Fitness Nutrition Forums

Weight Loss

Water Workouts: 5 Styles of Swimming to Help You Lose Weight

Swimming is one of several low impact water workouts. This sport can help improve overall fitness, increase muscle tone and lead to weight loss. How Swimming ...

Make a Splash With These 5 Water Workouts

Water workouts may have numerous benefits and will help you reach your fitness goals, while you are also protecting your back and joints. When under water, ...

Eating Right to Fight Cellulite

While it is possible to fight cellulite with different workout regimens, it is also a possibility to control it with the kinds of foods you choose ...

Eating Late and Fast: Factors Contributing to Obesity

Eating late at night and rushing through meals are habits that can lead to obesity. Evenings can be a sedentary time for many people. The combination ...

3 Reasons to Avoid Eating Late

With increases in obesity on the rise, we are beginning to hear more and more about the importance of avoiding eating late at night. Eating late ...

Is Eating Late Bad for Your Diet?

If you are someone who refuses to eat after 8pm, you might be happy to know that eating late is not bad for your diet. Contrary ...

Two Workouts to Fight Cellulite

If you are looking to fight cellulite like so many other people in today's world, you will be happy to know that you don't have to ...

Free Weights and Stair Climbing: The Ultimate Upper and Lower Body Workout

When combining free weights with traditional stair climbing, you can create the ultimate upper and lower body workout. Stair climbing is a cardiovascular exercise that focuses ...

4 Healthy Thanksgiving Stuffing Substitutes

Thanksgiving stuffing is often thought of as one of the most common side dishes served at a Thanksgiving meal. However, stuffing is often loaded with high ...

How to Start and Stick with Your Diet

Starting your diet can sometimes be the hardest part of the weight loss process. Once you get a on a roll and put in place some ...

White Tea vs. Green Tea

White tea is a form of tea that is usually made with buds; in some instances, however, it can also be made from simply younger leaves ...

Sipping White Tea to Help with Weight Loss

Known for generations in China, white tea is fast becoming a new addition to grocery shops and markets everywhere. Along with white tea's health benefits, you ...

Late Night Snacking: 4 Reasons It's Ok

While sitting in front of the television right before bed, the urge to snack might strike and have you wandering into the kitchen to indulge in ...

Four Healthy Late Night Snacks

Finding healthy late night snacks is a good way to accomplish a number of goals. If you're looking to lose weight through dieting but you know ...

How Your Sleep Patterns May be Affecting Your Diet

Your diet and your sleep patterns are related. When you do not sleep enough, your body's physiology changes, which may lead to cravings and an over-consumption ...

How to Set Realistic Weight Loss Goals

When beginning a weight loss program, the first step you might take is to create monthly weight loss goals. Deciding how much weight you would like ...

How a Scoop of Cinnamon a Day Can Help You Lose Weight

Studies have shown that including a scoop of cinnamon into your daily diet can help you lose weight. A teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon ...

Barefoot Running: When It's Not a Good Idea

As the name suggests, barefoot running is a type of running style that is done without the addition of any kind of foot gear. While barefoot ...

Healthy Body Image: Do You Have One?

Women with a healthy body image tend to be in the minority. Studies show that a negative body image is quite common among women of all ...

Your Personal Body Image: How It Can Affect Your Weight

Your personal body image can have a profound affect on your weight in a number of ways. You can become dangerously overweight or underweight if you ...

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