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rmnsuk 01-17-2010 06:29 AM

What was the final straw?
Some kid in a supermarket said "Mummy, why does that man have boobs". Don't we have wonderful children in the UK? It did give me the impetus I needed to start losing weight though.

What triggered you to start?

conrad3 01-17-2010 01:42 PM

i am a natural bodybuilder, what got me started was when i was boxing (in the navy) and i got knockout a couple of time and after one match blood came out of my nose and i was not to thrilled with that, but i loved to workout and the rest is history.

Badger69 01-18-2010 08:38 AM

Manboobs....always a good motivator!

Originally Posted by rmnsuk (Post 1124)
Some kid in a supermarket said "Mummy, why does that man have boobs". Don't we have wonderful children in the UK? It did give me the impetus I needed to start losing weight though.

What triggered you to start?

Hey there. Just joined today and laughed when I seen your post. Yep the ol' moobs are one of the main reasons I've decided to get tough with myself. Although not 'massively' overweight I tend to put the pounds on my chest rather than my gut so it's a bit of a double whammy [overweight and look kinda stupid].

But the final straw was being floored by a virus over the holiday period just recently and finding out a catalogue of horrors after getting blood tests [raised cholesterol/blood pressure, impaired liver fucntion and thyroid problems to name but a few]. My GP says that most of these symptoms are caused by the virus I've had but I know in my heart that I'm no longer as fit as I used to be and I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired!!

I used to be super fit about ten years ago and I know that I can get back there with a bit of patience, care and dedication. I'm gonna prove to myself that life does begin at 40 as the saying goes.

Anyway enough of my rambling. I just had to tell someone. Best of luck to you. I know you'll [we'll] get there if you just stick at it mate.

lamafri 01-18-2010 10:03 AM

Saw 220 on the scale and admitted that my clothes don't fit.

farr1022 01-18-2010 10:49 PM

My four year old daughter was jumping over my shadow at Sea World last month. She looked up at me and said "daddy.. I can jump over your whole shadow even though you are fat!"

I weighed myself soon after that and saw 260. Set a goal of 200 by September and I will do it.

I also hate being called "big guy".

jmswanny 01-19-2010 12:34 AM

i gained ~60 lbs in the past 2 years being lethargic and stretch marks snuck up on my and i hate them, so i decided to do something about it!

sw07 01-20-2010 10:32 AM

The Moobs,the grunting & groaning just to tie my shoes, feelin' crappy & lethargic and having to buy larger & larger clothes and the general feeling of disgust from being a fatazz.
The topper was when my Doctor told me I was starting to show signs of Type II Diabetes and she was giving me 3 months to get things under control or I was going to have to go on meds:mad:

farr1022 01-20-2010 10:45 AM

Originally Posted by sw07 (Post 1382)
The Moobs,the grunting & groaning just to tie my shoes, feelin' crappy & lethargic and having to buy larger & larger clothes and the general feeling of disgust from being a fatazz.
The topper was when my Doctor told me I was starting to show signs of Type II Diabetes and she was giving me 3 months to get things under control or I was going to have to go on meds:mad:

That is a scary conversation to have with a doctor. Staving off diabetes is part of my motivation as well since in runs in my family. Good luck!

sw07 01-20-2010 11:11 AM

Originally Posted by farr1022 (Post 1389)
That is a scary conversation to have with a doctor. Staving off diabetes is part of my motivation as well since in runs in my family. Good luck!

It runs on both sides of my family:(
However, my last 2 test results (every 3 months) showed that I am no where near the pre-Diabetes state that I was in back in July.
Feels good to have a clean bill of health.

rmnsuk 01-22-2010 08:05 AM

I just try to fix in my mind the anger at that kid and the disgust I felt for myself when I realized it was MY fault.

Funnily enough I work in a team of 7 and 5 of us are eating healthy and getting active. The other teams are getting fed up of us all talking diets all the time :)

miceli250 01-29-2010 01:12 AM

I had a good high school and college career with sports (Football, Wrestling and Baseball). I have been out of college now for six years and was house sitting new years and saw a scale in the bathroom.

I stepped on and was shocked to see 415. I decided that enough is enough and I needed to change my lifestyle.

I joined a gym that week and fitday not long after.

I was 415.8 on 1/3 and weighed in this morning at 381.4. My first goal is 375, so I am so close to reaching my first weight goal.

I am thinking my next goal should be 340 at the end of April.

haarvik 01-29-2010 02:01 AM

For me it was the grunting putting on/tieing shoes. I aslo was starting to have knee issues. If I knelt too long I couldn't hardly walk for a few minutes. While I wasn't extremely heavy (219) I could feel the effects. Watching my belly sag over my belt was bad enough, but seeing my brother (was a little heavier than me) with his gut just hanging down was the final straw. I decided I needed to get back to 165 and be a healthier me.

Lysady 01-29-2010 10:17 AM

Originally Posted by miceli250 (Post 2104)
I had a good high school and college career with sports (Football, Wrestling and Baseball). I have been out of college now for six years and was house sitting new years and saw a scale in the bathroom.

I stepped on and was shocked to see 415. I decided that enough is enough and I needed to change my lifestyle.

I joined a gym that week and fitday not long after.

I was 415.8 on 1/3 and weighed in this morning at 381.4. My first goal is 375, so I am so close to reaching my first weight goal.

I am thinking my next goal should be 340 at the end of April.

Thats Excellent work, keep it up!

For me, I was always the fat kid in school however I got really thin due to just starving myself, then after I had pretty much destroyed my metabolism and started to pig out as I got older and the stresses of life get to you, I just got a bit out of control, I was 218lbs and now at 211lbs, working to my goal of 180lbs.

Got a vegas trip coming up in a year, so would like to feel comfortable taking my shirt off at the pool, rather than just avoiding it.

Its great to read your guys comments, its very inspiring and makes me more determined! I hope you all the best success!

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