intended. :o

So, today I am 144.4, same as last Tuesday but that's not bad because I abandoned my calorie tracking for most of last week. I ate some things that I knew I probably shouldn't but after getting past those cravings, I was ready to eat more healthy food on my own. This week I am tracking but allowing for more calories. We will see how that goes.

Twinnermommy 05-18-2010 02:37 AM

Mambo and MollySue, everyone has admitted to making mistakes and you are both learning from yours, so don't be too hard on yourself! Props on not giving up and deciding to start fresh!

I didn't do as well as a lot of you, I just started this actually last Tuesday. I am doing good on exercise and calories, but I need to work on the type of foods I eat instead of just eating less of everything. I think if I can just get used to eating different types of food when I get hungry, I will drop faster. I did loose a pound and 2.25 inches off my waist by toning.

current weight: 142
goal weight:135
height: 5'7"

MollySue2 05-18-2010 03:17 AM

Hi ladies,

it's such a relief to hear that I'm not the only one who indulges once in a while (especially on the weekends!) - so thanks alot for all the sympathetic comments, I really needed it! And I agree with Julia that it truly is a matter of changing one's mindset. I'm not quite there yet, but I will keep on trying :D

Have a great week everyone!

missmatch76 05-18-2010 03:18 AM

Hi everyone,

I'm afraid I can't check in because my scales are broken! I thought it was the batteries so changed them but it did no good :/ financial times are not good so who knows when I will be able to replace :/ :/ :/ BUT I will keep on logging and will have to resign to weighing at my moms once a week when I go of a weekend.

Quinn, talking of 'bad' foods not tasting so good - as it's my birthday today I grabbed my favourite bacon, tomato & mushroom sandwich from my favourite cafe and didn't enjoy it half as much as usual. I'd of much rather had my cereal and banana :D - am slightly concerned that I've ruined my favourite treat forever lol

Also on a positive note, I've tried having a couple of squares of dark chocolate this week (80cals) instead of the usual 200 cals of milk choc (and I still want more!) and it's true that it does satisfy the craving much better.

Sorry that most people don't seem to be having a very good time this week - I don't know my weight obviously but can't imagine there would have been a change TBH.

Anyway, I'm off to the pub to make the most of having no working scales at the moment lol, just for today tho because it's my birthday YAY :D

runawayspoon 05-18-2010 03:20 AM

Hi everyone-- me too! I really didn't want to weigh myself but I did, and I am up .4 lb, not much, but I had a really disappointing week. It's finals and I am really stressed and not getting any exercise or taking care of myself. After next week I can re-asses. I have two dear friends who are struggling with cancer right now, and it is breaking my heart. I am so lucky to have the healthy hungry body I do....why me? Anyway, I am glad I am maintaining the weight while I am on a plateau, and not gaining. That means my eating habits are more or less under control, although my dh and d i l who lives here during the week bring in a lot of junk food. I try to get them to hide it but I know where it is! I can binge on diet food too! Those little custard cups, etc.....I tell myself when I start doing that or go out to a restaurant and they plop down a fabulous hunk of bread and butter, "You can't gain it all back in one day!" So like you said, Quinn, every single day , minute, choice, is a first's just like any addiction, one day at a time. Have a super week beautiful women and try to love your healthy hungry selves!!! Sharon :D

MollySue2 05-18-2010 03:21 AM

Happy birthday, Missmatch!

hope you have a beautiful day!!

runawayspoon 05-18-2010 03:24 AM

Happy Birthday MissMatch! Have some fun !!!!:D

cjohnson728 05-18-2010 03:58 AM

Hi Everyone
You ladies have such great attitudes and's easy to keep coming back. Even when you're having a "down" week, your motivation and sharing are very inspiring. Thanks for being here.

MollySue, Mambo, Sharon, hang in there; you know you can do this and one little fluke on the scale doesn't take away the progress you've had so far and the knowledge you've gained. Some of it could be due to other factors such as water, sodium, stuff your body's not used to, as opposed to real pounds gained. Mambo, glad to hear that things went really well, and it's wonderful that you had some pics taken and are comfortable with that! I still don't think I'm there in my head :o

Julia, we'll all have our up and down weeks. Celebrations and social occasions can be hard. I agree that you can change your tastes, like Quinn said (although I think that chocolate will always be appealing to me). I think you get to a mindset where you just don't want to "waste" calories and you want the highest quality food you can find. At gatherings, you could grab and keep water or a spritzer with you, and if you choose to snack (obviously) make good choices, but also things that might take a long time to eat. For example, you can scarf down a bunch of high-cal peanuts in a really short period of time, whereas crunchy veggies or crackers would take longer to eat. I never really liked fatty foods all that well to begin with (with the exception of french fries!), but salty snacks are the ones I have to watch at those types of places. Sometimes I eat before I go and it's better if I don't even get started on the food there; it depends what's on the table (although that really only works with snacks and hors d'oeurves, not a dinner).

Twinnermommy, great start for you! It's all a process and you tweak as you go along.

Missmatch...happy birthday to you!!! I hope you have a fantastic day :D.

Hey, Quinn, congrats on removing the training wheels and blazing the trail, once again showing us that it can be done gracefully!

I'm holding steady this week, with the big challenge trying to keep myself off the DL. I've had some foot pain I'm trying to baby along with ice and rest, and of course the elbow is acting up because it's tennis season. The thought of not being able to exercise is somewhat anxiety-provoking, so I'm trying to be careful.

antidi 05-18-2010 04:20 AM

Nutrition Question
Hi Ladies,
I am new to this forum and I'm not sure if this is where I can ask a question so if this is out of order, let me know.

I am trying to reduce fat intake to lose about 10 lbs. How much of a person's diet, in a 1200 to 1600 calorie diet, should be fat? Or, what proportions of your daily intake should be carbs, protien and fat?

anderson02 05-18-2010 05:55 AM

Originally Posted by cjohnson728 (Post 11117)
I'm holding steady this week, with the big challenge trying to keep myself off the DL. I've had some foot pain I'm trying to baby along with ice and rest, and of course the elbow is acting up because it's tennis season. The thought of not being able to exercise is somewhat anxiety-provoking, so I'm trying to be careful.

Have you thought of trying exercises that will keep you off of your feet? My thoughts are maybe floor leg lifts, sit ups, anything that will not put weight on your foot but still keep those muscles working.

cjohnson728 05-18-2010 06:20 AM

Thanks Anderson! Great minds think alike :). On Sunday I went through my spreadsheet and highlighted all the stuff I could do that did not put weight on my foot. Needless to say, my abs, arms, and shoulders got a good workout that day!

Hi, antidi; welcome to FitDay. Everyone that answers your question will have a different answer...there's no magic bullet, as it is different for everyone. A general rule of thumb is that no more than 30% of calories should come from fat, though. If you put carbs, protein, fat in the search box, you should pull up a whole bunch of threads on this's been a hot one!

blackrhino2 05-18-2010 09:40 AM

Happy Birthday MissMatch!!! I hope you enjoyed the pub!:D

Built 05-18-2010 11:01 AM

Happy B-Day Missmatch!:D

My laptop died this week...and getting to my desktop computer is not as convenient, thus I haven't been online as much. So, like Quinn, I have not logged my nutrition the past couple of days, but I still write it down (unlike Quinn who obviously is doing fantastic!:D) because it helps me see the big picture. Rather than counting calories, I've been putting happy faces on good choices and frowns on "not-so-good" ones. Not very scientific, but it works for me--at least 'till I get a new laptop. I've also gotten back to juicing this week, which I love doing...even though it's a pain to clean and noisy. Makes me feel like I'm loading my body with nutrients.

Okay, this week I'm down 3 pounds to 119#, but measurements are basically the same. I always take the scale readings with a grain of salt since so many variables factor into it. I used to be a skinny fat person...low weight but lots of flab. In fact if I don't lift weights for a week, it's not unusual to drop 3-5 # on the scale. No thanks...I'll take lean body mass over a couple of pounds on the scale any day!

I'm focusing on cultivating a mindset of understanding how the foods I eat are enhancing cellular function. I get on these kicks a couple of times a year. Kind of helps me be mindful and breaks the monotony of calorie counting and scale focus.

I always like reading Sharon's posts about loving ourselves unconditionally (thanks Sharon)! Hope the finals go well for you!

Cassie, you are wise to not work through an injury! It helps to focus on what I can do rather than what I cannot when I'm nursing an injury. I don't play tennis, but do have tennis elbow that acts up from time to time. Ouch!

Congrats to you all who are in the "zone" and hugs to those who have struggled--oh heck, hugs to everyone:)

bellanocha 05-18-2010 12:34 PM

hi everyone! I'm new to the site, and I'm hoping to start my weight loss tomorrow with some tennis!
I'm glad to be on this site, where I can tell everyone is very supportive :)

quinnesec 05-18-2010 02:43 PM

Cassie* Am I the only one that doesn't know what DL is? ;) lol

Beth* Sounds like you're doing great... getting awfully close to goal, my dear!!! I'm afraid that I'm one of those skinny fat people that you described! lol (...just my thighs)
My legs are strong, but not so well defined. I'm feeling a little "puny". :)

So happy to see 3 pages of check-ins!!! Wow. What a thrill to see this thread grow and prosper into an awesome community of support and kindness. Thanks to all. Such a strong, motivated group of women. Each of you contributes something unique. I read other threads and some can get a little "catty" and mean. But not this one. It's always a source of support. Just wanted to say that I think you're all awesome!


cjohnson728 05-18-2010 03:02 PM

I agree! Everyone here is nothing but uplifting and thought-provoking. It's great to go back and read old posts and see everyone's thoughts when I get to the point of being frustrated.

(and Quinn, DL is disabled list...a holdover from the days when the boy played baseball ;))

Glad to hear you're doing well, Beth. It's amazing how dependent we become on these electronic little buggers, isn't it? Cellular functioning sounds intriguing...

Sodiumlightbaby 05-18-2010 11:02 PM

Hello, my name is Dana, I'm new to this site, not new to the struggle though. After having two children I have been trying to lose 10lbs unsuccessfully. I have a hard time sticking to it and lose confidence all the time. I have decided that visually seeing my progress and tracking my eating and my exercising might help me to lose these stubborn 10 lbs, I'd go for more but right now I just want a small goal. I'm 145, looking to hit 135. Although I have a very active job, daycare educator for 5 year olds. I have not been exercising as I would like, with two kids and a full time job it's hard to find the time. So to battle this problem I started walking on my lunch hour, mostly uphill and running some stairs. I also brought my weights to work for the days that I don't walk. I have been slacking here and hope that by joining you I might find the motivation to stick to my exercise and eating routine. I am carrying all 10lbs on my tummy, mommy tummy, and it's just not healthy.

You girls seem like an awesome bunch from what I have read and I hope I might join you in your journey.


blackrhino2 05-19-2010 12:02 AM

Great job working out at lunch Dana! :) We are glad to have you!!

Welcome to Bellanocha too. I hope your tennis game didn't get rained out today!

quinnesec 05-19-2010 12:56 AM

Hey, Dana! Welcome to our group! We check in here once a week (Tuesdays) to be honest about our progress, or lack thereof. ;)

Please follow us back to the 5-15 lb. club thread. Glad to have you here!


quinnesec 05-19-2010 01:01 AM

Thanks, Cassie! I feel better now. My daughter was reading posts as I was typing and said, "You don't know what DL means?" When I told her no, she gave me an extremely urban definition that made my hair curl and I assured her it had nothing to do with a group of women exercising and losing weight! LOL OMG! We laughed and laughed!


Browneyez31 05-19-2010 04:39 AM

current weight: 172lbs
Starting weight: 180lbs
total weight loss: 8lbs

at first for the week i only saw a change of 0.5 lbs but once i started thinking to where i was about 8 weeks ago and where I am now, i am amazed and exited! i've lost 8lbs! only 6 more to get to that 15lbs goal

i coulnt be happier, i know theres still a long road to ahead of me but Im so happy to see the results not only on the scale but in the way my clothes feel and the way I feel...lets keep it up ladies

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