Fitness Nutrition Forums

Medicine Ball: 5 Throw Exercises

Fitday Editor
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The medicine ball is an excellent tool to help you develop strength, coordination, balance, power and core stability. The ball can help individuals of all fitness levels train multiple muscles at once. The movements often combine balance and strength and utilize a wide variety of muscle groups. Below is a list of throw exercise to be completed with a medicine ball.

Exercise #1: Wall Throw

Stand facing a wall with feet shoulder-width apart. Raise arms overhead, clasp hands behind the head holding a medicine ball. The wall should be approximately 4 to 5 feet away from your body. Take a step forward with one of your feet and bring your arms up and over your head. Extend your arms out in front of your head towards the wall as you throw the ball. Release the ball towards the wall when elbows are almost straight. Aim to have the ball hit the wall 1 to 2 feet above the bottom of the wall.

Exercise #2: Side Throw

Stand with the wall to your right side, with feet hip-width apart. You should be holding a medicine ball with both hands on the hip of the leg opposite the wall. Shift your weight to the leg with the ball on the hip. Rotate your entire body 90 degrees as you release the ball from hip level towards the wall. As you rotate your body, you will want to shift your weight into the leg closest to the wall. Catch the ball as it bounces back towards you.

Exercise #3: Hammer Throw

Stand with the wall to your right side, with feet hip-width apart. Hold the ball positioned on the hip opposite the wall. Have the majority of your weight also in the leg opposite the wall. Shift your body weight into the leg closest to the wall and twist your torso as you release the ball at shoulder height on the wall side of your body. The motion of this exercise will have the ball beginning at your hip, crossing your torso and then exiting at shoulder level. Unlike the side throw, you will not rotate your entire body for this exercise.

Exercise #4: Slam

To complete this forceful throw, begin standing with feet shoulder-width apart with a medicine ball held over your head with both hands. Jump up and bring your arms down the front of your body towards your hips. Release the ball once your arms are almost completely lowered, throwing it down onto the floor directly between your feet. Catch the ball as it bounces up towards you.

Exercise #5: Squat Throw

Start with body in a squat position, feet shoulder-width apart and holding a medicine ball with both hands at your chest. Quickly jump straight up and stretch your arms up over your head. Release the ball, throwing it upwards, once your arms are extended straight over your head. Catch the ball as it comes back down towards you.

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