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JewcyDeb 09-20-2012 06:13 PM

a new start
I have been on weight loss programs for much of my adult life with some success. Sadly, nothing to this point has been sustainable and at almost 45 I fear the swing of 20lbs up and down could be dangerous. I have no health problems and take no medications which is fortunate. I saw Dr Fuhrman on Dr Oz the other day and for the 1st time I felt like my knowledgebase as a Nurse was being totally respected! I ran out to buy the book and have been loving it and all the delicious only concern is that the refreshed sense of energy and discipline will wane once I reach my goal weight. That and of course my intense love of food/cooking. I have never been able to imagine living a vegan lifestyle and the thought of never eating meat again seems daunting. For now, I am totally satiated with the combination of fresh and cooked veggies along with legumes. I have pushed myself to stay commited to running and feel confidant that I will reach my goal weight by my birthday this coming January. Any and all advice from those of you who are seeing amazing results would be greatly appreciated.:)

californiaprettypat 10-31-2012 06:13 AM

Is this thread still active? I am happy to find a Furhman thread because Dr. F.'s book is my motivation to start my Green Smoothie cleanse/fast. I am fasting because I have found in the past that is easier (for me) to not eat at all than to eat a little or change my diet - I am too used to eating a lot and often and need to make quick drastic changes! I look forward to following Dr. F's diet once my 20-ish day fast/cleanse is over.

valentine21463 11-20-2012 12:18 PM

Reading some of the post here is motivational. I just got the ETL book and I haven't started the diet but I'm seriously considering it. I'm just not sure if I want to commit to a diet eating so much veggies. I like veggies but I don't LOVE them. Plus I'm not very creative in the kitchen so I get bored very easily.

I've tried several diets in the past and I lose about 8lbs and quit due to boredom. Exept on Atkins. I lost 20lbs doing that and then I quit because it got sickening. I've gained every pound back and then some. I am the fattest I've ever been in my life. And the most out of shape ever.

I'm very reluctant to try yet another diet but I desparately need to change my lifestyle for my health's sake. I feel like I'm losing the battle with my body.

californiaprettypat 11-20-2012 01:12 PM

Hey Valentine! I know exactly how you feel! I got the book and was way overwhelmed but watched a few of his videos (they're on youtube) and I decided to add Green Smoothies to my diet - then after about a day or two I decided to have ONLY Green Smoothies and I have lost about 1/2 a pound a day and feel awesome! All my aches and pains went away, my allergies are significantly better, my skin and hair are healthier looking, and I feel full of energy with no cravings or hunger at all! It's been wonderful! You can check out my thread here on FitDay. Once I get to my goal weight I will MOSTLY stick the ETL diet as a lifestyle change.

Good luck!

valentine21463 11-22-2012 10:51 AM

Originally Posted by californiaprettypat (Post 92203)
Hey Valentine! I know exactly how you feel! I got the book and was way overwhelmed but watched a few of his videos (they're on youtube) and I decided to add Green Smoothies to my diet - then after about a day or two I decided to have ONLY Green Smoothies and I have lost about 1/2 a pound a day and feel awesome! All my aches and pains went away, my allergies are significantly better, my skin and hair are healthier looking, and I feel full of energy with no cravings or hunger at all! It's been wonderful! You can check out my thread here on FitDay. Once I get to my goal weight I will MOSTLY stick the ETL diet as a lifestyle change.

Good luck!

Thanks! I am very overwhelmed. I will definately check out youtube!
I went grocery shopping today and got all my veggies and beans and prepped some of them today for tomorrow. I started the plan last night at dinner time. Today I have been on full force and I already have a headache from detox. I hope the raw veggies start tasting better soon because I do not love salad AT ALL. Breakfast was good. Lunch and dinner, not so good. I missed lunch so I ate leftovers from breakfast around 3pm which made me not hungry for dinner at all. I did try to eat my salad and some lentils, but not a whole lot. I hope I can change my taste buds for salad. I don't know what happened to me because I use to LOVE salad. Now it's the last thing I would reach for. I made the Ranch dressing/Dip in the book and it was so NASTY! I ended up throwing out my whole salad and making another. Any suggestions on salad dressings?

californiaprettypat 11-28-2012 05:08 AM

Hey Valentine, how's it going? Any luck with a better salad dressing? You should try green smoothies to get your veggies in, you can add fruit and you don't even taste the veggies! Good luck

meachan 11-29-2012 02:41 AM

So happy to see this thread! Hello fellow nutritarians! :)

I bought Dr. Fuhrman's book in 2004 when I was about 165 pounds at 5'6" -- i was eating mostly junk food, doing the whole "starve myself for three days, then eat anything i want" thing which was most certainly NOT working for me, and i was lethargic and miserable. At the time I was eating tons of meat and cheese, loads of caffeine, and TONS of sugar.

It took a long time but I slowly, slowly started to incorporate the principles in the book. First I started with just incorporating greens at every meal, followed by getting rid of meat in my diet (it just sort of happened naturally, I suddenly didn't want it anymore), then getting rid of caffeine and aspartame. My next big project is sugar -- I am slowly starting to lose my desire for it.

I still don't follow the plan to the letter -- I do eat minimal dairy (maybe 2-3 servings a week) and eggs (maybe once every week or two), and don't limit my whole grain consumption as the book suggests, so I am definitely not perfect with it. But from about 2004-2007 I very slowly lost 25 pounds, and have managed to keep it off since then (I have fluctuated from 136-144 or so during that time). I've gone up to over 140 again due to my ridiculous sugar consumption of the past few years, but I am determined to phase that out too, and have slowly lost about 3 pounds so far this month in the process! :)

Deb and Valentine, I totally understand how you might be feeling overwhelemed -- I was too! My advice is to slowly remove things from the diet (or add, as in the case of greens) one by one, so it is a gradual lifestyle change -- take all the time you need! <3

CPP, I just started reading your smoothies thread, very cool! I am blender-less at present (my house burned down over the summer, argh!), but am looking to pick up a new one soon! :)

Anyhoo, just wanted to say hi! :D

tiger327 01-09-2013 01:58 AM

i just started Monday and fell off tuesday night for dinner but am back at it today...i will say for the first two days i was eating all day to fill myself up but just fruits and veggies and the 1 cup of beans. On tues i did the same. I must say in the two days i feel a difference in my sinus and i also had a great nights sleep without any sleep aid as i normally do. I'm looking forward to a great weight loss. My children are also doing it with me 16 and 10 yrs old.

tatianamcl 01-23-2013 11:21 AM

I just started the diet last sunday. honestly i really liked it the first few days but by yesterday I was just so sick of salad and the homemade dressing I skipped dinner. Then today at lunch i tried to eat stemmed broccoli and couldn't I trying really hard to follow the diet plan. I'm currently 230lbs and I wanna work my way down to 130lbs eventually but I miss meat so much. I really really want some hamburger. And SALT! OMG! I didn't know you could literary crave salt. I just want to quit, but I removed all the other food options from the house to prevent me from falling off the wagon. Do you have any suggestions? I'm starting to feel depressed.

essential_pheny 02-01-2013 08:38 AM

attempting ETL
hi all, great to read these comments. I have the book and am not done reading but am anxious to start. My fear is salads/fruits only and not being satiated. I am sooooo addicted to chips/salt/carbs/sugar. I'm vegetarian but do eat cheese, occaisionally eggs. How did you all just jump into it? I drink one large coffee a day. There is no time in my future where i have a stretch of time off to overcome "withdrawals/fatigue" associated with changing a diet so drastically. Any suggestions? Thanks, I look forward to posting my experience.

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