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hannahlore04 08-26-2010 02:13 PM

New and looking for dietary tips
Hi, i'm hannah and i'm the typical yo yo dieter! 24 now and still at it! In high school i played softball and participated in weightlifting elective courses. My whole family (both sides) has weight issues and i am lucky enough to be included in this as well! My senior year i decided to buckle down and get off weight for prom. I lost two dress sizes and i was quite satisfied. Then 3 years later i was at my max weight. I decided i really needed to do something about that. I lost 65 lbs and i was extremely satisfied. I was a size 18, as silly as that sounds it makes me happy being that size. I like my body and i'm comfortable with it. Also, i was healthy. That was three years ago and now i'm up 75 lbs. The last time i did this i have realized was not sensible. I cut down to 800 calories with a work out 5 days a week after working 8 hours as a CNA, this time i want to do it for life. My goal is to be a size 18, and to tone my arms , stomach, back and inner thighs. The main problem i am facing now though is i'm at a loss for on what to do for protein. I just don't know what sounds good and I'm not a big meat eater anyway. i enjoy mostly chicken and grilled chicken especially. So mainly i would like suggestions as far as some black bean or other alternatives. Also how to prepare. TY for reading and wish me luck!

oh and by the way i prefer low calorie ideas. It is the easiest thing for me to stick to!

rpmcduff 08-26-2010 04:41 PM

Congratulations on deciding to make eating healthy a lifestyle rather than just a diet! I don't have much for recipes but I do have some ideas for protein sources:
Eggs (hard boiled as an addition to a green salad, scrambled or add them to stir fried vegetables, like stir fried rice without the rice, or egg whites which are almost pure protein).
Cottage Cheese
Natural peanut or almond butter (the kind without sugar added).
Fish like salmon, cod or tilapia.
Lean cuts of Pork like pork loin or chops.
Beans or legumes like black beans, navy beans or lentils. (Lentils have the highest protein content).
Cheese (but it can have lots of calories in a small amount).
Whey Protein powder or shakes (making the shakes with milk adds calories but also increased the protein).

Hope this helps and gives you some ideas.

NatalieWindsorSmith 08-28-2010 05:16 AM

Hanna, 8oo kcal is not enought food. you will lose muscle and if you gain any weight back yor body fat index will be even higher. I know, I have tryed it; and failed. I used to workout with weights, do cardio and diet on 1000cals. Didn't work! I used to weight 245lbs.Try between 1200 and 1500cals with working out and lifting weights. The weight will move quicker. 50% carbs, 30% protein and 20% fat. Too many carb's, your body will turn it to fat.Too many fats, your body will turn it to fat. Not enought calories then you body will hold on to the food and you will not lose weight.(you need to fuel the engine in order to get it to run properly.) Anyway, I do have some protein ideas. Mix fatfree chocolate pudding and fatfree milk in with choclate protein powder(whey) and you have something that will stop the craving of choclate. It is 200cal, 30g protein, 1g fat. You can also mix greekyogurt with crysal light, high protein and low calorie. I hate watching what i eat and this makes it a little easier.

Kathy13118 08-28-2010 05:53 AM

800 calories, working full time and working out 5 times a week. If you can do it and feel great, yeah, it may have long-term damaging effects to your dieting efforts, yet you achieved your goal!

To some people, achieving the goal is enough. Going on a cabbage soup diet will work too. Eating nothing but hard boiled eggs and toast for a month, three times a day, will work, too. But here's the thing - doing something once doesn't make it your lifestyle and doesn't mean you can do it again and feel the same ease while you are doing it.

If you join WW, you will lose a ton of weight. Or not. But the goals are reasonable, the method (watching what you put in your mouth) is reasonable, and you can live with whatever works for you as you build your menus in WW.

More importantly, when you get to your goal, you can become a life-time member because you EARNED it (it's free, a kind of reward and incentive to keep at your weight) and you can use WW again to stay within a few pounds of your goal.

WW does not take the weight off of me. I do that with my eating and exercise habits. And I'm certainly not a salesman for WW (and I don't play one on tv, either!), just someone who thinks it's very rational and an antidote for people who tend to judge themselves by their success at efforts with extreme dieting.

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