Fitness Nutrition Forums

Weight Loss

Asthma and Dieting

As some asthma drugs are suspected of causing weight gain, people suffering from this chronic inflammatory disease need to learn about the connection between asthma and ...

How to Stop Yo Yo Dieting

Losing weight is seldom a smooth process, and you may find yourself losing weight, then gaining weight and then losing weight again; a cycle that is ...

The Ins and Outs of Yo Yo Dieting

If weight loss is one of your concerns, then chances are you have heard of yo yo dieting. Yo yo dieting occurs when you lose a ...

4 Dangers of Fasting for Weight Loss

In your endeavor to lose weight fast, you may consider the option of fasting. However, you should be aware that most medical experts and dietitians warn ...

What Is a Chokeberry?

In recent years, nutritionists and fruit lovers around the world have come to realize the amazing health benefits of chokeberry. This berry is the fruit of ...

Slow Down the Way You Eat and Lose Weight

One effective way to lose weight is to slow down the rate at which you consume your food. If you are leading a busy lifestyle, you ...

4 Diet Tips for Vegans

If you are a vegan or planning to become one, then chances are you can still use some good diet tips. Going on a vegan diet ...

4 Diet Tips for Vegetarians

If you're a vegetarian who is trying to lose weight, you may be looking for diet tips. Some vegetarians may believe that they can simply cut ...

Want to Lose Weight at Work? Try These 3 Sneaky Tricks

If you want to lose weight at work, you can employ a certain number of sneaky tricks to try to accomplish this, even if it seems ...

Counting Carbs vs. Counting Calories: What's Better for Weight Loss?

Counting carbs or counting calories: that is the question when it comes to finding the more effective pathway for losing weight. While both methods have their ...

Why Portion Control is the Secret to Losing Weight

One of the major factors that can help you to achieve your weight loss goals is proper portion control. The crucial thing to realize as you ...

Achieving Your Ideal Weight Loss: How to Stay on Track

Staying on track with weight loss and achieving your ideal weight is not easy. Most people who attempt weight loss do not succeed; in fact, some ...

How to Choose Your Ideal Weight

If you are trying to find your ideal weight, you should know that there is no one number that fits everyone for their ideal body weight. ...

The Skinny Jean Diet: How to Lose Weight and Fit Into Your Favorite Pair

The Skinny Jean diet is a new craze that promises women that they will have an easier time fitting into their favorite skinny pair of jeans, ...

Three Ways to Blast Away Your Beer Gut

If you have a beer gut, it is more than likely that you have had more than your fair share of either cans or bottles of ...

Personal Goal Setting: How to Shed Those Last 10 Pounds

Personal goal setting is important when you want to reach a target weight in a certain amount of time. By setting a weight loss goal, you ...

The Relationship Between Weight Loss and Stress

When it comes to the subject of weight loss, stress levels are worth examining. If you are trying to lose weight and are dealing with too ...

3 Prescription Drugs That May Cause Weight Gain

Prescription drugs may trigger weight gain. This is especially frustrating news if you try to balance sensible eating with exercise for weight control. Obesity experts are ...

Fighting Obesity: Four Ways Your Lifestyle Could Be Making You Obese

Fighting obesity should be an important concern for you, especially since more than half of the US population today is considered overweight or obese.

5 Tips for Sticking to a Diet Plan

Losing weight is sometimes difficult, but there are some things that you can do that will make sticking to a diet plan a little easier. Ask ...

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