Fitness Nutrition Forums


Resolve Not Be A Fad In 2015

It's that time of the year when we resolve to drop that extra weight, to start an exercise program and to finally get healthy. All sound ...

Bread or Butter: Are Carbs or Fat Causing You Weight Gain?

For a while, it was generally recommended to eat a diet that is low in fat and high in carbohydrate-rich grains to be healthy. The food ...

Will Adding Butter to Your Coffee Help You Lose Weight?

For those who can't go a morning without their cup of joe, many are now a-buzz about the benefits that come from Bulletproof coffee: an old ...

Is Drinking Diet Soda Better For You Than Drinking Water?

A study from the journal Obesity claims that drinking non-nutritive sweetener drinks (like diet soda) instead of water aids in weight loss. But diet soda is ...

Does the Whole30 Program Help with Weight Loss?

A new diet that promises "amazing results" is rapidly gaining popularity across the U.S. The website for the Whole30 Diet claims its eating program "will ...

Can You Really Lose Weight by Eating Frequent Small Meals?

The "small-meal" diet has enjoyed years in the spotlight as an easy way to jump-start your metabolism and lose weight without counting a single calorie. But ...

Is There Any Benefit to a Fad Diet?

Fad diets, like the Grapefruit Diet and the Liquid Diet, have been going around for a long time. But as much as these weight-loss methods often ...

Could the 'Ice Cream Cleanse' Actually Work?

If the latest fad diet is worth its salt, you may be able to lose weight by eating nothing but one of America's favorite foods: ice ...

What is the Evidence in Favor of the Intermittent Fasting Diet?

Do you mess up on your healthy eating plan from time to time? You may like the idea of intermittent fasting. Although more research is needed, ...

What the Heck is the Werewolf Diet?

Werewolves may be the stuff of fairy tales and late-night movies, but the so-called werewolf diet is a very real--and very questionable--fad among the weight-loss trendsetters ...

6 Ways for Couples to Diet Together

A recent study from the online journal Health Communications revealed that couples can have problems when only one partner in the relationship slims down. The participants ...

9 Diets You Should Avoid

There are plenty of diets out there that you may be contemplating. You may recognize the names of certain diets and know a little bit about ...

Can This Simple Trick Help You Lose Weight?

Would you like to upsize that for an extra 50 cents? That's a question most of the population is all too familiar with. Yes, it's a sad ...

Is Your Diet as Temporary as Your Halloween Costume?

October is honestly one of my favorite months. The leaves are changing, it's starting to get cooler, and every day of the month is laden with ...

The 3 Reasons that I Failed at the Intermittent Fast Diet

Last week I celebrated my birthday. Along with typical goals like exercising more, eating less and working harder, I decided to make this year the year ...

Does Intermittent Fasting Really Help You Lose Weight?

Fad diets are nothing new, but with the breakout success of the 5:2 diet, also called the fast diet, weight-loss hopefuls around the globe are turning to ...

6 Tips to Help You Stick With Your Diet This Time

You've pledged to lose the weight time and time again. But despite your best efforts, the numbers on the scale haven't budged--or maybe they've even moved ...

How a "Low Glycemic" Diet Can Help You Lose Weight

The Glycemic Load is a scoring system based on your blood sugar response to foods. Foods with a high glycemic load cause a blood sugar spike--a ...

Does the "Fast Diet" Actually Work?

Wouldn't it be convenient if you could eat whatever you wanted, in whatever amount you desired, and still manage to lose weight? A popular new diet ...

Would You Diet for Dollar Bills?

There are many reasons you may be motivated to lose weight. Perhaps you want to look better in your swimsuit, regain confidence, have more energy or ...

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