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clizlee 01-24-2012 05:57 PM

New here...need encouragement
Hi all,

I signed up at this site a while ago actually but haven't used it. A friend of mine told me about it. I've got 2 boys, 6 and 3, and I put on some weight after the first one, never lost it all then got pregnant with the second and put on even more weight after that. I'm as heavy as I've ever been now and it just gets harder and harder to lose it. My husband and I have done the South Beach diet a couple of times and I usually get off to a good start but just never stick with it. So we recently started the SB diet again but this past week just has not been good. I told myself I'm gonna get back to it this week and I just keep eating things I shouldn't be eating. I at least started exercising again this week though. I did 2 days in a row of the elliptical. Only 20 min. each night but it's a start right?

Another thing that's hard for me is just plain finding time to exercise. I'm a web designer and I work from home which mean a ton of sitting. Then in addition to working I've got my 2 boys, bringing them to school, getting them to bed. So it's hard to have motivation and energy. So I just need encouragement. I thought I'd check out this site again to see what is available here that could maybe help. Thought I'd post in the forums too just to see if maybe being part of some sort of community where everyone has the same goal might help me a little. So if anyone has any tips or suggestions on where to start on this site or any encouragement for me that'd be awesome.


breethe000 01-25-2012 01:31 AM

Welcome aboard!:D

I just joined last week, because i had been stuck at the same weight for 2 months; and after a few hours of thumbing through the forums for ideas of how to break the plateau, i found something that worked for me.

youre in good hands now that youre here, everyone is so helpful and genuine.
good luck getting started, its always been a sticking point for me. and as far as excersizing goes, i think youre on the right track. for me(couch potato) when i just -started- going to the gym it made a huge difference in my weight loss and energy level. 20 minutes is a great place to start from.

and if youre anything like me, once you start paying attention to those pesky nutrition labels, you can start finding it easier to say no to those old standbys. i work in a grocery store, and im about to start bringing my own lunches because my breaktime/lunchtime food options are horrendous as it turns out... slightly depressing.

anyways best of luck, hopefully someone will reply who has the same life experience as you. and hope to see you around more! :)

VitoVino 01-25-2012 02:40 PM

Welcome, clizlee.

We have a terrific Women's forum here where I'm sure you'll find all the support you'd like, as well as the other forums.

You'll also find all the tools and resources you'll need here, in our little corner of the internet in order to meet your weight goals, and to help with your transition into a healthier lifestyle.

A good way to get situated with both the Discussion Board and FitDay program is to visit this link:

FAQ's/Newbie Q & A, How To's, & Supporting Links

If you have any additional questions we are glad to assist.

Lastly, we'd enjoy having you "stick around" the Forum. We have a close-knit community that is active and encouraging.

Best wishes!

fit4luv 01-25-2012 06:29 PM

clizlee, this community really helped to spur me on, especially as I began to interact. You've come to a great place! Good for you in taking steps forward toward a healthier you!

jessikaye01 02-01-2012 04:30 AM

I'm kinda in the same boat as you, lol!!
Add me as a friend and we can offer eachother encouragement!

almeeker 02-01-2012 05:34 AM

I'm a mom too, only 3 girls for me ages 10, 8 and 5, no boys. Great job on the 20 minute elliptical workouts, it burns a ton of calories, so keep it up and try and add another minute or two every week. I hear you on the exercise front, it's difficult because you're already stretched pretty thin with the kids and the job, but what I've found that works pretty well for me is the following:

1. Working out does not have to be the same time every day or the same workout (there are those that actually recommend mixing it up all the time for better results). Analyze each day of the week, see where you can spare the time or add working out to it without compromising anything. For me this usually means that when the kids go to whatever sports thing they have going on, I workout too. My kids are in swim club, so they are at the pool 3x/week for practice, and lucky me there is a gym on the top floor of the same building. I workout, they swim. On Sunday's it's a real struggle, the whole family is home and they want me to do this or that for them, so I get up early and walk to the grocery store back for my newspaper. Saturday's are hit and miss, if the kids have a swim meet or something else going on, I miss, but if we are all home DH and I take turns going to the gym. When the kids have soccer practice in the Spring and Fall I walk around the soccer field and when the kids run dribble drills I chase them and try to steal the ball, which is pretty funny. The hard days are when the kids don't have sports going on, so I usually get up early and workout. And to anyone that says to me, "oh, I don't have time to workout". I usually say, "oh really, what were you doing at 5:00am? 'Cause that's when I got up and did mine". You have time, it's all a matter of making yourself a priority for at least 20-60 minutes/day.

2. What's good for you is good for the whole family, so plan bike trips, nature walks, trips to the park, family soccer games, family baseball games, put up a basketball net, join the ski club, sign up for the family plan at the martial arts academy, make skate night a regular thing, go to a skate board park, go horseback riding, swimming, etc etc etc. Whatever floats the family boat, white water rafting even. Plan at least an hour of activity for every weekend, and plan family vacations with activity in mind (take bikes camping, stay at hotels with swimming pools, plan for hiking, etc etc). I know a family that rides their bikes pretty much everywhere, so long as the sidewalks are dry. They rode their bikes to one of my DD's birthday parties and they live probably 6 miles from us, let me just say they are all totally ripped, and the boys are little like 6 and 4 maybe. It wouldn't have occurred to me to have a 4 year old ride that far, but he's been doing it for a year now and works very hard to keep up.

3. Reward yourself once/month with a piece of workout clothing or equipment. I don't know why this helps but it really does. I have pretty much all I need, but I still have my eye on the next thing. Okay yes it's a financial burden, but it's not nearly as expensive as a visit to the cardiologist.

4. Get a pedometer, wear it religiously, and keep track of your steps on a calendar or something and post it where every one can see it. Aim for 10,000 steps/day. I do this on our kitchen calendar and if I don't make 10K I list why, so yesterday say's "mom: 4,644 steps, 60 minutes swimming".

5. Park your car as far back in the parking lot as you can and walk a little farther everyday and take the stairs not the elevator.

I have more advice but that's enough to get you started.

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