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thelirpies 10-26-2010 05:02 AM

Developing a strong dislike for food and eating
I'm having trouble finding a way to enjoy food. I like food, it tastes good, but eating it has always posed a problem. the two issues im having at the moment are: I would like to lower the amount of fat in my diet while increasing the protein and carbs; I have a real lack of energy which is affecting my exercise routine and weigh loss has stopped. any suggestions are greatly appreciated! sorry ahead of time for the long post :P

Unless I keep myself in check, I tend to fall into the bad habit of not eating. I can go for days without eating and not feeling hungry. Then when hunger hits in the middle of day 3 of not eating I typically can only eat a small amount. Over the summer I fell into this routine again so I started seeing a nutritionist. We laid out a diet plan and I've been sticking to it. However a new issue has come up. I feel absolutely sick eating that much food.

I still don't feel hungry and eating that much food is torturous. I feel like all I do is eat and its stressing me out. How do people eat this much food every day? I am so tired of my friends telling me how lack of an appetite is a blessing. it really sucks forcing food into your gut when you are already feeling full or not hungry. It feels like my entire day is going from one meal/snack to the next; as soon as I've finish one I need to start thinking about the next (b/c I need to eat again in 2 hours) when I'm not feeling hungry to begin with (actually feeling pretty full).

what i eat in a typical day is the following:
1-2 stalks of celery
1/2c carrots
1 bell pepper
1/2c radishes
1c cabbage
3 leaves chard
1c veggie pure soup
sometimes a yam at dinner
1 orange*
1 apple*
1 banana*
*or fruit or fruit and protein smoothie
1tbs peanut butter
2tbs dill tofu spread
1tbs Hummus w/probiotics
2tbs pesto (or other)
1tbs ground flax seed
1tsp fish oil w/vit D (sun is a rare occurrence here :P)
1 serving whole wheat pita chips
1c sprouted grain, whole protein pasta
1 slice toasted whole, sprouted grain bread*
*or 1 slice whole wheat pita flat bread
1 hard boiled egg white
1 serving lunch meat or chicken nuggets
1/2c cottage cheese
1c milk
1 greek yogurt
*once in a while i'll have a small cookie
*once a week i'll drink a med size mocha (substitute a dairy, usually yogurt)

All fruits and veggies are eaten raw and divided up between all meals of the day. I don't typically eat meat only because I don't have a lot of time to cook it, so foods I eat are more grab-and-go types, if i go out to eat I usually order a meat dish, about once a week.

With all this food, I'm still not consuming enough calories. Its coming out to about 1100 - 1200 a day but my nutritionist wants me to eat 1600 - 1800. According to FitDay I'm meeting my nutritional needs (except calorie needs) but I'm still not getting enough vit B12 or Thiamine. Also according to FitDay, my diet is about 30% Lipids, 20% Protein, and 50% Carbs. I'd like to decrease the fat to 20% and increase the Carbs to 55% and Protein to 25%

Even eating all this I don't have any energy during the day. This is more food than I've ever eaten and I've never felt so sluggish. I was exercising 6x a week with weight falling off but now I've stopped loosing weight and have had to decrease my workouts b/c of the lack of energy.

I'm at a loss as to how to fix this. I have my Doctor coming at me from one direction, the nutritionist from another and my friends in a 3rd. I feel ready to throw this way of eating out the window and just go back to how I feel comfortable, which is not eating, but i don't loose weight that way, only gain. I never wanted my life to revolve around food or to become obsessed like other people I see trying to loose weight.

thank you for baring with me in this post/rant. any comments you can provide will be helpful. Thanks Again.


Mark999 10-26-2010 12:11 PM

I say don't worry about enjoying food. It's fuel, not entertainment. A nutritionist will know how the get what your body needs. I'd say follow that advice because your body needs to fuel to burn the fat. Gaining from not eating is not surpising, you're sending your body into conservation mode. You have to eat to lose.

Lizzycritter 10-26-2010 01:40 PM

There's a lot of fiber in your day, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but for me eating too many raw veggies can leave me gassy and bloated. Bloated and full feel a lot alike. I don't know your height or weight, but if you've seen a nutritionist, then I'd follow that advice. Your ratios don't seem bad to me, personally I try to keep my protein 20-30% and carbs below 50% and I don't worry about fat. I know the fats in my diet are mostly good fats since I always go for lean cuts of meat, and a lot of my fats are from nuts and avocadoes.

I'll snack on plain turkey or chicken lunchmeat when my protein is low. Eating a whole hardboiled egg instead of just the white would get you a little extra calories, maybe 2 tbsp peanut butter instead of one? It's very hard to bring protein up without fat coming with it.

thelirpies 10-28-2010 03:11 AM

generally i do consider food fuel and am not one who eats "food to feed the soul," as a friend put it. that doesn't mean that i don't enjoy food. i like the taste of the foods i eat, but i don't obsess over it. my issues is that there is just so much food, I'm having trouble physically eating it.

my info: 5'7" : 170lbs

Maybe I will cut down on the carbs, or at least spread them out more. LizzyCritter, you could be right, I probably don't know the difference between full and bloat. I've been keeping track of what I eat and how much, and took it to my nutritionist where she told me it wasn't enough calories. *sigh*

Lyndy27 10-28-2010 05:47 AM

That does look like a lot of food. I wish I had your problem of not wanting to eat much. If it was me, I would just eat sensible and stop when you are full. As far as your energy level goes, that could be a lack of potassium, thyroid issues, hormones, or maybe you need more protein. It's strange that you would gain weight by not eating. I had a friend that had that problem, and she went to a nutritionist also, but it didn't help. She finally had gastric bypass. I hope you get your energy back.

elderwanda 10-28-2010 11:05 AM

It looks like you're buying into the "fat is bad" craze of the '80s and 90's.

If I were eating like you are, I'd be dying for some roast chicken (with skin) or some barbequed pork ribs. Maybe some potatoes roasted with olive oil so they get a nice, crispy skin.

Stuff like that will satisfy you for longer, and it's actually pleasant to eat. I recommend you don't go overboard with the whole "low fat" thing. It's not all that healthy. Well, the fake fats and "trans fats" are unhealthy, because our bodies aren't designed to digest them, but it's fine to eat whole eggs, or dollop some olive oil into your spaghetti sauce.

cjohnson728 10-28-2010 11:44 AM

Originally Posted by elderwanda (Post 24084)
It looks like you're buying into the "fat is bad" craze of the '80s and 90's.

If I were eating like you are, I'd be dying for some roast chicken (with skin) or some barbequed pork ribs. Maybe some potatoes roasted with olive oil so they get a nice, crispy skin.

Stuff like that will satisfy you for longer, and it's actually pleasant to eat. I recommend you don't go overboard with the whole "low fat" thing. It's not all that healthy. Well, the fake fats and "trans fats" are unhealthy, because our bodies aren't designed to digest them, but it's fine to eat whole eggs, or dollop some olive oil into your spaghetti sauce.

I agree.
I know I don't know all the details, but it sounds like you are spending a lot of time eating how other people want you to eat. What happens when you eat how you want to? Just not eating much? At any rate, everyone's body works best with different ratios, calories, etc. The ratio that you describe as the one you want to change to is very close to the one that works best for me. What about asking your nutritionist, doc, whoever, to provide you with some different types of meal plans, or modifying yours to have different ratios, including the one you identified. Try them each for a week or two and see which one gives you the most energy. So much of this is trial and error, but at the end of the day, it's a lifestyle you personally have to live with, not any of the professionals you work with. If it's not a good fit, chances are you won't stick with it. Your list right now looks like a list of "diet food." Yes, it's all very healthy, but it doesn't seem like a menu for the real world.

You can always work on throwing some extra calories in by adding oils to things, eating nuts, pumpkin or sunflower seeds (they aren't very filling but have quite a few calories), or dried fruit (including raisins). The calorically dense things will provide the calories you need without taking a lot of time to eat or filling you up, and they're very portable.

Just my thoughts. I hope you get something worked out.

thelirpies 10-29-2010 06:33 AM

Thank you for your advice everyone. I dont think I'm nessisarily on a high fat craze ;) i know good fats are good for you, i was just worried that it was 30% of my diet. several people have mentioned just eating the whole egg, not only the whites, and that would be a great source of extra calories, I'm just not a fan of the yolks.

i do agree that all the foods I'm eating are simple foods, not typical meals, but its what's working with my schedule right now; i need foods i can grab and go. i literally don't have even a half an hour to sit and focus on a meal so cooking is nearly out of the question. everything is running between classes or classes and work or whatever.

I have thought about relaxing with the entire food issue, only eating when i want to instead of when i felt i had to, but in that case, i wouldn't eat. maybe in a day like that i would have a banana, maybe some pasta if i haven't eaten anything else substantial, some chips and salsa (probably just a few of those, i wouldnt eat the whole bag) and I'd be good.

I've rearranged the order that i've been eating things and that seems to have helped a bit; its not so difficult getting things down.

thelirpies 10-29-2010 06:40 AM

Originally Posted by Lyndy27 (Post 24062)
That does look like a lot of food. I wish I had your problem of not wanting to eat much.

I'm sorry but i hear this all the time. I would rather be hungry. Neither one extreme or the other are good. It is physically painful to put food in your body when you feel full, at least for me it is.

francesca1977 10-29-2010 07:10 AM

Dear April, i had the same problem,
my friends used to say to me "how can you be fat when you can go for days on barely no food?" and i didn`t see a nutritionist, i didn`t go to the gym i lowered all my carbs to strictly under 20grams per day and so far its working. No dairy, no pasta, bread etc.
i am even very careful with fruit because just one carrot could be about 18 grams of carbs! I drink coffee, the good one (i am in italy) is so tasty you`ll enjoy it even without sugar or just stir it with a vanilla pod or a cinnamon stick. i make my own ice tea that i can eve heat up if i want a hot cup.
tonight i had nothing for dinner because i don`t feel like it and i hate pushing myself to eat. you can see what i ate in this past week from the day i started fitday because my profile is public. And don`t worry. I reckon that cutting drastically the carbs will make you very energetic in a couple of days!
(if you have no time to cook meat just have jerky, i have prosciutto with all fat removed manually and through heating it up) i think there is no point in forcing yourself to eat.
Have you by any chance done your thyroid exams? it might need a bit of boosting.

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