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cranberryfrog 12-26-2011 05:30 AM

Upgrade from version 1 to version 2?
Is there a discount for people upgrading? What is in the new version that isn't in version 1? I tried emailing support and didn't get an answer.


VitoVino 01-05-2012 07:58 AM

Have you now received a reply?

timfierro 01-14-2012 01:29 PM

Curious if you got a reply.

I started FitDay in December 2005; and only used it for about 7 months to lose weight. It worked. But every since that trip that I lost weight for, I have built it all back.

So, here we are installing FitDay again. I have version 1.0 obviously from January 2006, and I was curious what changes are in v 2.0 and whether or not I should upgrade to it.

I find it funny how my registration here somehow shows January of 2012. Maybe this website is new since 2006. :-)


VitoVino 01-14-2012 01:36 PM

Yes, the website was started early in 2010.

I'm going to purchase the PC version myself in the next few days. If you look, supposedly you can find a coupon and pick it up for $19.95. So even if you don't get an upgrade discount, for the price of a pizza (with the works) you get a great piece of software.

01gt4.6 01-14-2012 01:37 PM

Tim, the January 2012 date was when you first posted on the forums.

timfierro 01-14-2012 01:52 PM

Originally Posted by VitoVino (Post 68462)
Yes, the website was started early in 2010.

I'm going to purchase the PC version myself in the next few days. If you look, supposedly you can find a coupon and pick it up for $19.95. So even if you don't get an upgrade discount, for the price of a pizza (with the works) you get a great piece of software.

Website in 2010, would explain why my forums account is 2012. ;)

For the PC Version of FitDay, I already own it, so that is why I want to know what has changed from 1.0 to the new 2.0. If added features and/or bug fixes, is there a change log showing these?

No need to buy again just because the version has a 2 in front of it instead of a 1. :D


01gt4.6 01-14-2012 02:02 PM

Originally Posted by timfierro (Post 68465)
Website in 2010, would explain why my forums account is 2012. ;)

I already answered that. ;)

dianemancino1 01-23-2012 11:15 AM

upgrade from version 1 to 2
I just upgraded to p/c version 2. It really isn't much different from version 1 besides for the background colors that I will change if possible back to the old colors. It is a program I always use so I didn't mind buying the upgrade, but wish it was a bigger change.

I have been using Fitday for several years( 2003). It keeps me on track-thinking twice about a cheat, helps me plan meals and track my weight. I now see I can print this out and maybe take it to my physician. As a female I even discovered that I lost weight at a different rate certain times of the month- hang in there days!

so when will "beta" be finally a full version.

Is there a way to customize the view? May I suggest being able to upload progress photos would be a nice touch.

VitoVino 01-23-2012 12:41 PM

THANK YOU for that update! I'm sure many will find this very helpful.

Moderators have not heard about when Beta will be finished. They still have work to do and I saw one of the developers say there would be changes in the upcoming weeks.

Considering the pace so far, my guess, and this is only a guess, is that it will still be several months away at least.

dianemancino1 01-24-2012 08:11 AM

Upgrade from version 1 to version 2?
I think maybe version 2 has a more recent food list- brand names, etc. It's not perfect. Flour was spelled flower under pasta and grain cereals.

I have a lot of suggestions of what I'd like to see in the non beta version...It doesn't seem to be any hurry.

ladycrb 03-29-2012 09:39 AM


Finally, there is someone who had v1 and upgraded to v2. I posted a comment the other day but no one has replied. I purchased PC v1 back in 2003/2004 and still use it. However, I was wondering if there were better features, database, reports, etc. in v2. Can you explain what are the main differences with v2? You said you wish it were a bigger change. If you had to decide again, would you purchase v2?

ladycrb 03-29-2012 09:40 AM


So, is the beta you mentioned going to be the PC v3????

dianemancino1 03-30-2012 01:46 AM

Upgrade from version 1 to version 2?
Ok, not only did I upgrade to version 2, but I'm currently subscribing to the online version since I'm Actively journaling- you know how it goes, you start a new effort or diet plan.

Well that is worth it- the online version sync makes online life easier, there are more features to use also. Again I say wait till you get fired up.

I changed from Atkins to the Mayo Clinic Diet, so it was total retraining and found Fitday very helpful to plan my daily menu out BEFORE I ate it.

It still needs updating. For a paid softwear, I've found spelling errors and I shouldn't have to customize some commonly known foods. I'd love to find restaurant foods on here.

I'd like to track medical information like blood pressure...which is dropping after 3 weeks and just 8 lbs down, so I really want to track.

I'm leaving for a trip in a few minutes- taking a new meal plan on a diet- a common test we all face. Away from my computer and onto my laptop to track fitday- lets see how this really syncs!

mecompco 03-30-2012 02:41 AM

Originally Posted by dianemancino1 (Post 77793)
Ok, not only did I upgrade to version 2, but I'm currently subscribing to the online version since I'm Actively journaling- you know how it goes, you start a new effort or diet plan.

Well that is worth it- the online version sync makes online life easier, there are more features to use also. Again I say wait till you get fired up.

I changed from Atkins to the Mayo Clinic Diet, so it was total retraining and found Fitday very helpful to plan my daily menu out BEFORE I ate it.

It still needs updating. For a paid softwear, I've found spelling errors and I shouldn't have to customize some commonly known foods. I'd love to find restaurant foods on here.

I'd like to track medical information like blood pressure...which is dropping after 3 weeks and just 8 lbs down, so I really want to track.

I'm leaving for a trip in a few minutes- taking a new meal plan on a diet- a common test we all face. Away from my computer and onto my laptop to track fitday- lets see how this really syncs!

Diane, I agree--well worth it! I use PC almost exclusively these days. I also agree that the food database could be better, but it's not THAT much of a hassle to add a custom food (especially with the recipe builder). Also, you can track BP and other custom things on-line with Premium, even though they don't sync with PC like your foods and activities do.

PC is great when you have to be away or off-line for a while, then you get back, just sync and you're all up-to-date.


ladycrb 03-31-2012 02:07 AM

Originally Posted by dianemancino1 (Post 77793)
Ok, not only did I upgrade to version 2, but I'm currently subscribing to the online version since I'm Actively journaling- you know how it goes, you start a new effort or diet plan.

Well that is worth it- the online version sync makes online life easier, there are more features to use also. Again I say wait till you get fired up.

I changed from Atkins to the Mayo Clinic Diet, so it was total retraining and found Fitday very helpful to plan my daily menu out BEFORE I ate it.

It still needs updating. For a paid softwear, I've found spelling errors and I shouldn't have to customize some commonly known foods. I'd love to find restaurant foods on here.

I'd like to track medical information like blood pressure...which is dropping after 3 weeks and just 8 lbs down, so I really want to track.

I'm leaving for a trip in a few minutes- taking a new meal plan on a diet- a common test we all face. Away from my computer and onto my laptop to track fitday- lets see how this really syncs!

Thanks dianemancino1. So, I think I may do the upgrade to PC v2. At this point, I can't afford to do Premium also, so I will just stick with either my current PC version or do the upgrade to v2. I know what you mean about cycles of motivation! Great job on the 8 pound loss. :cool:

ladycrb 03-31-2012 02:11 AM

Originally Posted by mecompco (Post 77799)
Diane, I agree--well worth it! I use PC almost exclusively these days. I also agree that the food database could be better, but it's not THAT much of a hassle to add a custom food (especially with the recipe builder). Also, you can track BP and other custom things on-line with Premium, even though they don't sync with PC like your foods and activities do.

PC is great when you have to be away or off-line for a while, then you get back, just sync and you're all up-to-date.


Good points mecompco! Very impressive weight loss!

Nationgal 04-01-2012 02:00 AM

I thought about it. But, i imagine I will just stay with Version 1. It works for me just fine. I like the offline version. I'm ready to go for a new month. I lost 11 pounds in March!! Happy April Fools and Palm Sunday to Everyone!!

MikeltyPoo 04-26-2012 07:50 AM

I want to say I am glad I read this topic. Thank you for sharing your experiences with switching between v1 and v2.

The only beefs I had with v1 was that you couldn't use your mouse wheel to scroll through the lists in the database and since upgrading to Win7 the "Help" feature doesn't work properly without a 3rd party app.

Did they add wheel scrolling in v2?

dianemancino1 04-26-2012 11:24 PM

I don't think so. I was shopping around and there are some other nice journal programs that sync with p/c, mobile.

I use what is familiar to me. What I would like to see is the food list being upgraded. There are so many new food items. Entering in a custom food is a good mental exercise. What we are doing here is behaviour modification. Even having a conversation in forums with someone you can boost with is a good thing-your co-workers will get sick of it.

So i see since I posted last I've now lost 14 pounds! It's working this time, or shall I say, I'm working. In the weight log it has the 3 month projected weight. in past attempts, I ignored that and said, Yeah right! Now I'm focusing on that number and saying, lets keep at it and see if this will work 174# started at 204 on my way to 150.

Jerronimo 04-28-2012 02:28 AM

Used 1.0 since about 2003, and its been a love-hate relationship. First it works. But you can't export any of the data and many of the food choices are absurd. Simple items like 'chicken breast' you have to hunt for, but chicken feet comes up right on top. And the search doesn't look at two words in combination, but rather doubles the choices you have to scan through. And using so many brands items when you only update about every ten years is pretty much pointless. Also I've noticed that many values are WAY off in sodium and/or fat, bagels is one example of many.

So before I'd even think about an 'upgrade' I want to know some basic important things like: - does all the data from 1.0 including custom foods import easily into 2.0?
- Can we export data so we can share graphs and values with a dietitian?
- Can you delete chicken feet and brand items that have been obsolete for over 5 years or have incorrect values (honey nut Cheeerios)
- Will you start answering simple questions like the very first one on this thread re. a discount for those of us that kept the company afloat in the first place?
and finally, why can't 1.0 users simply download the software like with almost all other companies? I've downloaded several iterations of other programs I've bought several times. Sorry Fit Day, you work, you're pretty good, but you are no Apple to expect us to just shell out full price again.

JoanneKJones 05-03-2012 05:41 AM

Upgraded to V2
Well I upgraded to V2 and spent time working with it the last few weeks, and have to say I am very disappointed. It did import all my custom foods, and I have a fancy new button that says "Sync" which only works if you also have the premium online version. The database, print, and exports features appear to be exactly the same. The search for foods functions still pulls up a zillion things that you have to search for, like you search for chicken breasts and it's halfway down the list. The only reason I can see to upgrade to the newest version is if you are also going to use the premium edition online, so that you can sync the two together.

In fact I told my dh last night that the only thing I got for my $19.95 was a new color scheme!

Very disappointed, would have expected to be able to at least have more print options, like print a weeks worth of menu's for your trip to the doctor. An updated database would have been nice too, but it seems to be the same too. Just not sure what exactly was upgraded, except the sync button.

I do want to add that I have used Fitday since 2003 and have found it very useful, just disappointed that I can't seem to find any differences between what I had and what I just upgraded to.

EweWho 09-02-2012 03:28 AM

I have used Fitday PC since 2008. When I asked about upgrading to Version 2, I was told there was no discount, that I had to pay full price for the new version, so I didn't get it.

When I started a new diet with my mother last month, I convinced her to purchase it to track her food. Another friend joined in and also purchased it. In order to help them learn the program, my mother purchased the new version for me as well.

I would not have "upgraded" for any other reason. I was perfectly happy with the old version. I just got the new version yesterday, but as someone else stated, the main difference I see is the color of the window. I would like to have the ability to change color schemes as some older people (my mother is 83) find it difficult to read it when the font is a light blue on a royal blue background.

Because there are three of us using the same diet plan, we each had to add our meal replacement items in as custom foods. One thing I would like to know is if there is a way to export a custom food database only. As more people join us on our journey (we are using Shaklee's Cinch Plan) I would love some way to send them the custom foods of Shaklee's Cinch products. I know this is not something that is common, so doubt if there is any way to do it, but it is always worth it to ask.

tchucter 10-01-2012 08:28 AM

Originally Posted by dianemancino1 (Post 69804)
I just upgraded to p/c version 2. It really isn't much different from version 1 besides for the background colors that I will change if possible back to the old colors. It is a program I always use so I didn't mind buying the upgrade, but wish it was a bigger change.

I have been using Fitday for several years( 2003). It keeps me on track-thinking twice about a cheat, helps me plan meals and track my weight. I now see I can print this out and maybe take it to my physician. As a female I even discovered that I lost weight at a different rate certain times of the month- hang in there days!

so when will "beta" be finally a full version.

Is there a way to customize the view? May I suggest being able to upload progress photos would be a nice touch.

Thanks for that, I was just looking at V2, but have v1.0.0.6 since a while and it is great, so will stick with it. I was hoping you may be able to customise the graphs. If all it has is a few new foods, then I think the trick is to set up all your own custom foods as I have done, then it works better than relying on the existing lists especially for me as I am in Scotland and a few foods are called something different in any case.

darlasowders 10-02-2012 11:56 PM

Originally Posted by JoanneKJones (Post 80336)
Well I upgraded to V2 and spent time working with it the last few weeks, and have to say I am very disappointed. It did import all my custom foods, and I have a fancy new button that says "Sync" which only works if you also have the premium online version. The database, print, and exports features appear to be exactly the same. The search for foods functions still pulls up a zillion things that you have to search for, like you search for chicken breasts and it's halfway down the list. The only reason I can see to upgrade to the newest version is if you are also going to use the premium edition online, so that you can sync the two together.

I noticed that. I've been using mine since 2008, and if the search feature is not improved, that alone is reason enough to not upgrade. I don't intend to use the online feature at all (yet).

I just searched for "steel cut oats" and six of the top ten results were MEAT products!? :confused:

Originally Posted by tchucter (Post 89947)
Thanks for that, I was just looking at V2, but have v1.0.0.6 since a while and it is great, so will stick with it. I was hoping you may be able to customise the graphs. If all it has is a few new foods, then I think the trick is to set up all your own custom foods as I have done, then it works better than relying on the existing lists especially for me as I am in Scotland and a few foods are called something different in any case.

Sticking with V1 here too! Sure hope they put some effort into a new version soon. The help feature is not supported by Vista in V1, but I've kind of figured the program out by now anyway. It always seemed pretty intuitive to me.

cc48510 11-17-2014 01:05 AM

I know this post is 2 years old, but...I have had v1 since it was first released. I remember when v2 came out, I looked into it and literally the only new feature I saw mentioned was the ability to synch with the Web. This sounded nice, but at the time was not worth paying for the software all over again as they were not offering any kind of upgrade pricing.

Today, I decided to upgrade for ONE reason - to synch my web and PC. Not only is it telling me that I have to pay an extra $5.49 every month to use the only new feature of a program that I paid $29.95 for, but literally minutes (I downloaded and installed the software and upon being told I needed a "Premium" account I went back to the website) after I bought it, they dropped the price 67% to $19.95.

tyen 11-17-2014 03:15 AM

Fitday Premium is $49.95/year. There is no monthly charge.

Originally Posted by cc48510 (Post 112312)
I know this post is 2 years old, but...I have had v1 since it was first released. I remember when v2 came out, I looked into it and literally the only new feature I saw mentioned was the ability to synch with the Web. This sounded nice, but at the time was not worth paying for the software all over again as they were not offering any kind of upgrade pricing.

Today, I decided to upgrade for ONE reason - to synch my web and PC. Not only is it telling me that I have to pay an extra $5.49 every month to use the only new feature of a program that I paid $29.95 for, but literally minutes (I downloaded and installed the software and upon being told I needed a "Premium" account I went back to the website) after I bought it, they dropped the price 67% to $19.95.

kenkup 11-27-2014 07:56 PM

Originally Posted by cranberryfrog (Post 66004)
Is there a discount for people upgrading? What is in the new version that isn't in version 1? I tried emailing support and didn't get an answer.


Upgrade from version 1 to version 2? more than a change in version 1, right

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