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Four Exercise Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

Fitday Editor
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If you're pregnant, you should regularly engage in aerobic exercise and physical activities, such as walking, swimming, dancing and cycling, to keep the body fit and ensure a healthy pregnancy. Always maintain a good habit of having regular exercise routine throughout your pregnancy because it relieves and prevents discomfort such as backaches and fatigue during pregnancy. In addition, it also gives you extra energy and prepares the body for labor by increasing your stamina and muscle strength.

1. Practice Safety

As a pregnant mother, you should be cautious with exercise activities that you involve yourself in. Make it as a good habit to constantly monitor your physical condition to ensure your safety and that of your unborn child. Consider having low impact activities such as swimming, gentle aerobics, step or elliptical machines, walking and stationary cycling. These type of exercises have little risk of injury, benefit your entire body, and can be continued until birth.

Other activities, such as jogging, can be done in moderation, especially if you were doing them before your pregnancy. Otherwise, avoid completely those exercises that require extensive jumping, bouncing, running, skipping, or hopping. Also, avoid activities that increase your risk of falls or injury such as contact sports like softball, football, basketball, and volleyball. Do not as well, engage in activities that require lying flat on your back because this prevents adequate blood flow to both the baby.

2. Exercise at Least 30 Minutes Per Day

Have at least a 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise per day on most of the days of the week, unless you have a medical or pregnancy complication. Pregnant women with medical problem, such as asthma, heart disease, or diabetes, are not advisable to exercise. If you also in the past have experienced pregnancy-related condition such as recurrent miscarriage, previous premature births and low placenta, don't consider exercising as an option.

3. Choose Low-Impact Exercises

Cycling is a great aerobic exercise to practice during pregnancy. In this case, only use a stationary bike to avoid injuring yourself and the baby.

Walking improves blood circulation in the body, eases your joints, muscles and helps the baby move into position because of the swaying of the hips. Walking is particularly encouraged when nearing your due date because it stimulates the abdominal muscles to contract.

Swimming is a relaxing activity that strengthens abdominal and shoulder muscles for pregnant women. These are very vital areas when carrying the baby. It also improves oxygen circulation to muscles, improves cardiovascular fitness and reduces joint stiffness. While swimming, try to get enough breath by closing your mouth and releasing a little bit of your air through your nose when your head is immersed in water. Exhale through both your mouth and nose when you turn your face up.

Yoga practice prepares your body and mind for labor and birth. These type of exercise ensures smoother and easier delivery because it helps you focus, concentrate and keeps your body healthy. However, poses that put pressure on the abdomen and other difficult poses should be avoided during advance stagesof pregnancy.

4. Drink Plenty Of Water

The risk of dehydration is increased during exercise in the pregnant women. It is therefore, advisable to drink plenty of water, at least eight glasses a day and more when it's hot.

While physical exercise is very essential during pregnancy, always consult your doctor or your health care provider before commencing any exercise program. Moreover, in case you encounter any danger signs like vaginal bleeding, decreased fetal activity, dizziness or any unusual changes in the body, contact your physician immediately.

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