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smooshmcsmeesh 08-02-2010 07:19 AM

Exercise Scares Me! =)
Exercise has always been a challenge for me. Whether it's not feeling motivated to do it, or just not liking the feeling of sweating, I have had every excuse in the book as to why I can't exercise.

But I know it's important, and I do realize I will feel better as a result. So, what I'm looking for is suggestions on low impact exercises and recommended time intervals to get started.

I am 43, and have a very sedentary lifestyle. I have over 100 lbs. to lose.
I do have a treadmill, though I find it boring to use.
I like to dance, though it drives my dogs crazy when I do.

I have some 2lb. handheld weights and stairs in my house.

I really want to get past the mental block that exercise is tedious and not fun. Having some fitness buddies would be nice too!

Thanks in advance for any feedback and support.

Best always,

fletch8502 08-02-2010 07:40 AM

Exercise used to scare me as well, but it's definitely an irrational fear! Once you get into a routine, you'll see that your fear was unfounded.

You said you don't like to you have access to a pool (home, gym, community center, etc.)? Swimming is a great cardio workout that's easy on the joints and prevents you from getting super sweaty!

I agree that walking on the treadmil can be horribly boring! Can you watch TV while you walk? Or make yourself a CD or playlist that pumps you up? That's what I do to stay motivated. Or, try walking outside to change things up. Bring your dogs or a friend along with you! That will make it a lot more fun. =)

Does your city or community offer any adult education classes? Are there any dance classes? My city (and probably many others) offer low-key dance/exercise classes. They run for about 6 weeks and aren't too terribly expensive.

Try borrowing some exercise DVDs from your local library. You can change them out often so you don't get bored, and maybe purchase ones that you like. Try a variety such as cardio, yoga, pilates, strength training, etc.

Whatever you end up doing, make sure it's consistent (5-7 days a week is best!) and make sure you don't push yourself too hard at first. If you ease into it and keep yourself from being bored, exercise will become your friend!

Good luck!

midwestj 08-02-2010 09:10 AM

A sweat you get when you exercise is way different than the uncomfortable sweat you get when you are wearing street clothes and walking around a shopping mall or something. Try wearing some nice loose fitting clothes that are meant to be active in. If I don't sweat during a workout I probably shouldn't have even gone to the gym. You WILL grow to love these feelings: the sweat, the energy, the post workout euphoria.

Bodyweight exercises can be low impact and highly effective, try looking into a bodyweight resistance circuit. You should resistance/weight train 3 times a week and get at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day.

If you really need the motivation you might try a personal trainer, they will help you stay credible and keep your workouts intense, also you would be less likely to skip a training session when you are paying for it!

CybNeo 08-02-2010 09:29 AM

Dance Dance Dance.

If you like to dance, then start there. Plenty of gyms have aerobic dance classes. You can also sign up with a real dance school. You can also find some dance DVD's. My gf found some free aerobic dance videos on "Free Movies On Demand" with comcast.

Keep it fun and it will become a habit.


My Blog: Easy Fitness Planner Blog

smooshmcsmeesh 08-02-2010 09:42 AM

Wow some wonderful suggestions and encouragement! Thanks to all who have posted so far.

I especially like the suggestion to check the library -- which I go to often -- I just never even thought to look into exercise DVDs.

Again, I live in a very rural area and have limited transportation options, so access to a gym would be in the nearest city, which is about 30 miles away.

I don't mind walking outside, but we have some steep hills and inclines where I am, and it's a little too challenging for me at the moment. But hopefully someday soon!

As for dancing, I do think that's the best place for me to start. But I'm unsure of actual exercise routines to do. I'm sure there are great sites and articles on the web, but not even sure where to begin with that.

I welcome all idea & feedback! Thanks again... it's very appreciated.

Smoosh :)

fletch8502 08-02-2010 11:14 AM

Sounds like your best bet is to check out the DVD selection at your local library.

For dance, try going to YouTube and tying in "dance exercise." A few things popped up for me that you might like to try.

Have fun and let us know how it's going!

almeeker 08-02-2010 11:29 AM

I hate the treadmill too, it's soooo boring. But what I do like is to put on my headphones and dance around while I'm doing all those mundane chores around the house. Okay, it's not really a workout, but it is extra movement, and having the music on makes the chores and the extra movement more fun. Another thing I do is wear wrist weights to fold laundry, and ankle weights to run up and down the stairs while I'm cleaning the house or getting the kids ready to go somewhere. I've even worn the ankle weights to the store (accidentally) they feel a little like socks.

Hey, if you have dogs and hills, why not combine the two and take the dogs for a walk? Believe me you all will have a great time. And once you take them, they will be begging to go again ALL THE TIME, ta-da meet your new motivation! One thing I have discovered about myself is that I really love a good long walk, which I really never knew, or would have guessed. I love them so much that wearing headphones almost ruins the peace and serenity of it. A long early morning walk is sort of like meditation with movement for me. Try it, you just might surprise yourself, you don't have to go very far to benefit from it, when you get tired turn around and come home.

smooshmcsmeesh 08-02-2010 01:24 PM

Thanks fletch and almeeker for your posts too. Here again, I feel like I have excuses as to why I can't take my dogs out -- they are soooo yappy! I love them, but they insist on barking up a storm at every person, animal, plant, thing and inanimate object we pass by. We have a huge yard, with a cedar hedgerow, so I usually let them run around back there. But I could spend more time outside playing with them -- and that would be some incidental exercise I guess. =)

Tonight, I got on the treadmill for the first time in months, but could only do 5 minutes before feeling winded. That's terrible! But I was proud of myself for just getting on to thing. So I'll keep at it, little by little.

I just hope someday I can become one of those people who LOVES to workout, and can't imagine a day without exercise. But that feels so impossible right now.

We'll see how it goes. Baby steps.

rmdaly 08-02-2010 04:10 PM

I download books to my iPod which I listen to while I am running. I make sure that they are books that I really enjoy listening to. If I only listen when I run then I want to run to see what happens in the book. You could do the same thing on the treadmill. Or, rent movies that you will only watch while on the treadmill.

If you are getting winded after only 5 minutes, you might be setting too fast of a pace. Or just do 5 minutes and the next time try 6, then 7 etc. until you work up to where you want to be.

almeeker 08-02-2010 06:46 PM

Originally Posted by smooshmcsmeesh (Post 17463)
Thanks fletch and almeeker for your posts too. Here again, I feel like I have excuses as to why I can't take my dogs out -- they are soooo yappy! I love them, but they insist on barking up a storm at every person, animal, plant, thing and inanimate object we pass by. We have a huge yard, with a cedar hedgerow, so I usually let them run around back there. But I could spend more time outside playing with them -- and that would be some incidental exercise I guess. =)

Tonight, I got on the treadmill for the first time in months, but could only do 5 minutes before feeling winded. That's terrible! But I was proud of myself for just getting on to thing. So I'll keep at it, little by little.

I just hope someday I can become one of those people who LOVES to workout, and can't imagine a day without exercise. But that feels so impossible right now.

We'll see how it goes. Baby steps.

The dogs are probably yappy when you take them out because they aren't used to it and get super excited. If you got into a dog walking routine, where a long walk was normal, you might find them much less yappy. Besides walking the dogs not just good for you, it's good for the doggies... Hint hint.

Great job getting on the treadmill!!!! Don't feel too bad about the 5 minutes, the first time I got back on the elliptical machine I could only go 3. But I kept adding minutes every workout and now I can go for more than an hour, and not be crippled the next day. Don't hold your breath on becoming one of those people that loves to workout. I've been waiting for that for at least 30 years and so far nada. I have discovered however that I feel much worse and don't sleep very well when I don't workout, so that's incentive.

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